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HTTP response status codes

This article lists global HTTP response status codes and what they mean. It also includes extra description that generally applies to all PlayFab APIs.

Use this page as a reference guide to troubleshoot issues related to HTTP web requests. For specific descriptions that relate to a particular API, you have to go to the documentation page for that API.

If you're getting a status code that is not listed here, let us know on PlayFab forums and categorize your question under API and SDK questions.


Not every API can return all of the status codes listed below. There are APIs that only return some of the codes.

HTTP status code General description
100 Continue: Returned on HEAD requests
200 OK: Returned for all successful requests. May indicate partial success for bulk APIs.
201 Created: Request was successful and resource was created.
202 Accepted: Request was successful, processing will continue asynchronously.
204 No Content: API successful, but there is no response to be returned from the API.
400 Bad Request: Parameters in request where invalid or request payload structure was invalid. Do not retry.
401 Unauthorized: Caller is not authorized to either call the specific API or perform the action requested. Do not retry.
403 Forbidden: Caller is not allowed access. Do not retry.
404 Not Found: API does not exist. Do not retry.
408 Request Timeout: The request took too long to be sent to the server. Okay to retry using exponential backoff pattern.
409 Conflict: A concurrency error occurred between two API calls. Okay to retry using exponential backoff pattern.
413 Payload Too Large: The request is larger than the server is allowed to handle. Do not retry. If unexpected, contact support.
414 URI Too Long: The URI in the request is longer than the server is allowed to handle. Do not retry.
429 Too Many Requests: API calls are being rate limited. Pause and then retry request, check if API returned “Retry-After” header or retryAfter in JSON response for delay needed.
500 Internal Server Error: An error occurred on the PlayFab server. Okay to retry, contact support if problem persists.
501 Not Implemented: The API called has not been implemented yet. Do not retry.
502 Bad Gateway: PlayFab API servers are not available to process the request. Pause and then retry request using exponential backoff pattern.
503 Service Unavailable: PlayFab API servers are not available to process the request. Pause and then retry request using exponential backoff pattern.
504 Gateway Timeout: PlayFab API servers are not available to process the request. Pause and then retry request.

See also