IXtfDeployCallback::OnDeployInitialized Method

Callback invoked when deployment begins.


HRESULT OnDeployInitialized()  

Return value


Returns S_OK to continue deployment, or an HRESULT error code to cancel the deployment.


This callback is invoked once, to indicate that the deployment system has successfully initialized and is beginning the deployment process. If your code needs to store a starting time to measure deployment time, or to initialize a progress dialog, this is a good place to do it. For more information about when callbacks are invoked during the deployment process, see IXtfDeployCallback Interface.

As with the other callbacks for IXtfDeployCallback, the deployment process continues if this callback returns S_OK. If this callback returns any HRESULT error code, then the deployment process is canceled immediately. Files that have already been transferred or deleted remain as they are, and partially transferred files are closed in their truncated form. Another deployment must be completed to ensure that all files on the console are complete and up to date.


Header: xtfapplication.h

Library: xtfapplication.lib

Supported platforms: Windows (for Xbox console tools)

See also

IXtfDeployCallback Interface