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MicrosoftGame.config Element - Dependency

Specific framework package and version that are required to be installed ahead of the title. Attribute specification of name and MinVersion must be set.


This element's parent is the DependencyList element.


This element is optional and is not required to be set.


This element only pertains to PC devices.


  • Attributes are Name and MinVersion.
  • No default value.
  • Allowed values are the attributes Name and MinVersion.


  • Name attribute is package name of the dependency. It is expected to be an ASCII string between 3 and 50 characters.
  • MinVersion attribute is a four part version number (i.e. 11.0.61135.0).

Differences between Dependency and KnownDependency elements.

The KnownDependency element is intended to provide a simpler way to specificy common dependencies. Please refer to the schema for a list of allowed values. The KnownDependency element also uses a minimum verison by default and does not require this to be set.

The Dependency element requires specification of the full identity name of the framework package in addition to requiring a minimum version to be set.

We recommend using KnownDependency for common dependencies that are specified and only using Dependency if you want finer grain control of a specific framework package or framework package version.

See Also

MicrosoftGame.config Reference - Table of Contents