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Returns the system-generated ID for the ILampArray.


void GetDeviceId(
    APP_LOCAL_DEVICE_ID* deviceId)


deviceId  _Out_ Type: APP_LOCAL_DEVICE_ID*

A pointer to an APP_LOCAL_DEVICE_ID struct, into which the device ID will be copied.

Return value

Type: void


The application-local device ID is a special 32-byte value that uniquely identifies the device, even across restarts of the application or reboots of the system. This ID is also stable across disconnects and reconnects of wireless devices, and wired USB devices as long as they are plugged back into the same USB port.

For the initial release, this function will populate an all-zero value.


Header: LampArray.h

Library: xgameplatform.lib

Supported platforms: Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Lighting API Overview