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Setting Colors on a LampArray

All color update functions on ILampArray use the LampArrayColor struct to represent an RGBA color value.

The alpha value (LampArrayColor::a) represents the relative transparency of a color, where zero is fully transparent and 0xFF is fully opaque. If an alpha value other than 0xFF is used, the color will undergo an additional blending step against black. To avoid this blending step, do not pass in any alpha value other than 0xFF when setting colors.

ILampArray SetColor APIs are designed to be called from a single thread for best performance and Lamp state consistency.

Updating All Lamps

The ILampArray::SetColor method changes all Lamps on the device to match the desired color.

The following example registers a LampArray callback and sets the color of each attached device.

const LampArrayColor greenColor = { 0x0 /* r */, 0xFF /* g */, 0x0 /* b */, 0xFF /* a */};
std::vector<Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ILampArray>> lampArrays;

void MyLampArrayCallback(
    _In_opt_ void* context,
    bool isAttached,
    _In_ ILampArray* lampArray)
    if (isAttached)
        for (auto iter = lampArrays.begin(); iter != lampArrays.end(); )
            if (iter->Get() == lampArray)

void MainLoop(
    _In_ volatile bool & cancelMonitoring) noexcept
    if (SUCCEEDED(RegisterLampArrayCallback(
        nullptr /* context */,
        while (!cancelMonitoring)

        UnregisterLampArrayCallback(token, 5000);

Targeting Individual Lamps or Lamp Groups

ILampArray::SetColorsForIndices is used to update one or more Lamps of a LampArray. The Lamp indices passed into this API can be in any order.

The following example illustrates how to set alternating colors on all Lamps of a LampArray.

void SetAlternatingColors(ILampArray* lampArray)
    const LampArrayColor blueColor = { 0x0 /* r */, 0x0 /* g */, 0xFF /* b */, 0xFF /* a */};
    const LampArrayColor redColor = { 0xFF /* r */, 0x0 /* g */, 0x0 /* b */, 0xFF /* a */};

    const uint32_t lampCount = lampArray->GetLampCount();

    // Set up our index and color buffers
    std::vector<uint32_t> indicesBuffer(lampCount);
    std::vector<LampArrayColor> colorsBuffer(lampCount);

    // Populate the buffers
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lampCount; i++)
        // We will use all the Lamps for this update.
        indicesBuffer[i] = i;

        // Odd numbered indices will be red, even numbered indices will be blue
        if (i % 2 != 0)
            colorsBuffer[i] = redColor;
            colorsBuffer[i] = blueColor;

    // Apply the colors to the LampArray

The following example shows how to update colors for individual Lamps or groups of Lamps on a LampArray.

void MyCustomColorUpdate(ILampArray* lampArray)
    const LampArrayColor greenColor = { 0x0 /* r */, 0xFF /* g */, 0x0 /* b */, 0xFF /* a */};
    const LampArrayColor yellowColor = { 0xFF /* r */, 0xFF /* g */, 0x0 /* b */, 0xFF /* a */};
    const LampArrayColor whiteColor = { 0xFF /* r */, 0xFF /* g */, 0xFF /* b */, 0xFF /* a */};

    const uint32_t lampCount = lampArray->GetLampCount();

    // Set custom colors for a single lamp at index 4
    const uint32_t index = 4;
    lampArray->SetColorsForIndices(1, &index, &greenColor);

    // Simultaneously make Lamp 1 yellow and Lamp 3 white
    std::vector<uint32_t> indicesBuffer = { 1, 3 };
    std::vector<LampArrayColor> colorsBuffer = { yellowColor, whiteColor };

    // Apply the colors to the LampArray

Targeting Lamps Using Keyboard Scan Codes

ILampArray::SetColorsForScanCodes provides an easy way to set Lamp colors of specific keys on a LampArray keyboard. This can be useful for helping to teach users which keys to press in a tutorial setting, for example, or in showing game state related information on the keyboard.

The following example illustrates how to change the Lamp color of the WASD keys on a LampArray keyboard:

#define SC_W    0x11
#define SC_A    0x1E
#define SC_S    0x1F
#define SC_D    0x20

void UpdateWASDKeys(ILampArray* lampArray)
    const LampArrayColor blueColor = { 0x0 /* r */, 0x0 /* g */, 0xFF /* b */, 0xFF /* a */};
    const LampArrayColor yellowColor = { 0xFF /* r */, 0xFF /* g */, 0x0 /* b */, 0xFF /* a */};

    // Set the color for all lamps. We will override the WASD keys below.

    // Set up the buffer of scan codes for the Lamps we want to target
    std::vector<uint32_t> scanCodesBuffer = { SC_W, SC_A, SC_S, SC_D };

    // Create a matching buffer of LampArrayColors. In this example, we will set all of the WASD keys to yellow.
    std::vector<LampArrayColor> colorsBuffer;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < scanCodesBuffer.size(); i++)

    // Set the color for the WASD keys

See also

Lighting API Overview
ILampArray Reference