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Invoice factures processing and printing

An invoice-facture is a document that certifies the actual shipment of goods or services, and their cost. An invoice-facture is issued (sent) by the seller (contractor or performer) to the buyer (customer) after the buyer has accepted all the goods or services. An invoice-facture has two purposes.

  • Confirmation that the order or work has been completed
  • Confirmation of the amount of value-added tax (VAT) that was paid, so that the amount can be credited later

An invoice-facture can be processed in the following ways:

  • Based on a purchase order or sales order
  • Based on a posted vendor or customer invoice
  • Based on a purchase product receipt
  • Based on a sales packing slip
  • Based on a sales free-text invoice


Set up a number sequence for factures

  1. Go to Accounts receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parameters.
  2. On the Number sequences tab, select a number sequence code for the facture reference, and then assign the number sequence in the Number sequence code field.


Verify that the selected number sequence for factures is continuous (the Continuous flag on the General FastTab is selected).

  1. To override existing number sequence groups, select Group, and then select New to create a number sequence group. Then, in the lower part of the page, define the number sequence for facture.

On the All customers page, you can override number sequence groups in the Number sequence field on the Invoice and delivery FastTab.

Set up a tax settlement period

  1. Go to Tax > Indirect taxes > Sales tax > Sales tax settlement periods.
  2. On the Period intervals FastTab, verify that the required period is included.

Process and print invoice-factures for purchase orders

A purchase is completed when the invoice and facture are registered. Typically, transactions are created when the invoice is registered, and then the facture, which is the basis for VAT deduction, is created.

Process a facture without posting a purchase order invoice

You can process a facture before an invoice is posted. In this case, the invoice is automatically posted when the facture is processed.

  1. On the All purchase orders page, on the Action Pane, on the Invoice tab, in the Generate group, select Facture.
  2. In the upper part of the Update facture page, set the following fields:
  • Facture – Enter the facture number.
  • Date of the registration – Select the facture registration date.
  • Facture date – Select the facture creation date.


The facture creation date is the same as the facture registration date. You can change the value of this field only if you set the Same as option to No.

  1. In the lower part of the page, mark the invoices that should be included in the facture processing.
  2. On the Action Pane, select Posting > Update and print to post and print the facture. –or– Select Posting > Update to update the facture without printing it. –or– Select Posting > Print to print the facture without posting it.
  3. To review the posted facture, on the Action Pane, on the Invoice tab, in the Journals group, select Facture.


To post a facture for several purchase orders, on the Update facture page, select Select, and then select the orders that should be processed.

Process a facture based on the posted purchase order invoice

The steps in this procedure are basically the same as the steps in the previous procedure, Process a facture without posting a purchase order invoice. However, in step 1, you post the invoice from the purchase order in the standard way.

Process a facture based on the product receipt of a purchase order

You can post factures that are based on product receipts that include different types of order lines.

  1. Post the product receipt from the purchase order in the standard way.
  2. On the Purchase order page, on the Action Pane, on the Invoice tab, in the** Generate** group, select Facture.
  3. In the lower part of the page, mark the product receipt invoice or invoices that should be included, and then select OK to post the facture.

Process factures from the purchase invoice journal

You can process purchase factures from the list of all posted invoices.

  1. Go to Accounts payable > Inquiries and reports > Invoice > Invoice journal.
  2. Select the posted invoice to update the facture for, and then, on the Overview tab, select Create facture > Update facture.
  3. In the upper part of the Update facture page, on the Overview tab, in the Facture field, enter the facture number.
  4. In the Date of the registration field, select the facture registration date.
  5. In the Facture date field, select the facture creation date.


The facture creation date is the same as the facture registration date. You can change the value of this field only if you set the Same as option to No.

  1. In the lower part of the page, on the Invoice tab, select the To facture check box for the invoice or invoices for the facture.


If you don't want to create a facture for an invoice line, clear the To facture check box for that line on the Invoice lines tab.

  1. On the Action Pane, select Posting > Update and print to post and print the facture. –or– Select Posting > Update to update the facture without printing it. –or– Select Posting > Print to print the facture without posting it.

  2. You can view the facture that is created by selecting Facture on the Overview tab of the Invoice journal page.

View factures in the purchase facture journal

You can view and print factures on the Facture journal page (Accounts payable > Inquiries and reports > Facture). Select the facture, and then, on the Action Pane, select Print > Original to print the original facture select Print > Copy to print a copy, or select Delete to delete the facture.

The upper part of the page shows information about the facture information. This information includes the facture number, date of the registration, facture date, amount (including and excluding tax), sales tax amount, currency, and invoice account.

The lower part of the page shows information about the invoice lines on two tabs:

  • Overview – This tab shows the item code, product name, price unit quantity, amount in the transaction currency, price, and sales tax amount per line.
  • Product dimensions – This tab shows the site, warehouse, and product dimensions.

Process and print invoice-factures for sales orders

When an invoice is registered, transactions are created, and then the facture is generated. This process completes the sale.

Process a facture without posting the invoice for a sales order

You can process a facture without posting an invoice. In this case, the invoice is automatically posted when the facture is processed.

  1. On the All sales orders page, on the Action Pane, on the Invoice tab, in the Generate group, select Facture.
  2. In the upper part of the Update facture page, set the following fields:
  • Date of the registration – Select the facture registration date.
  • Facture date – Select the facture creation date.


The facture creation date is the same as the facture registration date. You can change the value of this field only if you set the Same as option to No.

  • Number sequence group – Select the number sequence group to allocate different number sequences to different customers or vendors.


The reference is used if alternative document numbering is applied for the facture.

  • Facture – (Optional) Select the free facture number if you previously deleted a facture. If you don't select the free facture number, the lowest free facture number will be assigned to the new facture. This behavior is standard for continuous numbering of number sequences.


If you didn't previously delete any factures, the Facture field isn't editable.

  1. In the lower part of the page, mark the invoice or invoices that should be included in the facture processing.

  2. On the Action Pane, select Posting > Update and print to post and print the facture. –or– Select Posting > Update to update the facture without printing it. –or– Select Posting > Print to print the facture without posting it.

  3. You can review the posted facture by selecting Facture in the Journals group on the Invoice tab of the Action Pane.


To post a facture for several sales orders, on the Update facture page, select Select, and then select the orders that should be processed.

Process a facture based on a posted invoice for a sales order

The steps in this procedure are basically the same as the steps in the previous procedure, Process a facture without posting the invoice for a sales order. However, in step 1, you post the invoice from the sales order in the standard way.

Process a facture based on packing slips for sales orders

You can post factures that are based on packing slips that include different types of order lines.

  1. Post the packing slip from the sales order in the standard way.
  2. On the Sales order page, on the Action Pane, on the Invoice tab, in the Generate group, select Facture.
  3. In the lower part of the page, mark the packing slip invoice or invoices that should be included, and then select OK to post the facture.


Sales order lines that are based on categories contain the customs cargo declaration (GTD) number, and the country or region of origin. These details are transferred to the facture journal when you update a facture for a sales order. As a result of facture posting, the system processes the invoice and posts the facture.

Process a facture based on recurring invoices

To run periodic facture creation, go to Accounts receivable > Invoices > Batch invoicing > Facture.

Process invoice-factures for a free text invoice

  1. Go to Accounts receivable > Invoices > All free text invoices.
  2. Select New to create a free text invoice, and enter the required details.
  3. Select Post to post the free text invoice.
  4. On the Action Pane, on the Invoice tab, in the Post group, select Update facture to create the facture.


You can process a facture without posting a free text invoice. In this case, the invoice is automatically posted when the facture is processed.**

Process invoice-factures from sales invoice journal

You can process sales factures from the list of all posted invoices.

  1. Go to Accounts receivable > Inquiries and reports > Invoices > Invoice journal.
  2. Select the invoice that is associated with the facture that must be updated, and then, on the Action Pane, on the Invoice tab, select Create facture > Update facture.
  3. In the Number sequence group field, select the number sequence group to allocate different number sequences to different customers or vendors.


The reference is used if an alternative document numbering is applied for the facture.

  1. In the Date of the registration field, select the facture registration date.
  2. In the Facture date field, select the facture creation date.


The facture creation date is the same as the facture registration date. You can change the value of this field only if you set the Same as option to No.

  1. In the lower part of the page, on the Invoice tab, use the To facture check box to select the invoice or invoices for the facture.


If you don't want to create a facture for an invoice line, clear the To facture check box for the line on the Invoice lines tab.

  1. On the Action Pane, select Posting > Update and print to update and print the facture. –or– Select Posting > Update to update the facture without printing it. –or– Select Posting > Print to print the facture without posting it.

  2. You can view the facture that is created by selecting Facture on the Overview tab of the Invoice journal page.

View factures in the sales facture journal

You can view and print all factures on the Facture journal page (Accounts receivable > Inquiries and reports > Facture). Select the facture, and then, on the Action Pane, select Print > Original to print original facture, select Print > Copy to print a copy, or select Delete to delete the facture.

The upper part of the page shows information about the facture. This information includes, the facture number, date of the registration, facture date, amount (including and excluding tax), tax amount, currency, and invoice account.

The lower part of the page shows information about the invoice lines. This information includes the invoice number, item code, category, product name, price, unit quantity, amount in the transaction currency, and price. The Overview tab shows the sales tax amount per line, and the Product dimensions tab shows the site, warehouse, and other product dimension information.