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Fixed asset counting (Russia)

The procedure for counting fixed assets is regulated by legislative acts and is one of the procedures that help control the safety of a company's property. Essentially, in fixed asset counting, the actual presence of values (money, equipment, buildings, and obligations) is compared with accounting data.

As a rule, fixed asset counting is done before the annual reporting. To register fixed asset counting, follow these steps.

  1. Select Fixed assets (Russia) > Journals > Periodic journals > FA counting.

  2. Select New to create a journal.

  3. In the Counting start date field, set a date.

  4. In the Fixed asset journal name field, select a journal name. This journal name is used to create the Fixed asset journal when the counting journal is closed.

  5. In the FA location field, enter the department that fixed asset counting is being done in.

    The Counting end date field is automatically set when the Fixed asset counting journal is closed. It can't be manually updated.

    The Journal number field is automatically set if the corresponding number sequence is set up and used in printing forms.

  6. On the General tab, enter values in the First responsible and Second responsible fields.

  7. On the Setup tab, set the Quantity initialization by fact option to Yes. The Actual quantity field is automatically set to the value of Accounting quantity field in the journal line when this option is set to Yes.

  8. Select Lines.

  9. In the FA counting line creation dialog box, in the Accounting field, select the value model that the fixed asset counting is being done on.

  10. If you must select fixed assets for counting, on the Records to include FastTab, select Filter, and then set a filter.

  11. Select OK. The FA counting lines page is opened. This page shows which fixed assets were found, based on the filter that you set.

    The Accounting quantity field shows the accounting quantity. This field is always set to 1.

  12. If you set the Quantity initialization by fact option to Yes in step 7, the Actual quantity field is automatically set to 1, the value of Accounting quantity field. If you set the option to No, enter a value in the Actual quantity field.

  13. If any fixed assets weren't found during the counting process, you must set the Actual quantity field to 0 (zero) for them. If any fixed assets were found but aren't listed on the FA counting lines page, you must create new lines for them. Previously, you had to create fixed asset record in the system (Fixed assets (Russia) > Fixed assets).

  14. On the FA counting lines page, select New to create a line.

  15. In the Counting lines creation dialog box, in the FA inventory number field, select the fixed asset. In the Value model field, select the value model. Then select OK.

  16. In the Actual quantity field, enter 1.

  17. When you've finished making corrections, close the FA counting lines page.

  18. On the FA counting page, on the Action Pane, select Close.

  19. In the Closing of inventory journal dialog box, specify the closing date and the value model.

  20. Select OK.

    If there were line corrections, the FA journal button on the Action Pane of the FA counting page becomes available.

  21. Select FA journal to open the Fixed asset journal, which includes the fixed asset transactions for posting.

    On the Journal voucher page, the transactions are automatically created. The transactions have a transaction type of Writing-off if they were not found during the counting process (but there is record in the system). If they were found but there is no record in the system, they have a transaction type of Putting into operation.

  22. Select Post > Post.

  23. To view the posted transactions, on the Journal voucher page, select Inquiries > Transactions.

  24. On the FA counting page, select Reports to print reports. You can print the following reports:

    • INV-1 is used to register the results of counting the company's fixed assets. During the counting process, the commission examines the fixed assets and fixes them in unified primary document form INV-1.
    • INV-1a - is used to to register the results of counting the company's intangible assets.
    • Collation statement – INV-18 is a unified form that is used to document discrepancies between inventory results and accounting data on both fixed assets (FP) and intangible assets (NMA).