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Daily operations for advance holders in Russia

This article provides information about daily operations for advance holders for Russia. These operations include handling cash and closing balances.

Create and post disbursement slips for advance holders

Use this procedure to create and post disbursement slips that have advance holder details. The advance holder balances are posted to the related employee balance account.

  1. Select Cash and bank management > Cash transactions > Slip journal.
  2. Select New to create a slip journal.
  3. On the Lines page, in the Offset account type column, select Advance holder. Then select an advance holder in the Offset account column, and enter the amount in the Credit column.
  4. Approve and post the disbursement slip.
  5. To inquire about the related transactions and advance holder balance, select Accounts payable > Advance holders > Advance holders, select an employee, and then select either Transactions or Balance.

Create and post vendor invoices that have advance holder details

Use this procedure to create and post vendor invoices that have advance holder details. The advance holder balances are posted to the employee balance account instead of the vendor balance account.

  1. Select Accounts payable > Purchase orders > All purchase orders.

  2. Select New to create a purchase order. For more information, see Create a purchase order.

  3. On the Purchase order page, switch to the Header view.

  4. On the Price and discount FastTab, in the Terms of payment field, select the payment terms.


    Select payment terms where the From advance holder option is set to Yes on the Terms of payment page.

  5. In the Advance holder field, select the advance holder for the purchase order.

  6. Enter all the required line details, and then select Purchase > Actions > Confirm to confirm the purchase order.

  7. Select Invoice > Generate > Invoice to create a vendor invoice for the purchase order.

  8. On the Vendor invoice page, in the Invoice identification field group, in the Number field, enter the invoice number.

  9. Select Post to post the invoice, and then close the page.

  10. Select Accounts payable > Inquiries and reports > Advance holders inquires and reports > Transactions to view related advance holder transactions.

  11. Select Voucher to open the Voucher transactions page. The vendor balance account is replaced by the employee balance account, and the Posting type field is updated to Employee balance.

Create and post advance reports

Use these procedures to create, modify, post, inquire about, and print advance reports.

Create an advance report

  1. Select Accounts payable > Advance holders > Advance report.

  2. Select New to create an advance report. Alternatively, you can create an advance report directly from the Advance holders page by selecting New > Advance report.

  3. In the Date field, enter the advance report date.

    The advance report number is automatically generated in Advance report field, based on the number sequence that is defined in the parameters.

  4. In the Employee number field group, select an advance holder.

  5. In the Advance purpose field, enter the purpose of the advance.

  6. Switch to the Header view.

  7. On the Options FastTab, define confirmation dates.

  8. On the Officials FastTab, define responsible managers.

Generate advance report lines from expenses

  1. Switch to the Lines view.

  2. Select Copy from expends to open the Create advance report lines page. This page shows all the expense types that were previously defined in the parameters.

  3. Select an expense line.

  4. In the Date field, enter the date of the transaction.

  5. In the Document number field, enter the number of the confirmed disbursement voucher.


    The values in the Document name, Rate, and Currency fields are automatically taken from the expense rates dictionary.

  6. In the Quantity of days field, enter the number of days of the business trip.

  7. In the To weekday field, enter the daily expense amount.


    The Total amount field shows the total expense amount.

  8. Select Save to transfer the entries to the Advance report page.


    The value in the Ledger account field is based on the setup of expense rate posting. If the actual expense exceeds the established rates, a supplementary line for the excess amount is created when the expenses are transferred to the advance report. In this situation, the Over rate check box is automatically selected. The Line type field of the advance report that is generated by using the Copy from expends function is set to Expense.

Generate advance report lines from sources

  1. Switch to the Lines view.

  2. Select Copy from sources to open the Create lines page. This page shows a list of the advance holder's documents (credit transactions) where the date coincides with the advance report date.


    In the upper pane, the Source type field shows the identification type of the original document. The source for the Facture type is the purchase order, and the source for the Accounts payable type is the vendor transaction. The Amount in transaction currency field shows the total amount in the secondary currency of the transaction, the Currency field shows the currency code, and the Amount field shows the amount in the company's standard currency. In the lower pane, the Number field shows the number of the vendor's facture. The Description field shows the item name. The Currency field shows the voucher currency, the Amount in transaction currency field shows the line amount, and the Sales tax amount in currency field shows the sales tax amount.

  3. In the upper pane, select the Mark check boxes to select the documents that should be copied.

  4. Select OK to transfer the expense data to the advance report.

    In the Document number field of the advance report, the number of the source facture is copied if the Line Type field of the advance report is set to Facture. If the Line Type field is set to Vendor, the number of the transaction is copied.


    You can't edit the Amount, Currency, and Main account fields.

Manually generate advance report lines

Use this procedure to manually generate and post advance report lines. You can distribute the expense amount among different ledger dimensions. You can then view the ledger entries and verify the distribution of the expense amount.

  1. On the Advance report lines FastTab, select Add line to create a line.

  2. In the Disbursement date field, enter the date of the document that describes the expense.

  3. In the Document number field, enter the number of the confirming document.

  4. In the Document name field, enter the name of the confirming document.

  5. In the Currency field, select the currency that is used for the transaction.

  6. In the Amount field, enter the amount that is spent for the transaction.


    The amount should be positive. Don't enter a negative amount on advance report lines. Instead, select Rejection or Close via cash/Close via bank.

  7. In the Confirmed amount of advance report field, enter the confirmed expense for the advance report.

  8. In the Main account field, select the general ledger account that the expense belongs to.

  9. Select Distribute amounts to open the Accounting distributions page.

  10. In the Distributed by field, select whether amounts should be distributed by extended price or discount percentage. You can create distributions in the following ways:

    • To create multiple distributions that have the same quantity, percentage, or amount distribution, select Split for each distribution. Select a ledger account for each distribution, and then select Distribute equally.
    • To create one distribution at a time, select Split. Select the ledger account to distribute the invoice line to, and then enter the quantity, percentage, or amount to distribute. For example, if you selected Percent in the Distributed by field, enter a percentage in the Percent field.
  11. Select Save, and then close the Accounting distributions page.

  12. On the Line details FastTab, on the Setup tab, in the Sales tax group field, select the code for the sales tax group for the advance report.

  13. In the Item sales tax group field, select the code for the item sales tax group for the advance report.

  14. Set the Prices include sales tax option to Yes to indicate that the amount on the advance report includes sales tax.

Post an advance report

Use this procedure to post an advance report when all the advance report header and lines details are completed.

  • On the Action Pane, select Post > Post to post the advance report.

Use this procedure to print an advance report that has been posted. You can print an advance report after an advance invoice that is issued to an advance holder is settled.


The amounts on the Advance reports page are recalculated on the date when the payment journal for the advance holder is posted.

  1. On the Action Pane, select Print > Print to open the Advance report page.
  2. Select OK to print the advance report in Microsoft Excel format.

Reject an advance report

You can reject advance reports that have been posted and that have a status of Posted. These reports should not have been settled. Factures aren't created for these reports.

  1. Select an advance report, and then, on the Action Pane, select Post > Rejection.

  2. Select Yes to confirm the action.

  3. The status of the advance report is set to Rejected.


    When an advance report is rejected, reversed transactions are created for the advance holder. The Reversed option is automatically set to Yes on the Advance holder transactions page. The transactions are automatically settled and reversed.

  4. Close the page.

  5. Select Accounts payable > Advance holders > Advance holders.

  6. Select Transactions to open the Advance holder transactions page.

  7. Select a transaction, select Voucher, and verify that the Correction option is automatically set to Yes.

You can verify the distribution of expenses for the reversed transaction. Reversed or storno accounting transactions are distributed like the original transactions. However, the distributions for reversed or storno accounting transactions have a negative sign.

Close balances for an advance holder

You can close balances for an advance holder through cash or a bank.

Close balances through cash

  1. Select Accounts payable > Inquiries and reports > Advance holders inquiries and reports > Balance.

  2. In the To date field, enter the date to get advance holder balances for.

  3. Select Close via cash to open the Close via cash page.

  4. In the Date of payment field, enter the date of payment.

  5. In the Amount to be transferred field, enter the balance amount during closing.


    By default, this field shows the amount from the Amount field on the Balance page.

  6. Set the Automatic option to Yes to automatically create and post the slip journal.


    If you set the Automatic option to No, a journal is automatically created, and the journal number is shown. You must then manually post this journal.

  7. Select OK to generate the slip journal.


    After the slip journal is processed, either a disbursement slip or a reimbursement slip is generated for the advance holder when the balances are closed. If the amount in the Amount to be transferred field is negative, a disbursement slip is generated. If the amount in the Amount to be transferred field is positive, a reimbursement slip is generated.

  8. Close the page.

Close balances through a bank

The procedure for closing balances through a bank resembles the previous procedure for closing balances through cash. However, in step 3, you select Close via bank instead of Close via cash. You can set up the code for the journal and the bank on the Advance holders tab on the Accounts payable parameters page.

Complete the settlement for an advance holder

You can complete either a manual settlement or a periodic settlement for an advance holder. If you set the Automatic settlement option to No on the Accounts payable parameters page, you must settle the posting or closing transactions either manually or by using the periodic settlement function.

Manually settle advance holder transactions

Use this procedure to manually settle advance holder transactions.

  1. Select Accounts payable > Advance holders > Advance holders.

  2. Select an advance holder.

  3. Select Settle > Settle open transactions to open the Open-transaction editing in several currencies page. The upper pane shows debit transactions for the advance holder, and the lower pane shows credit transactions.

  4. In the upper and lower panes, select the Mark check boxes to select transactions. The Balance field shows the balances after the transactions are settled.

  5. Select Update to complete the settlement.

  6. Close the page.

  7. On the Advance holders page, select Settlements to open the Transaction settlements page, where you can verify the completed settlements.


    If exchange adjustments occur when advance holder transactions are settled, exchange adjustment transactions are generated from the settlement. The exchange rate adjustment is shown in the Exchange rate adjustment amount field on the Transaction settlements page.

  8. Close the page.

  9. Select Accounts payable > Advance holders > Advance reports.

  10. Select the advance report that is created for the selected advance holder.

  11. On the Financials tab, select View distributions to verify that the distribution of the expense amount is correct.

Periodically settle advance holder transactions

Use this procedure to periodically settle advance holder transactions. When you use the periodic settlement function, all open transactions are settled in chronological order.

  1. Select Accounts payable > Periodic tasks > Advance holders > Periodic settlement.
  2. In the Date of transaction field, select the advance holder transaction date. All transactions that were posted before this date will be settled.
  3. Set the Settlement by profile option to Yes to settle transactions that have identical posting profiles.
  4. On the Records to include FastTab, define additional filtering for settlement.
  5. Select OK to settle the transactions.

Cancel a periodic settlement

Use this procedure to cancel a periodic settlement for advance holder transactions.

  1. Select Accounts payable > Periodic tasks > Advance holders > Periodic reverse.
  2. In the Date of transaction field, select the advance holder transaction date. All transactions that were settled before this date will be reversed.
  3. On the Records to include FastTab, define additional filtering for the transactions to cancel settlements for.
  4. Select OK to cancel the periodic settlement.