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Archive Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Inventory transactions data

This article explains how to archive Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Inventory transactions.

The Archive with Dataverse long term retention feature optimizes storage and system performance by moving InventTransArchive records to a Microsoft Azure data lake and replicating corresponding records to the InventTransArchiveHistory table. Records in the InventTransArchive table represent inventory transactions that have already been consolidated (see also Consolidate inventory transactions).


Before you can use this feature, you must enable it for your system and consolidate the transactions that you want to archive, as described in the following subsections.

Turn on the features in Supply Chain Management

If your system doesn't already include the features described in this article, go to the Feature management workspace and turn on the following feature:

  • Archive with Dataverse long term retention – This feature moves archived inventory transactions from the InventTransArchive table to Dataverse long term retention and replicates the data to the InventTransArchiveHistory table.

Considerations before you purge inventory transactions

  • The Reverse function of the Inventory transaction consolidation feature isn't available for purged inventory transaction records.
  • The unpurge activity isn't available from the Dataverse long term retention to Supply Chain Management.

Consolidate inventory transactions before you purge

The purge operation can only move consolidated transaction records. Follow the instructions provided in Consolidate inventory transactions before you proceed with the purge operation.

Set up an archival job

To move InventTransArchive records to the Dataverse long term retention, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Workspaces > Archive with Dataverse long term retention > Inventory transactions.
  2. Select New long term retention job to open the Long term retention job creation wizard.
  3. Enter a name for the job, and then select Next.
  4. Select the period that was processed by the Inventory transaction consolidation feature, and then select Next.
  5. Enter the start date and time of the long term retention job, and then select Next.
  6. Review the job details, and create the long term retention job.

You receive a message that the long term retention job has been created. The archived records are purged on the scheduled date.

View the status of the long term retention job

To view the results of the long term retention job, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Workspaces > Archive > Inventory transactions.
  2. A list of long term retention jobs is shown. Select the job where the Job status field is set to Completed.
  3. Under Results, select the link.
  4. View the Inventory transactions archive progress information.
  5. Select View detailed logs to view the Archive job message log. This log describes the steps of the long term retention job in detail.

View historical data

When the long term retention job moves archived inventory transactions from the InventTransArchive table to the Dataverse long term retention, the same data is replicated to the InventTransArchiveHistory table. To view the historical data in the InventTransArchiveHistory table, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Workspaces > Archive > Inventory transactions.
  2. A list of long term retention jobs is shown. Select the job where the Job status field is set to Completed.
  3. Select View historical data to view the data in the InventTransArchiveHistory table.