createSession (app profile manager)
Creates a session based on a session template and returns the unique identifier of the session.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SessionInput | String | Yes | JSON input properties of the session to be created. |
The structure of the JSON SessionInput
parameter is as follows:
* Returns the name of the template used in the session
templateName: string;
* additional information for session creation
sessionContext: Map<string, string>;
* will focus after session is created
isFocused?: boolean;
Return value
Session identifier as String.
These examples use the createSession
method to create a new session passing an entity record identifier and a session template as parameters.
Create a basic session
Creates a new session passing the incident as entity name, incident Id as entityId, and unique name of the session template as templateName.
The user invoking these methods must be assigned to an app profile that contains the session template.
x=new Map();
x.set("parametersStr", '[["entityName", "incident"], ["entityId", "11bb11bb-cc22-dd33-ee44-55ff55ff55ff"]]');
Microsoft.Apm.createSession({templateName: "case_entity_session_default_template", sessionContext: x});
Create a session that is not in focus
x=new Map();
x.set("parametersStr", '[["entityName", "incident"], ["entityId", "22cc22cc-dd33-ee44-ff55-66aa66aa66aa"]]');
Microsoft.Apm.createSession({templateName: "case_entity_session_default_template", sessionContext: x, isFocused: false});