Generate electronic invoices in the Mexican version

In Business Central, after you post a sales invoice, you must generate an electronic invoice that is sent to the customer. You can also export the electronic invoice as an XML file, which you can save to a specified location.

The following procedure describes how to generate electronic invoices for sales invoices, but the same steps also apply the following documents:

  • Sales credit memos
  • Sales shipments
  • Transfer shipments
  • Service invoices
  • Service credit memos

Generate electronic invoices for sales invoices

  1. Choose the Tell Me feature icon, enter Posted Sales Invoice, and then choose the related link.

  2. Select the posted invoice.


    If you're canceling the posted document, you must specify a reason for the cancellation in the CFDI Cancellation Reason field, and you must specify which document substitutes the canceled document in the Substitution Document No. field. Hover over a field to read a short description.

  3. Choose the Send Electronic Document action, and then specify if you want to also request a digital stamp for the document.

    If you choose Request Stamp, the posted invoice is digitally signed by your PAC, and you can then send the posted invoice afterwards. If you choose Request Stamp and Send, the posted invoice is digitally signed and sent in one step.

    An email is sent to the customer with the electronic invoice attached as an XML file. If you selected the Send PDF Report field on the General Ledger Setup page, a PDF is included with the XML file.

    You can view of the status of the electronic invoice on the Shipping & Billing FastTab.

  4. Optionally, choose the Export E-Document as XML action. Select the location where you want to save the electronic invoice as an XML file.

To verify the electronic invoice activity, on the Posted Sales Invoice page, on the Invoicing FastTab, the Electronic Document Sent and No. of E-Document Submissions fields are updated.


Your implementation may differ.

Receive payments

Mexican companies must be able to receive payments in accordance with CFDI Withholdings and Payment Information version 2.0. To receive payment in accordance with CFDI version 2.0, no additional settings are necessary because the required data will already be included in the customer invoices. You can't stamp a payment that is applied to an invoice that doesn't have a stamp.


The current version of Business Central supports receipt of customer payment information in accordance with CFDI version 2.0. However, withholding receipt is currently not supported in the default version of Business Central.

Stamp the payment

  1. Choose the Tell Me feature icon, enter Customer Ledger Entries, and then choose the related link.
  2. Find a payment that you applied to the electronic invoice, and then select this line.
  3. Choose the Send action, and then specify if you want to also request a digital stamp for the payment.

Register export (Comercio Exterior Complement)

The Comercio Exterior Complement is an annex to the electronic invoice. It identifies importers and exporters and improves the description of the merchandise that is traded. The Comercio Exterior Complement is a key obligation for taxpayers who export merchandise.

To set up Comercio Exterior Complement, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the Tell Me feature icon, enter General Ledger Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Electronic Invoice FastTab, in the USD Currency Code field, choose the USD currency you want to use. It can be different than USD. For example, it might be USD-CFDI.
  3. Choose the Tell Me feature icon, enter Units of Measure, and then choose the related link.
  4. In the SAT Customs Unit field, choose the unit of measure from the SAT Custom Units table for foreign trade operations.

To create Comercio Exterior Complement:

  1. Choose the Tell Me feature icon, enter Sales Invoices, and then choose the related link.

  2. Create a sales invoice with all details ready for export.

  3. In the CFDI Export Code field, choose a value related to your type of export. Validation of this field sets values on the Foreign Trade FastTab, but you can change it. For example, if the CFDI Export Code contains 04 as a value. The Foreign Trade is also used for Carta Porte Complement.

  4. If you configure a foreign trade invoice, you must fill in the following fields.

    Field Description
    Transit-to Location Specifies the customer’s location with their address and postal code.
    SAT International Trade Terms (Incoterms) You can specify one of the options from the new Incoterms catalog.
    Exchange Rate USD (reversed value for Currency Factor) This value is assigned from the USD Currency Code exchange rates. You can change this value if needed.
  5. After posting the document and getting a stamp, you'll get an XML file with the Comercio Exterior Complement.


If you want to create an invoice for foreign trade, the CFDI Export Code field must be different from 01 because that value is used for domestic invoices only.

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