company resource type

Represents a company in Business Central.


For information about enabling APIs for Business Central see Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central.


Method Return Type Description
GET company company Gets a company object.
Navigation Return Type Description
items items Gets the items of the company.
inventoryPostingGroups inventoryPostingGroups Gets the inventorypostinggroups of the company.
generalProductPostingGroups generalProductPostingGroups Gets the generalproductpostinggroups of the company.
unitsOfMeasure unitsOfMeasure Gets the unitsofmeasure of the company.
pictures pictures Gets the pictures of the company.
defaultDimensions defaultDimensions Gets the defaultdimensions of the company.
itemVariants itemVariants Gets the itemvariants of the company.
documentAttachments documentAttachments Gets the documentattachments of the company.
customers customers Gets the customers of the company.
customerFinancialDetails customerFinancialDetails Gets the customerfinancialdetails of the company.
agedAccountsReceivables agedAccountsReceivables Gets the agedaccountsreceivables of the company.
contactsInformation contactsInformation Gets the contactinformation of the company.
contacts contacts Gets the contacts of the company.
vendors vendors Gets the vendors of the company.
agedAccountsPayables agedAccountsPayables Gets the agedaccountspayables of the company.
companyInformation companyInformation Gets the companyinformation of the company.
salesInvoices salesInvoices Gets the salesinvoices of the company.
dimensionSetLines dimensionSetLines Gets the dimensionsetlines of the company.
salesInvoiceLines salesInvoiceLines Gets the salesinvoicelines of the company.
locations locations Gets the locations of the company.
pdfDocument pdfDocument Gets the pdfdocument of the company.
attachments attachments Gets the attachments of the company.
customerPaymentJournals customerPaymentJournals Gets the customerpaymentjournals of the company.
customerPayments customerPayments Gets the customerpayments of the company.
accounts accounts Gets the accounts of the company.
taxGroups taxGroups Gets the taxgroups of the company.
journals journals Gets the journals of the company.
journalLines journalLines Gets the journallines of the company.
employees employees Gets the employees of the company.
timeRegistrationEntries timeRegistrationEntries Gets the timeregistrationentries of the company.
generalLedgerEntries generalLedgerEntries Gets the generalledgerentries of the company.
currencies currencies Gets the currencies of the company.
paymentMethods paymentMethods Gets the paymentmethods of the company.
dimensions dimensions Gets the dimensions of the company.
dimensionValues dimensionValues Gets the dimensionvalues of the company.
paymentTerms paymentTerms Gets the paymentterms of the company.
shipmentMethods shipmentMethods Gets the shipmentmethods of the company.
itemCategories itemCategories Gets the itemcategories of the company.
cashFlowStatements cashFlowStatements Gets the cashflowstatements of the company.
countriesRegions countriesRegions Gets the countriesregions of the company.
salesOrders salesOrders Gets the salesorders of the company.
salesOrderLines salesOrderLines Gets the salesorderlines of the company.
retainedEarningsStatements retainedEarningsStatements Gets the retainedearningsstatements of the company.
balanceSheets balanceSheets Gets the balancesheets of the company.
trialBalances trialBalances Gets the trialbalances of the company.
incomeStatements incomeStatements Gets the incomestatements of the company.
taxAreas taxAreas Gets the taxareas of the company.
salesQuotes salesQuotes Gets the salesquotes of the company.
salesQuoteLines salesQuoteLines Gets the salesquotelines of the company.
salesCreditMemos salesCreditMemos Gets the salescreditmemos of the company.
salesCreditMemoLines salesCreditMemoLines Gets the salescreditmemolines of the company.
purchaseInvoices purchaseInvoices Gets the purchaseinvoices of the company.
purchaseInvoiceLines purchaseInvoiceLines Gets the purchaseinvoicelines of the company.
projects projects Gets the projects of the company.
bankAccounts bankAccounts Gets the bankaccounts of the company.
vendorPayments vendorPayments Gets the vendorpayments of the company.
applyVendorEntries applyVendorEntries Gets the applyvendorentries of the company.
vendorPaymentJournals vendorPaymentJournals Gets the vendorpaymentjournals of the company.
salesShipments salesShipments Gets the salesshipments of the company.
salesShipmentLines salesShipmentLines Gets the salesshipmentlines of the company.
purchaseReceipts purchaseReceipts Gets the purchasereceipts of the company.
purchaseReceiptLines purchaseReceiptLines Gets the purchasereceiptlines of the company.
purchaseOrders purchaseOrders Gets the purchaseorders of the company.
purchaseOrderLines purchaseOrderLines Gets the purchaseorderlines of the company.
itemLedgerEntries itemLedgerEntries Gets the itemledgerentries of the company.
opportunities opportunities Gets the opportunities of the company.
customerReturnReasons customerReturnReasons Gets the customerreturnreasons of the company.
purchaseCreditMemos purchaseCreditMemos Gets the purchasecreditmemos of the company.
purchaseCreditMemoLines purchaseCreditMemoLines Gets the purchasecreditmemolines of the company.
currencyExchangeRates currencyExchangeRates Gets the currencyexchangerates of the company.
accountingPeriods accountingPeriods Gets the accountingperiods of the company.
generalLedgerSetup generalLedgerSetup Gets the generalledgersetup of the company.
disputeStatus disputeStatus Gets the disputestatus of the company.
fixedAssetLocations fixedAssetLocations Gets the fixedassetlocations of the company.
fixedAssets fixedAssets Gets the fixedassets of the company.
customerSales customerSales Gets the customersales of the company.
vendorPurchases vendorPurchases Gets the vendorpurchases of the company.


Property Type Description
id GUID The unique ID of the company. Non-editable.
systemVersion string Specifies the internal version of the company.
timestamp int64
name string Represents the company's name.
displayName string Specifies the company's name. This name will appear on all sales documents for the company.
businessProfileId string Specifies the Business Profile ID linked to the company.
systemCreatedAt datetime The datetime the company was created.
systemCreatedBy GUID The ID of the user who created the company.
systemModifiedAt datetime The last datetime the company was modified.
systemModifiedBy GUID The ID of the user who last modified the company.

JSON representation

Here is a JSON representation of the company resource.

    "id": "GUID",
    "systemVersion": "string",
    "timestamp": "int64",
    "name": "string",
    "displayName": "string",
    "businessProfileId": "string",
    "systemCreatedAt": "datetime",
    "systemCreatedBy": "GUID",
    "systemModifiedAt": "datetime",
    "systemModifiedBy": "GUID"

GET company