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Procedura: utilizzare Parallel.Invoke per eseguire operazioni in parallelo

Questo esempio mostra come parallelizzare le operazioni usando Invoke in Task Parallel Library. Vengono eseguite tre operazioni in un'origine dati condivisa. Le operazioni possono essere eseguite in parallelo in modo semplice, perché nessuna delle operazioni modifica l'origine.


Questa documentazione usa espressioni lambda per definire delegati in TPL. Se non si ha familiarità con le espressioni lambda in C# o Visual Basic, vedere Espressioni lambda in PLINQ e TPL.


namespace ParallelTasks
    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Net;

    class ParallelInvoke
        static void Main()
            // Retrieve Goncharov's "Oblomov" from
            string[] words = CreateWordArray(@"");

            #region ParallelTasks
            // Perform three tasks in parallel on the source array
                () =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Begin first task...");
                },  // close first Action

                () =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Begin second task...");
                }, //close second Action

                () =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Begin third task...");
                    GetCountForWord(words, "sleep");
                } //close third Action
            ); //close parallel.invoke

            Console.WriteLine("Returned from Parallel.Invoke");

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");

        #region HelperMethods
        private static void GetCountForWord(string[] words, string term)
            var findWord = from word in words
                where word.ToUpper().Contains(term.ToUpper())
                select word;

            Console.WriteLine($@"Task 3 -- The word ""{term}"" occurs {findWord.Count()} times.");

        private static void GetMostCommonWords(string[] words)
            var frequencyOrder = from word in words
                where word.Length > 6
                group word by word into g
                orderby g.Count() descending
                select g.Key;

            var commonWords = frequencyOrder.Take(10);

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.AppendLine("Task 2 -- The most common words are:");
            foreach (var v in commonWords)
                sb.AppendLine("  " + v);

        private static string GetLongestWord(string[] words)
            var longestWord = (from w in words
                orderby w.Length descending
                select w).First();

            Console.WriteLine($"Task 1 -- The longest word is {longestWord}.");
            return longestWord;

        // An http request performed synchronously for simplicity.
        static string[] CreateWordArray(string uri)
            Console.WriteLine($"Retrieving from {uri}");

            // Download a web page the easy way.
            string s = new WebClient().DownloadString(uri);

            // Separate string into an array of words, removing some common punctuation.
            return s.Split(
                new char[] { ' ', '\u000A', ',', '.', ';', ':', '-', '_', '/' },
//        The example displays output like the following:
//              Retrieving from
//              Begin first task...
//              Begin second task...
//              Begin third task...
//              Task 2 -- The most common words are:
//              Oblomov
//              himself
//              Schtoltz
//              Gutenberg
//              Project
//              another
//              thought
//              Oblomov's
//              nothing
//              replied
//              Task 1 -- The longest word is incomprehensible.
//              Task 3 -- The word "sleep" occurs 57 times.
//              Returned from Parallel.Invoke
//              Press any key to exit
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Threading.Tasks

Module ParallelTasks
    Sub Main()
        ' Retrieve Goncharov's "Oblomov" from
        Dim words As String() = CreateWordArray("")

        '#Region "ParallelTasks"
        ' Perform three tasks in parallel on the source array
                            Console.WriteLine("Begin first task...")
                            ' close first Action
                        End Sub,
                Console.WriteLine("Begin second task...")
                'close second Action
            End Sub,
                Console.WriteLine("Begin third task...")
                GetCountForWord(words, "sleep")
                'close third Action
            End Sub)
        'close parallel.invoke
        Console.WriteLine("Returned from Parallel.Invoke")
        '#End Region

        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit")
    End Sub

#Region "HelperMethods"
    Sub GetCountForWord(ByVal words As String(), ByVal term As String)
        Dim findWord = From word In words
                       Where word.ToUpper().Contains(term.ToUpper())
                       Select word

        Console.WriteLine($"Task 3 -- The word ""{term}"" occurs {findWord.Count()} times.")
    End Sub

    Sub GetMostCommonWords(ByVal words As String())
        Dim frequencyOrder = From word In words
                             Where word.Length > 6
                             Group By word
                             Into wordGroup = Group, Count()
                             Order By wordGroup.Count() Descending
                             Select wordGroup

        Dim commonWords = From grp In frequencyOrder
                          Select grp
                          Take (10)

        Dim s As String
        s = "Task 2 -- The most common words are:" & vbCrLf
        For Each v In commonWords
            s = s & v(0) & vbCrLf
    End Sub

    Function GetLongestWord(ByVal words As String()) As String
        Dim longestWord = (From w In words
                           Order By w.Length Descending
                           Select w).First()

        Console.WriteLine($"Task 1 -- The longest word is {longestWord}.")
        Return longestWord
    End Function

    ' An http request performed synchronously for simplicity.
    Function CreateWordArray(ByVal uri As String) As String()
        Console.WriteLine($"Retrieving from {uri}")

        ' Download a web page the easy way.
        Dim s As String = New WebClient().DownloadString(uri)

        ' Separate string into an array of words, removing some common punctuation.
        Return s.Split(New Char() {" "c, ControlChars.Lf, ","c, "."c, ";"c, ":"c,
        "-"c, "_"c, "/"c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
    End Function
#End Region
End Module
' The example displays output like the following:
'       Retrieving from
'       Begin first task...
'       Begin second task...
'       Begin third task...
'       Task 2 -- The most common words are:
'       Oblomov
'       himself
'       Schtoltz
'       Gutenberg
'       Project
'       another
'       thought
'       Oblomov's
'       nothing
'       replied
'       Task 1 -- The longest word is incomprehensible.
'       Task 3 -- The word "sleep" occurs 57 times.
'       Returned from Parallel.Invoke
'       Press any key to exit

Con Invoke, basta indicare le azioni che si desidera eseguire simultaneamente e il runtime gestisce tutti i dettagli di pianificazione dei thread, tra cui l'adattamento automatico al numero di core nel computer host.

Questo esempio parallelizza le operazioni, ma non i dati. Come approccio alternativo, è possibile parallelizzare le query LINQ usando PLINQ ed eseguire le query in sequenza. In alternativa, è possibile parallelizzare i dati usando PLINQ. Un'altra possibilità consiste nel parallelizzare sia le query che le attività. Anche se il sovraccarico risultante potrebbe comportare problemi di prestazioni nei computer host con un numero relativamente basso di processori, la scalabilità è decisamente migliore nei computer con molti processori.

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