Better Azure resource name scheme

In .NET Aspire 9.0 GA, the Azure resource naming scheme has been updated to a more robust and flexible system. This change addresses issues with the previous naming scheme, which caused problems such as name truncation and invalid deployments.

Version introduced

.NET Aspire 9.0 GA

Previous behavior

The previous version used an early/alpha version of Azure.Provisioning, which employed a naming scheme that attempted to be the least common denominator of all resources. This often resulted in truncated or invalid names.

protected string GetGloballyUniqueName(string resourceName)
    => $"toLower(take('{resourceName}${{uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}}', 24))";

New behavior

The new version of Azure.Provisioning uses a more sophisticated naming scheme that considers the specific requirements of each resource type, such as maximum length and valid characters.

public override BicepValue<string>? ResolveName(
    ProvisioningContext context,
    Resource resource,
    ResourceNameRequirements requirements)
    string prefix = SanitizeText(
        resource.ResourceName, requirements.ValidCharacters);

    string separator =
        requirements.ValidCharacters.HasFlag(ResourceNameCharacters.Hyphen) ? "-" :
        requirements.ValidCharacters.HasFlag(ResourceNameCharacters.Underscore) ? "_" :
        requirements.ValidCharacters.HasFlag(ResourceNameCharacters.Period) ? "." :

    BicepValue<string> suffix = GetUniqueSuffix(context, resource);

    return BicepFunction.Take(
            $"{prefix}{separator}{suffix}"), requirements.MaxLength);

Type of breaking change

This change is a behavioral change.

Users who want to maintain the old naming scheme can customize the Azure CDK ProvisioningContext object. This can be done by configuring the AzureProvisioningOptions class and inserting the AzureResourceNamePropertyResolverAspireV8 resolver.

var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

builder.Services.Configure<AzureProvisioningOptions>(options =>
    options.ProvisioningBuildOptions.InfrastructureResolvers.Insert(0, new AspireV8ResourceNamePropertyResolver());

Affected APIs
