Condividi tramite

BindingFlags Enumerazione


Specifica i flag che controllano l'associazione e la modalità in cui la ricerca di membri e tipi viene effettuata mediante reflection.

Questa enumerazione supporta una combinazione bit per bit dei rispettivi valori dei membri.

public enum class BindingFlags
public enum BindingFlags
public enum BindingFlags
public enum BindingFlags
type BindingFlags = 
type BindingFlags = 
type BindingFlags = 
Public Enum BindingFlags


Nome Valore Descrizione
CreateInstance 512

Specifica che la funzionalità di reflection deve creare un'istanza del tipo specificato. Chiama il costruttore corrispondente agli argomenti specificati. Il nome del membro fornito viene ignorato. Se non viene specificato il tipo della ricerca, verrà applicato (Instance | Public). Non è possibile chiamare un inizializzatore dei tipi.

Questo flag viene passato a un metodo InvokeMember per richiamare un costruttore.

DeclaredOnly 2

Specifica che solo i membri dichiarati a livello della gerarchia del tipo fornito devono essere considerati. I membri ereditati non vengono considerati.

Default 0

Specifica che non sono definiti flag di associazione.

DoNotWrapExceptions 33554432
ExactBinding 65536

Specifica che i tipi degli argomenti specificati devono corrispondere esattamente ai tipi dei parametri formali corrispondenti. La funzionalità di reflection genera un'eccezione se il chiamante fornisce un oggetto Binder non null, perché questa situazione implica che il chiamante fornisca implementazioni di BindToXXX che selezioneranno il metodo appropriato. Il binder predefinito ignora questo flag, mentre i binder personalizzati possono implementare la semantica di questo flag.

FlattenHierarchy 64

Specifica che devono essere restituiti i membri statici protetti e pubblici nella gerarchia. I membri statici privati presenti nelle classi ereditate non vengono restituiti. I membri statici comprendono campi, metodi, eventi e proprietà. I tipi annidati non vengono restituiti.

GetField 1024

Specifica che deve essere restituito il valore del campo specificato.

Questo flag viene passato a un metodo InvokeMember per ottenere il valore di un campo.

GetProperty 4096

Specifica che deve essere restituito il valore della proprietà specificata.

Questo flag viene passato a un metodo InvokeMember per richiamare un getter di proprietà.

IgnoreCase 1

Specifica che la combinazione di maiuscole e minuscole del nome del membro non deve essere considerata durante l'associazione.

IgnoreReturn 16777216

Usato nell'interoperabilità COM per specificare che il valore restituito del membro può essere ignorato.

Instance 4

Specifica che i membri dell'istanza devono essere inclusi nella ricerca.

InvokeMethod 256

Specifica che un metodo deve essere richiamato. Non deve trattarsi di un costruttore o un inizializzatore di tipi.

Questo flag viene passato a un metodo InvokeMember per richiamare un metodo.

NonPublic 32

Specifica che i membri non pubblici devono essere inclusi nella ricerca.

OptionalParamBinding 262144

Restituisce il set di membri il cui numero di parametri corrisponde al numero di argomenti forniti. Questo flag di associazione viene usato per i metodi con parametri che hanno valori predefiniti e per i metodi con argomenti variabili (varargs). Questo flag deve essere usato solo con InvokeMember(String, BindingFlags, Binder, Object, Object[], ParameterModifier[], CultureInfo, String[]).

I parametri con valori predefiniti vengono usati solo nelle chiamate in cui gli argomenti finali sono stati omessi. Devono infatti essere gli ultimi argomenti.

Public 16

Specifica che i membri pubblici devono essere inclusi nella ricerca.

PutDispProperty 16384

Specifica che deve essere richiamato il membro PROPPUT in un oggetto COM. PROPPUT specifica una funzione di impostazione di proprietà che usa un valore. Usare PutDispProperty se una proprietà ha entrambi i valori PROPPUT e PROPPUTREF ed è necessario distinguere quale viene chiamato.

PutRefDispProperty 32768

Specifica che deve essere richiamato il membro PROPPUTREF in un oggetto COM. PROPPUTREF specifica una funzione di impostazione di proprietà che usa un riferimento invece di un valore. Usare PutRefDispProperty se una proprietà ha entrambi i valori PROPPUT e PROPPUTREF ed è necessario distinguere quale viene chiamato.

SetField 2048

Specifica che il valore del campo specificato deve essere impostato.

Questo flag viene passato a un metodo InvokeMember per impostare il valore di un campo.

SetProperty 8192

Specifica che il valore della proprietà specificata deve essere impostato. Per le proprietà COM, specificare questo flag di associazione equivale a specificare PutDispProperty e PutRefDispProperty.

Questo flag viene passato a un metodo InvokeMember per richiamare un setter di proprietà.

Static 8

Specifica che i membri statici devono essere inclusi nella ricerca.

SuppressChangeType 131072

Non implementato.


Nell'esempio seguente vengono illustrati molti flag di associazione.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::IO;

//namespace BindingFlagsSnippet {
public ref class TestClass
   String^ Name;

   array<Object^>^ values;
   int methodCalled;


   property Object^ Item [int]
      Object^ get( int index )
         return values[ index ];

      void set( int index, Object^ value )
         values[ index ] = value;

   property Object^ Value
      Object^ get()
         return "the value";

      Name = "initialName";
      values = gcnew array<Object^> {(int^)0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
      methodCalled = 0;
   TestClass(String^ initName)
      Name = initName;
      values = gcnew array<Object^> {(int^)0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
      methodCalled = 0;

   static void SayHello()
      Console::WriteLine( "Hello" );

   void AddUp()
      Console::WriteLine( "AddUp Called {0} times", methodCalled );

   static double ComputeSum( double d1, double d2 )
      return d1 + d2;

   static void PrintName( String^ firstName, String^ lastName )
      Console::WriteLine( "{0},{1}", lastName, firstName );

   void PrintTime()
      Console::WriteLine( DateTime::Now );

   void Swap( interior_ptr<int> a, interior_ptr<int> b )
      int x =  *a;
       *a =  *b;
       *b = x;

public ref class TestClass2
   void PrintTime()
      Console::WriteLine( DateTime::Now );


public ref class Base
    static int BaseOnlyPrivate = 0;
    static int BaseOnly = 0;

public ref class Derived : Base
    static int DerivedOnly = 0;

public ref class MostDerived : Derived {};

void main()
   array<Object^>^ noArguments;

   // BindingFlags::InvokeMethod
   // Call a static method.
   Type^ t = TestClass::typeid;
   Console::WriteLine( "Invoking a static method." );
   Console::WriteLine( "-------------------------" );
   t->InvokeMember( "SayHello", BindingFlags::InvokeMethod | BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Static, 
         nullptr, nullptr, noArguments );

   // BindingFlags::InvokeMethod
   // Call an instance method.
   TestClass^ c = gcnew TestClass;
   Console::WriteLine( "Invoking an instance method." );
   Console::WriteLine( "----------------------------" );
   c->GetType()->InvokeMember( "AddUp", BindingFlags::InvokeMethod, nullptr, c, noArguments );
   c->GetType()->InvokeMember( "AddUp", BindingFlags::InvokeMethod, nullptr, c, noArguments );

   // BindingFlags::InvokeMethod
   // Call a method with parameters.
   array<Object^>^args = {100.09,184.45};
   Object^ result;
   Console::WriteLine( "Invoking a method with parameters." );
   Console::WriteLine( "---------------------------------" );
   result = t->InvokeMember( "ComputeSum", BindingFlags::InvokeMethod, nullptr, nullptr, args );
   Console::WriteLine( " {0} + {1} = {2}", args[ 0 ], args[ 1 ], result );

   // BindingFlags::GetField, SetField
   Console::WriteLine( "Invoking a field (getting and setting.)" );
   Console::WriteLine( "--------------------------------------" );

   // Get a field value.
   result = t->InvokeMember( "Name", BindingFlags::GetField, nullptr, c, noArguments );
   Console::WriteLine( "Name == {0}", result );

   // Set a field.
   array<Object^>^obj2 = {"NewName"};
   t->InvokeMember( "Name", BindingFlags::SetField, nullptr, c, obj2 );
   result = t->InvokeMember( "Name", BindingFlags::GetField, nullptr, c, noArguments );
   Console::WriteLine( "Name == {0}", result );
   Console::WriteLine( "Invoking an indexed property (getting and setting.)" );
   Console::WriteLine( "--------------------------------------------------" );

   // BindingFlags::GetProperty
   // Get an indexed property value.
   int index = 3;
   array<Object^>^obj3 = {index};
   result = t->InvokeMember( "Item", BindingFlags::GetProperty, nullptr, c, obj3 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Item->Item[ {0}] == {1}", index, result );

   // BindingFlags::SetProperty
   // Set an indexed property value.
   index = 3;
   array<Object^>^obj4 = {index,"NewValue"};
   t->InvokeMember( "Item", BindingFlags::SetProperty, nullptr, c, obj4 );
   result = t->InvokeMember( "Item", BindingFlags::GetProperty, nullptr, c, obj3 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Item->Item[ {0}] == {1}", index, result );
   Console::WriteLine( "Getting a field or property." );
   Console::WriteLine( "----------------------------" );

   // BindingFlags::GetField
   // Get a field or property.
   result = t->InvokeMember( "Name", static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::GetField | 
       BindingFlags::GetProperty), nullptr, c, noArguments );
   Console::WriteLine( "Name == {0}", result );

   // BindingFlags::GetProperty
   result = t->InvokeMember( "Value", static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::GetField | 
       BindingFlags::GetProperty), nullptr, c, noArguments );
   Console::WriteLine( "Value == {0}", result );
   Console::WriteLine( "Invoking a method with named parameters." );
   Console::WriteLine( "---------------------------------------" );

   // BindingFlags::InvokeMethod
   // Call a method using named parameters.
   array<Object^>^argValues = {"Mouse","Micky"};
   array<String^>^argNames = {"lastName","firstName"};
   t->InvokeMember( "PrintName", BindingFlags::InvokeMethod, nullptr, nullptr, argValues, nullptr, 
       nullptr, argNames );
   Console::WriteLine( "Invoking a default member of a type." );
   Console::WriteLine( "------------------------------------" );

   // BindingFlags::Default
   // Call the default member of a type.
   Type^ t3 = TestClass2::typeid;
   t3->InvokeMember( "", static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::InvokeMethod | BindingFlags::Default), 
        nullptr, gcnew TestClass2, noArguments );

   // BindingFlags::Static, NonPublic, and Public
   // Invoking a member with ref parameters.
   Console::WriteLine( "Invoking a method with ref parameters." );
   Console::WriteLine( "--------------------------------------" );
   MethodInfo^ m = t->GetMethod( "Swap" );
   args = gcnew array<Object^>(2);
   args[ 0 ] = 1;
   args[ 1 ] = 2;
   m->Invoke( gcnew TestClass, args );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0}, {1}", args[ 0 ], args[ 1 ] );

   // BindingFlags::CreateInstance
   // Creating an instance with a parameterless constructor.
   Console::WriteLine( "Creating an instance with a parameterless constructor." );
   Console::WriteLine( "------------------------------------------------------" );
   Object^ obj = t->InvokeMember( "TestClass", static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::Public | 
       BindingFlags::Instance | BindingFlags::CreateInstance), nullptr, nullptr, noArguments );
   Console::WriteLine("Instance of {0} created.", obj->GetType()->Name);

   // Creating an instance with a constructor that has parameters.
   Console::WriteLine( "Creating an instance with a constructor that has parameters." );
   Console::WriteLine( "------------------------------------------------------------" );
   obj = t->InvokeMember( "TestClass", static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::Public | 
       BindingFlags::Instance | BindingFlags::CreateInstance), nullptr, nullptr, 
       gcnew array<Object^> { "Hello, World!" } );
   Console::WriteLine("Instance of {0} created with initial value '{1}'.", obj->GetType()->Name, 
       obj->GetType()->InvokeMember("Name", BindingFlags::GetField, nullptr, obj, noArguments));

   // BindingFlags::DeclaredOnly
   Console::WriteLine( "DeclaredOnly instance members." );
   Console::WriteLine( "------------------------------" );
   array<System::Reflection::MemberInfo^>^memInfo = t->GetMembers( BindingFlags::DeclaredOnly | 
       BindingFlags::Instance | BindingFlags::Public);
   for ( int i = 0; i < memInfo->Length; i++ )
      Console::WriteLine( memInfo[ i ]->Name );


   // BindingFlags::IgnoreCase
   Console::WriteLine( "Using IgnoreCase and invoking the PrintName method." );
   Console::WriteLine( "---------------------------------------------------" );
   t->InvokeMember( "printname", static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::IgnoreCase | 
                BindingFlags::Static | BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::InvokeMethod), 
                nullptr, nullptr, gcnew array<Object^> {"Brad","Smith"});

   // BindingFlags::FlattenHierarchy
   Console::WriteLine( "Using FlattenHierarchy to get inherited static protected and public members." );
   Console::WriteLine( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" );
   array<FieldInfo^>^ finfos = MostDerived::typeid->GetFields(BindingFlags::NonPublic | 
         BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Static | BindingFlags::FlattenHierarchy);
   for each (FieldInfo^ finfo in finfos)
       Console::WriteLine("{0} defined in {1}.", finfo->Name, finfo->DeclaringType->Name);

   Console::WriteLine("Without FlattenHierarchy." );
   finfos = MostDerived::typeid->GetFields(BindingFlags::NonPublic | BindingFlags::Public |
   for each (FieldInfo^ finfo in finfos)
       Console::WriteLine("{0} defined in {1}.", finfo->Name, finfo->DeclaringType->Name);

/* This example produces output similar to the following:

Invoking a static method.

Invoking an instance method.
AddUp Called 1 times
AddUp Called 2 times

Invoking a method with parameters.
 100.09 + 184.45 = 284.54

Invoking a field (getting and setting.)
Name == initialName
Name == NewName

Invoking an indexed property (getting and setting.)
Item->Item[ 3] == 3
Item->Item[ 3] == NewValue

Getting a field or property.
Name == NewName
Value == the value

Invoking a method with named parameters.

Invoking a default member of a type.
12/23/2009 4:19:06 PM

Invoking a method with ref parameters.
2, 1

Creating an instance with a parameterless constructor.
Instance of TestClass created.

Creating an instance with a constructor that has parameters.
Instance of TestClass created with initial value 'Hello, World!'.

DeclaredOnly instance members.

Using IgnoreCase and invoking the PrintName method.

Using FlattenHierarchy to get inherited static protected and public members.
DerivedOnly defined in Derived.
BaseOnly defined in Base.

Without FlattenHierarchy.

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;

namespace BindingFlagsSnippet
    class Example
        static void Main()
            // BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
            // Call a static method.
            Type t = typeof (TestClass);

            Console.WriteLine("Invoking a static method.");
            t.InvokeMember ("SayHello", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Public |
                BindingFlags.Static, null, null, new object [] {});

            // BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
            // Call an instance method.
            TestClass c = new TestClass ();
            Console.WriteLine("Invoking an instance method.");
            c.GetType().InvokeMember ("AddUp", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, c, new object [] {});
            c.GetType().InvokeMember ("AddUp", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, c, new object [] {});

            // BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
            // Call a method with parameters.
            object [] args = new object [] {100.09, 184.45};
            object result;
            Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method with parameters.");
            result = t.InvokeMember ("ComputeSum", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, args);
            Console.WriteLine ("{0} + {1} = {2}", args[0], args[1], result);

            // BindingFlags.GetField, SetField
            Console.WriteLine("Invoking a field (getting and setting.)");
            // Get a field value.
            result = t.InvokeMember ("Name", BindingFlags.GetField, null, c, new object [] {});
            Console.WriteLine ("Name == {0}", result);
            // Set a field.
            t.InvokeMember ("Name", BindingFlags.SetField, null, c, new object [] {"NewName"});
            result = t.InvokeMember ("Name", BindingFlags.GetField, null, c, new object [] {});
            Console.WriteLine ("Name == {0}", result);

            Console.WriteLine("Invoking an indexed property (getting and setting.)");
            // BindingFlags.GetProperty
            // Get an indexed property value.
            int  index = 3;
            result = t.InvokeMember ("Item", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, c, new object [] {index});
            Console.WriteLine ("Item[{0}] == {1}", index, result);
            // BindingFlags.SetProperty
            // Set an indexed property value.
            index = 3;
            t.InvokeMember ("Item", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, c, new object [] {index, "NewValue"});
            result = t.InvokeMember ("Item", BindingFlags.GetProperty , null, c, new object [] {index});
            Console.WriteLine ("Item[{0}] == {1}", index, result);

            Console.WriteLine("Getting a field or property.");
            // BindingFlags.GetField
            // Get a field or property.
            result = t.InvokeMember ("Name", BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, c,
                new object [] {});
            Console.WriteLine ("Name == {0}", result);
            // BindingFlags.GetProperty
            result = t.InvokeMember ("Value", BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, c,
                new object [] {});
            Console.WriteLine ("Value == {0}", result);

            Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method with named parameters.");
            // BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
            // Call a method using named parameters.
            object[] argValues = new object [] {"Mouse", "Micky"};
            String [] argNames = new String [] {"lastName", "firstName"};
            t.InvokeMember ("PrintName", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, argValues, null, null,

            Console.WriteLine("Invoking a default member of a type.");
            // BindingFlags.Default
            // Call the default member of a type.
            Type t3 = typeof (TestClass2);
            t3.InvokeMember ("", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Default, null, new TestClass2(),
                new object [] {});

            // BindingFlags.Static, NonPublic, and Public
            // Invoking a member with ref parameters.
            Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method with ref parameters.");
            MethodInfo m = t.GetMethod("Swap");
            args = new object[2];
            args[0] = 1;
            args[1] = 2;
            m.Invoke(new TestClass(),args);
            Console.WriteLine ("{0}, {1}", args[0], args[1]);

            // BindingFlags.CreateInstance
            // Creating an instance with a parameterless constructor.
            Console.WriteLine("Creating an instance with a parameterless constructor.");
            object cobj = t.InvokeMember ("TestClass", BindingFlags.Public |
                BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance,
                null, null, new object [] {});
            Console.WriteLine("Instance of {0} created.", cobj.GetType().Name);

            // Creating an instance with a constructor that has parameters.
            Console.WriteLine("Creating an instance with a constructor that has parameters.");
            cobj = t.InvokeMember ("TestClass", BindingFlags.Public |
                BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance,
                null, null, new object [] { "Hello, World!" });
            Console.WriteLine("Instance of {0} created with initial value '{1}'.", cobj.GetType().Name,
                cobj.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", BindingFlags.GetField, null, cobj, null));

            // BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly
            Console.WriteLine("DeclaredOnly instance members.");
            System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] memInfo =
                t.GetMembers(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance |
            for(int i=0;i<memInfo.Length;i++)

            // BindingFlags.IgnoreCase
            Console.WriteLine("Using IgnoreCase and invoking the PrintName method.");
            t.InvokeMember("printname", BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Static |
                BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, new object[]

            // BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy
            Console.WriteLine("Using FlattenHierarchy to get inherited static protected and public members." );
            FieldInfo[] finfos = typeof(MostDerived).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public |
                  BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
            foreach (FieldInfo finfo in finfos)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} defined in {1}.", finfo.Name, finfo.DeclaringType.Name);

            Console.WriteLine("Without FlattenHierarchy." );
            finfos = typeof(MostDerived).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public |
            foreach (FieldInfo finfo in finfos)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} defined in {1}.", finfo.Name, finfo.DeclaringType.Name);

    public class TestClass
        public String Name;
        private Object [] values = new Object [] {0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};

        public Object this [int index]
                return values[index];
                values[index] = value;

        public Object Value
                return "the value";

        public TestClass () : this("initialName") {}
        public TestClass (string initName)
            Name = initName;

        int methodCalled = 0;

        public static void SayHello ()
            Console.WriteLine ("Hello");

        public void AddUp ()
            Console.WriteLine ("AddUp Called {0} times", methodCalled);

        public static double ComputeSum (double d1, double d2)
            return d1 + d2;

        public static void PrintName (String firstName, String lastName)
            Console.WriteLine ("{0},{1}", lastName,firstName);

        public void PrintTime ()
            Console.WriteLine (DateTime.Now);

        public void Swap(ref int a, ref int b)
            int x = a;
            a = b;
            b = x;

    [DefaultMemberAttribute ("PrintTime")]
    public class TestClass2
        public void PrintTime ()
            Console.WriteLine (DateTime.Now);

    public class Base
        static int BaseOnlyPrivate = 0;
        protected static int BaseOnly = 0;
    public class Derived : Base
        public static int DerivedOnly = 0;
    public class MostDerived : Derived {}

/* This example produces output similar to the following:

Invoking a static method.

Invoking an instance method.
AddUp Called 1 times
AddUp Called 2 times

Invoking a method with parameters.
100.09 + 184.45 = 284.54

Invoking a field (getting and setting.)
Name == initialName
Name == NewName

Invoking an indexed property (getting and setting.)
Item[3] == 3
Item[3] == NewValue

Getting a field or property.
Name == NewName
Value == the value

Invoking a method with named parameters.

Invoking a default member of a type.
12/23/2009 4:29:21 PM

Invoking a method with ref parameters.
2, 1

Creating an instance with a parameterless constructor.
Instance of TestClass created.

Creating an instance with a constructor that has parameters.
Instance of TestClass created with initial value 'Hello, World!'.

DeclaredOnly instance members.

Using IgnoreCase and invoking the PrintName method.

Using FlattenHierarchy to get inherited static protected and public members.
DerivedOnly defined in Derived.
BaseOnly defined in Base.

Without FlattenHierarchy.

Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.IO

Class Invoke

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
        ' Call a static method.
        Dim t As Type = GetType(TestClass)

        Console.WriteLine("Invoking a static method.")
        t.InvokeMember("SayHello", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod Or BindingFlags.Public _
            Or BindingFlags.Static, Nothing, Nothing, New Object() {})

        ' BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
        ' Call an instance method.
        Dim c As New TestClass()
        Console.WriteLine("Invoking an instance method.")
        c.GetType().InvokeMember("AddUp", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, c, New Object() {})
        c.GetType().InvokeMember("AddUp", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, c, New Object() {})

        ' BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
        ' Call a method with parameters.
        Dim args() As Object = {100.09, 184.45}
        Dim result As Object
        Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method with parameters.")
        result = t.InvokeMember("ComputeSum", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, Nothing, args)
        Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", args(0), args(1), result)

        ' BindingFlags.GetField, SetField
        Console.WriteLine("Invoking a field (getting and setting.)")
        ' Get a field value.
        result = t.InvokeMember("Name", BindingFlags.GetField, Nothing, c, New Object() {})
        Console.WriteLine("Name == {0}", result)
        ' Set a field.
        t.InvokeMember("Name", BindingFlags.SetField, Nothing, c, New Object() {"NewName"})
        result = t.InvokeMember("Name", BindingFlags.GetField, Nothing, c, New Object() {})
        Console.WriteLine("Name == {0}", result)

        Console.WriteLine("Invoking an indexed property (getting and setting.)")
        ' BindingFlags.GetProperty 
        ' Get an indexed property value.
        Dim index As Integer = 3
        result = t.InvokeMember("Item", BindingFlags.GetProperty, Nothing, c, New Object() {index})
        Console.WriteLine("Item[{0}] == {1}", index, result)
        ' BindingFlags.SetProperty
        ' Set an indexed property value.
        index = 3
        t.InvokeMember("Item", BindingFlags.SetProperty, Nothing, c, New Object() {index, "NewValue"})
        result = t.InvokeMember("Item", BindingFlags.GetProperty, Nothing, c, New Object() {index})
        Console.WriteLine("Item[{0}] == {1}", index, result)

        Console.WriteLine("Getting a field or property.")
        ' BindingFlags.GetField
        ' Get a field or property.
        result = t.InvokeMember("Name", BindingFlags.GetField Or BindingFlags.GetProperty, Nothing, _
            c, New Object() {})
        Console.WriteLine("Name == {0}", result)
        ' BindingFlags.GetProperty
        result = t.InvokeMember("Value", BindingFlags.GetField Or BindingFlags.GetProperty, Nothing, _
            c, New Object() {})
        Console.WriteLine("Value == {0}", result)

        Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method with named parameters.")
        ' BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
        ' Call a method using named parameters.
        Dim argValues() As Object = {"Mouse", "Micky"}
        Dim argNames() As [String] = {"lastName", "firstName"}
        t.InvokeMember("PrintName", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, Nothing, argValues, Nothing, _
            Nothing, argNames)

        Console.WriteLine("Invoking a default member of a type.")
        ' BindingFlags.Default
        ' Call the default member of a type.
        Dim t3 As Type = GetType(TestClass2)
        t3.InvokeMember("", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod Or BindingFlags.Default, Nothing, _
            New TestClass2(), New Object() {})

        Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method with ByRef parameters.")
        ' BindingFlags.Static, NonPublic, and Public
        ' Invoking a member by reference.
        Dim m As MethodInfo = t.GetMethod("Swap")
        args = New Object(1) {}
        args(0) = 1
        args(1) = 2
        m.Invoke(New TestClass(), args)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", args(0), args(1))

        ' BindingFlags.CreateInstance
        ' Creating an instance.
        Console.WriteLine("Creating an instance with parameterless constructor.")
        Dim obj As Object = GetType(TestClass).InvokeMember("TestClass", BindingFlags.CreateInstance, _
            Nothing, Nothing, New Object() {})
        Console.WriteLine("Instance of {0} created.", obj.GetType().Name)

        Console.WriteLine("Creating an instance with a constructor that has parameters.")
        obj = GetType(TestClass).InvokeMember("TestClass", BindingFlags.CreateInstance, Nothing, _
            Nothing, New Object() { "Hello, World!" })
        Console.WriteLine("Instance of {0} created with initial value '{1}'.", obj.GetType().Name, _
            obj.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", BindingFlags.GetField, Nothing, obj, Nothing))

        ' BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly
        Console.WriteLine("DeclaredOnly instance members.")
        Dim memInfo As System.Reflection.MemberInfo() = t.GetMembers(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly Or _
            BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance)
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To memInfo.Length - 1
        Next i

        ' BindingFlags.IgnoreCase
        Console.WriteLine("Using IgnoreCase and invoking the PrintName method.")
        t.InvokeMember("printname", BindingFlags.IgnoreCase Or BindingFlags.Public Or _
            BindingFlags.Static Or BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, Nothing, _
            New Object() {"Brad", "Smith"})

        ' BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy
        Console.WriteLine("Using FlattenHierarchy to get inherited static protected and public members." )
        Dim finfos() As FieldInfo = GetType(MostDerived).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic Or _
              BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Static Or BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy)
        For Each finfo As FieldInfo In finfos
            Console.WriteLine("{0} defined in {1}.", finfo.Name, finfo.DeclaringType.Name)

        Console.WriteLine("Without FlattenHierarchy." )
        finfos = GetType(MostDerived).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Public Or _
        For Each finfo As FieldInfo In finfos
            Console.WriteLine("{0} defined in {1}.", finfo.Name, finfo.DeclaringType.Name)
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class TestClass
    Public Name As String
    Private values() As [Object] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

    Default Public Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As [Object]
            Return values(index)
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As [Object])
            values(index) = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Value() As [Object]
            Return "the value"
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub New(ByVal initName As String)
        Name = initName
    End Sub 

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub 

    Private methodCalled As Integer = 0

    Public Shared Sub SayHello()
    End Sub 

    Public Sub AddUp()
        methodCalled += 1
        Console.WriteLine("AddUp Called {0} times", methodCalled)
    End Sub 

    Public Shared Function ComputeSum(ByVal d1 As Double, ByVal d2 As Double) As Double
        Return d1 + d2
    End Function 

    Public Shared Sub PrintName(ByVal firstName As [String], ByVal lastName As [String])
        Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", lastName, firstName)
    End Sub 

    Public Sub PrintTime()
    End Sub 

    Public Sub Swap(ByRef a As Integer, ByRef b As Integer)
        Dim x As Integer = a
        a = b
        b = x
    End Sub
End Class

<DefaultMemberAttribute("PrintTime")> _
Public Class TestClass2

    Public Sub PrintTime()
    End Sub 
End Class

Public Class Base
    Shared BaseOnlyPrivate As Integer = 0
    Protected Shared BaseOnly As Integer = 0
End Class

Public Class Derived 
    Inherits Base
    Public Shared DerivedOnly As Integer = 0
End Class

Public Class MostDerived 
    Inherits Derived
End Class

' This example produces output similar to the following:
'Invoking a static method.
'Invoking an instance method.
'AddUp Called 1 times
'AddUp Called 2 times
'Invoking a method with parameters.
'100.09 + 184.45 = 284.54
'Invoking a field (getting and setting.)
'Name == initialName
'Name == NewName
'Invoking an indexed property (getting and setting.)
'Item[3] == 3
'Item[3] == NewValue
'Getting a field or property.
'Name == NewName
'Value == the value
'Invoking a method with named parameters.
'Invoking a default member of a type.
'12/23/2009 4:34:22 PM
'Invoking a method with ByRef parameters.
'2, 1
'Creating an instance with parameterless constructor.
'Instance of TestClass created.
'Creating an instance with a constructor that has parameters.
'Instance of TestClass created with initial value 'Hello, World!'.
'DeclaredOnly instance members.
'Using IgnoreCase and invoking the PrintName method.
'Using FlattenHierarchy to get inherited static protected and public members.
'DerivedOnly defined in Derived.
'BaseOnly defined in Base.
'Without FlattenHierarchy.


Queste BindingFlags associazioni di controllo per molte classi negli Systemspazi dei nomi , System.Reflectione System.Runtime che richiamano, creano, ottengono, impostano e trovano membri e tipi.

BindingFlags vengono usati nei metodi seguenti Type e in altre posizioni, ad MethodBase.Invokeesempio :

InvokeMember e GetMethod sono particolarmente importanti.

I flag di associazione possono essere classificati in base al modo in cui identificano un membro del tipo, come indicato nella tabella seguente.

Identificato dall'accessibilità Identificato dall'argomento di associazione Identificato dall'operazione

















È necessario specificare Instance o Static insieme Public o NonPublic nessun membro verrà restituito.

Nella tabella seguente sono elencate le coercioni eseguite dal valore predefinito Binder.ChangeType. Questa tabella si applica soprattutto al flag di BindingFlags.ExactBinding associazione. Il principio generale è che ChangeType deve eseguire solo coercioni ampliati, che non perderanno mai dati. Un esempio di coercizione di estensione consiste nel coercing di un valore con segno a 32 bit su un valore intero con segno a 64 bit. Questo è distinto da una coercizione ristretta, che può perdere dati. Un esempio di coercizione ristretta prevede la coercing di un intero con segno a 64 bit in un intero con segno a 32 bit.

Tipo di origine Tipo destinazione
Qualsiasi tipo Tipo di base.
Qualsiasi tipo Interfaccia implementata.
Char UInt16, UInt32, Int32, UInt64, Int64, Single, Double
Byte Char, UInt16, Int16, UInt32, Int32, UInt64, Int64, Single, Double
SByte Int16, Int32, Int64, Single, Double
UInt16 UInt32, Int32, UInt64, Int64, Single, Double
Int16 Int32, Int64, Single, Double
UInt32 UInt64, Int64, Single, Double
Int32 Int64, Single, Double
UInt64 Single, Double
Int64 Single, Double
Single Double
Non riferimento Riferimento per riferimento.

Quando viene usato il BindingFlags.ExactBinding flag di associazione, la reflection modella le regole di accessibilità del sistema di tipi comuni. Ad esempio, se il chiamante si trova nello stesso assembly, il chiamante non richiede autorizzazioni speciali per i membri interni. In caso contrario, il chiamante necessita ReflectionPermissiondi . Ciò è coerente con la ricerca di membri protetti, privati e così via.

Si applica a