PrintJobStatus Enumerazione
Alcune informazioni sono relative alla release non definitiva del prodotto, che potrebbe subire modifiche significative prima della release definitiva. Microsoft non riconosce alcuna garanzia, espressa o implicita, in merito alle informazioni qui fornite.
Specifica lo stato corrente di un processo di stampa in una coda di stampa.
Questa enumerazione supporta una combinazione bit per bit dei rispettivi valori dei membri.
public enum class PrintJobStatus
public enum PrintJobStatus
type PrintJobStatus =
Public Enum PrintJobStatus
- Ereditarietà
- Attributi
Nome | Valore | Descrizione |
Blocked | 512 | Il processo di stampa è stato bloccato da una condizione di errore, probabilmente su un processo di stampa precedente a questo nella coda. |
Completed | 4096 | Il processo di stampa è stato completato, inclusa l'eventuale elaborazione successiva alla stampa. |
Deleted | 256 | Il processo di stampa è stato eliminato dalla coda, in genere al termine della stampa. |
Deleting | 4 | È in corso l'eliminazione del processo di stampa. |
Error | 2 | Il processo di stampa è in stato di errore. |
None | 0 | Lo stato del processo di stampa non è specificato. |
Offline | 32 | La stampante non è in linea. |
PaperOut | 64 | La stampante ha esaurito la carta del formato richiesto. |
Paused | 1 | Il processo di stampa è in pausa. |
Printed | 128 | Il processo di stampa è stato completato. |
Printing | 16 | Il processo di stampa è in corso. |
Restarted | 2048 | Il processo di stampa era bloccato ma è stato riavviato. |
Retained | 8192 | Il processo di stampa viene mantenuto nella coda di stampa dopo la stampa. |
Spooling | 8 | Il processo di stampa è in fase di spooling. |
UserIntervention | 1024 | La stampante necessita dell'intervento dell'utente per correggere una condizione di errore. |
Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato come usare questa enumerazione durante la diagnosi di un problema con un processo di stampa.
// Check for possible trouble states of a print job using the flags of the JobStatus property
static void SpotTroubleUsingJobAttributes (PrintSystemJobInfo^ theJob)
if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Blocked) == PrintJobStatus::Blocked)
Console::WriteLine("The job is blocked.");
if (((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Completed) == PrintJobStatus::Completed)
((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Printed) == PrintJobStatus::Printed))
Console::WriteLine("The job has finished. Have user recheck all output bins and be sure the correct printer is being checked.");
if (((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Deleted) == PrintJobStatus::Deleted)
((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Deleting) == PrintJobStatus::Deleting))
Console::WriteLine("The user or someone with administration rights to the queue has deleted the job. It must be resubmitted.");
if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Error) == PrintJobStatus::Error)
Console::WriteLine("The job has errored.");
if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Offline) == PrintJobStatus::Offline)
Console::WriteLine("The printer is offline. Have user put it online with printer front panel.");
if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::PaperOut) == PrintJobStatus::PaperOut)
Console::WriteLine("The printer is out of paper of the size required by the job. Have user add paper.");
if (((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Paused) == PrintJobStatus::Paused)
((theJob->HostingPrintQueue->QueueStatus & PrintQueueStatus::Paused) == PrintQueueStatus::Paused))
//HandlePausedJob is defined in the complete example.
if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Printing) == PrintJobStatus::Printing)
Console::WriteLine("The job is printing now.");
if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::Spooling) == PrintJobStatus::Spooling)
Console::WriteLine("The job is spooling now.");
if ((theJob->JobStatus & PrintJobStatus::UserIntervention) == PrintJobStatus::UserIntervention)
Console::WriteLine("The printer needs human intervention.");
// Check for possible trouble states of a print job using the flags of the JobStatus property
internal static void SpotTroubleUsingJobAttributes(PrintSystemJobInfo theJob)
if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Blocked) == PrintJobStatus.Blocked)
Console.WriteLine("The job is blocked.");
if (((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Completed) == PrintJobStatus.Completed)
((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Printed) == PrintJobStatus.Printed))
Console.WriteLine("The job has finished. Have user recheck all output bins and be sure the correct printer is being checked.");
if (((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Deleted) == PrintJobStatus.Deleted)
((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Deleting) == PrintJobStatus.Deleting))
Console.WriteLine("The user or someone with administration rights to the queue has deleted the job. It must be resubmitted.");
if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Error) == PrintJobStatus.Error)
Console.WriteLine("The job has errored.");
if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Offline) == PrintJobStatus.Offline)
Console.WriteLine("The printer is offline. Have user put it online with printer front panel.");
if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.PaperOut) == PrintJobStatus.PaperOut)
Console.WriteLine("The printer is out of paper of the size required by the job. Have user add paper.");
if (((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Paused) == PrintJobStatus.Paused)
((theJob.HostingPrintQueue.QueueStatus & PrintQueueStatus.Paused) == PrintQueueStatus.Paused))
//HandlePausedJob is defined in the complete example.
if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Printing) == PrintJobStatus.Printing)
Console.WriteLine("The job is printing now.");
if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.Spooling) == PrintJobStatus.Spooling)
Console.WriteLine("The job is spooling now.");
if ((theJob.JobStatus & PrintJobStatus.UserIntervention) == PrintJobStatus.UserIntervention)
Console.WriteLine("The printer needs human intervention.");
}//end SpotTroubleUsingJobAttributes
' Check for possible trouble states of a print job using the flags of the JobStatus property
Friend Shared Sub SpotTroubleUsingJobAttributes(ByVal theJob As PrintSystemJobInfo)
If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Blocked) = PrintJobStatus.Blocked Then
Console.WriteLine("The job is blocked.")
End If
If ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Completed) = PrintJobStatus.Completed) OrElse ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Printed) = PrintJobStatus.Printed) Then
Console.WriteLine("The job has finished. Have user recheck all output bins and be sure the correct printer is being checked.")
End If
If ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Deleted) = PrintJobStatus.Deleted) OrElse ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Deleting) = PrintJobStatus.Deleting) Then
Console.WriteLine("The user or someone with administration rights to the queue has deleted the job. It must be resubmitted.")
End If
If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Error) = PrintJobStatus.Error Then
Console.WriteLine("The job has errored.")
End If
If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Offline) = PrintJobStatus.Offline Then
Console.WriteLine("The printer is offline. Have user put it online with printer front panel.")
End If
If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.PaperOut) = PrintJobStatus.PaperOut Then
Console.WriteLine("The printer is out of paper of the size required by the job. Have user add paper.")
End If
If ((theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Paused) = PrintJobStatus.Paused) OrElse ((theJob.HostingPrintQueue.QueueStatus And PrintQueueStatus.Paused) = PrintQueueStatus.Paused) Then
'HandlePausedJob is defined in the complete example.
End If
If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Printing) = PrintJobStatus.Printing Then
Console.WriteLine("The job is printing now.")
End If
If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.Spooling) = PrintJobStatus.Spooling Then
Console.WriteLine("The job is spooling now.")
End If
If (theJob.JobStatus And PrintJobStatus.UserIntervention) = PrintJobStatus.UserIntervention Then
Console.WriteLine("The printer needs human intervention.")
End If
End Sub
Questa enumerazione viene usata principalmente come valore della JobStatus proprietà.