Azure Monitor Live Metrics client library for .NET - version 1.0.0-beta.3
The OpenTelemetry .NET compatible processor which sends telemetry data to Azure Monitor Live Metrics.
Getting started
- Azure Subscription: To use Azure services, including Azure Monitor Exporter for OpenTelemetry .NET, you'll need a subscription. If you do not have an existing Azure account, you may sign up for a free trial or use your Visual Studio Subscription benefits when you create an account.
- Azure Application Insights Connection String: To send telemetry data to the monitoring service you'll need connection string from Azure Application Insights. If you are not familiar with creating Azure resources, you may wish to follow the step-by-step guide for Create an Application Insights resource and copy the connection string.
Install the package
Install the Azure Monitor Live Metrics client for OpenTelemetry .NET with NuGet:
dotnet add package Azure.Monitor.OpenTelemetry.LiveMetrics --prerelease
Nightly builds
Nightly builds are available from this repo's dev feed. These are provided without support and are not intended for production workloads.
Add the Live Metrics client
The following examples demonstrate how to add the Live Metrics client to your OpenTelemetry configuration.
.AddLiveMetrics(o => o.ConnectionString = "InstrumentationKey=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
For a complete example see Program.cs
Authenticate the client
Not available in beta.
Key concepts
Refer to Program.cs
for a complete demo.
The Live Metrics client uses EventSource for its own internal logging. The logs are available to any EventListener by opting into the source named "OpenTelemetry-AzureMonitor-LiveMetrics".
OpenTelemetry also provides it's own self-diagnostics feature to collect internal logs.
Next steps
For more information on Azure SDK, please refer to this website
See for details on contribution process.
Release Schedule
This exporter is under active development.
The library is not yet generally available, and is not officially supported. Future releases will not attempt to maintain backwards compatibility with previous releases. Each beta release includes significant changes to the exporter package, making them incompatible with each other.