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IGatewayOperations Interface


The Network Management API includes operations for managing the gateways for your subscription. (see for more information)

public interface IGatewayOperations
type IGatewayOperations = interface
Public Interface IGatewayOperations


BeginConnectDisconnectOrTestingAsync(String, String, GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters, CancellationToken)

To connect to, disconnect from, or test your connection to a local network site, access the connection resource representing the local network and specify Connect, Disconnect or Test to perform the desired operation. (see for more information)

BeginCreatingAsync(String, GatewayCreateParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Creating Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginCreatingGatewayConnectionAsync(GatewayConnectionCreateParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Creating Virtual network Gateway connection operation creates a new network gateway connection.

BeginCreatingVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(String, VirtualNetworkGatewayCreateParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Creating Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network gateway.

BeginDeletingAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Begin Deleting Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginDeletingGatewayConnectionAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

The Begin Deleting Virtual Network Gateway connection deletes a network gateway connection.

BeginDeletingVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Begin Deleting Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network gateway

BeginFailoverAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Begin Failover Virtual Network Gateway operation causes a network gateway failover for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginGenerateVpnClientPackageAsync(String, GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters, CancellationToken)

The Generate VPN Client Package operation creates a VPN client package for the specified virtual network and gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginRemoveDefaultSitesAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Begin Remove Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation removes the default sites on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network.

BeginResetAsync(String, ResetGatewayParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Reset Virtual network Gateway operation resets an existing gateway.

BeginResetSharedKeyAsync(String, String, GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation resets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginResetSharedKeyV2Async(String, String, GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation resets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn.

BeginResetVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(String, ResetGatewayParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Reset Virtual network Gateway operation resets an existing gateway.

BeginResizeAsync(String, ResizeGatewayParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Resize Virtual network Gateway operation resizes an existing gateway to a different GatewaySKU.

BeginResizeVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(String, ResizeGatewayParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Resize Virtual network Gateway operation resizes an existing gateway to a different GatewaySKU.

BeginSetDefaultSitesAsync(String, GatewaySetDefaultSiteListParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the default sites on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network.

BeginSetIPsecParametersAsync(String, String, GatewaySetIPsecParametersParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway IPsec Parameters operation sets the IPsec parameters on the virtual network gateway for the specified connection to the specified local network in Azure.

BeginSetIPsecParametersV2Async(String, String, GatewaySetIPsecParametersParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway IPsec Parameters V2 operation sets the IPsec parameters on the virtual network gateway connection.

BeginSetSharedKeyAsync(String, String, GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginSetSharedKeyV2Async(String, String, GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation sets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn for the specified site.

BeginStartDiagnosticsAsync(String, StartGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Start Diagnostics operation begins an asynchronous operation to starta diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginStartDiagnosticsV2Async(String, StartGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Start Diagnostics V2 operation begins an asynchronous operation to starta diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway.

BeginUpdateGatewayConnectionAsync(String, String, UpdateGatewayConnectionParameters, CancellationToken)

Operation to update existing gateway connection.

ConnectDisconnectOrTestAsync(String, String, GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters, CancellationToken)

To connect to, disconnect from, or test your connection to a local network site, access the connection resource representing the local network and specify Connect, Disconnect or Test to perform the desired operation. (see for more information)

CreateAsync(String, GatewayCreateParameters, CancellationToken)

The Create Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

CreateGatewayConnectionAsync(GatewayConnectionCreateParameters, CancellationToken)

The Create Virtual network Gateway Connection operation creates a new network gateway.

CreateLocalNetworkGatewayAsync(LocalNetworkGatewayCreateParameters, CancellationToken)

The Create Local network Gateway operation creates a new local network gateway.

CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(String, VirtualNetworkGatewayCreateParameters, CancellationToken)

The Create Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network gateway.

DeleteAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Delete Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

DeleteGatewayConnectionAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

The Delete Virtual network Gateway Connection operation deletes a network gateway connection.

DeleteLocalNetworkGatewayAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Delete Local Network Gateway operation deletes a local network gateway

DeleteVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Delete Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network gateway

FailoverAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Failover Virtual Network Gateway operation causes a network gateway failover for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

GenerateVpnClientPackageAsync(String, GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters, CancellationToken)

The Generate VPN Client Package operation creates a VPN client package for the specified virtual network and gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

GetAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway operation gets information about the network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

GetDeviceConfigurationScriptAsync(String, GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters, CancellationToken)

The Get Device Configuration Script operation returns a script that you can use to configure local VPN devices to connect to the gateway. (see for more information)

GetDiagnosticsAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Get Diagnostics operation gets information about the current gateway diagnostics session for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

GetDiagnosticsV2Async(String, CancellationToken)

The Get Diagnostics V2 operation gets information about the current virtual network gateway diagnostics session

GetGatewayConnectionAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway Connection operation gets information about the virtual network gateway connection.

GetIPsecParametersAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

The Get IPsec Parameters operation gets the IPsec parameters that have been set for the connection between the provided virtual network gateway and the provided local network site.

GetIPsecParametersV2Async(String, String, CancellationToken)

The Get IPsec Parameters V2 operation gets the IPsec parameters that have been set for the virtual network gateway connection

GetLocalNetworkGatewayAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Get Local Network Gateway operation gets information about the local network gateway

GetOperationStatusAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway Operation Status gets information on the status of network gateway operations in Azure. (see for more information)

GetSharedKeyAsync(String, String, CancellationToken)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation gets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

GetSharedKeyV2Async(String, String, CancellationToken)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation gets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn.

GetVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway operation gets information about the virtual network gateway

ListConnectionsAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The List Connections operation returns a list of the local network connections that can be accessed through the gateway. (see for more information)


The List Connections operation Lists all GatewayConnections.


The List Local network gateways operation returns a list of the local network gateways.


The List Virtual Network Gateway Supported Devices operation lists the supported, on-premise network devices that can connect to the gateway. (see for more information)


The List Virtual network gateways operation returns a list of the virtual network gateways.

RemoveDefaultSitesAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Remove Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the default sites on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network.

ResetAsync(String, ResetGatewayParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Reset Virtual network Gateway operation resets an existing gateway.

ResetSharedKeyAsync(String, String, GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters, CancellationToken)

The Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation resets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

ResetSharedKeyV2Async(String, String, GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters, CancellationToken)

The Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation resets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn.

ResetVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(String, ResetGatewayParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Reset Virtual network Gateway operation resets an existing gateway.

ResizeAsync(String, ResizeGatewayParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Resize Virtual network Gateway operation resizes an existing gateway to a different GatewaySKU.

ResizeVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(String, ResizeGatewayParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Resize Virtual network Gateway operation resizes an existing gateway to a different GatewaySKU.

SetDefaultSitesAsync(String, GatewaySetDefaultSiteListParameters, CancellationToken)

The Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the default sites on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network.

SetIPsecParametersAsync(String, String, GatewaySetIPsecParametersParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway IPsec Parameters operation sets the IPsec parameters on the virtual network gateway for the specified connection to the specified local network in Azure.

SetIPsecParametersV2Async(String, String, GatewaySetIPsecParametersParameters, CancellationToken)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway IPsec Parameters V2 operation sets the IPsec parameters on the virtual network gateway connection.

SetSharedKeyAsync(String, String, GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters, CancellationToken)

The Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

SetSharedKeyV2Async(String, String, GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters, CancellationToken)

The Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation sets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn for the specified site.

StartDiagnosticsAsync(String, StartGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters, CancellationToken)

The Start Diagnostics operation starts a diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

StartDiagnosticsV2Async(String, StartGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters, CancellationToken)

The Start Diagnostics V2 operation starts a diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway.

StopDiagnosticsAsync(String, StopGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters, CancellationToken)

The Stop Diagnostics operation begins an asynchronous operation to stopa diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

StopDiagnosticsV2Async(String, StopGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters, CancellationToken)

The Stop Diagnostics V2 operation begins an asynchronous operation to stopa diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway.

UpdateGatewayConnectionAsync(String, String, UpdateGatewayConnectionParameters, CancellationToken)

Operation to update existing gateway connection.

UpdateLocalNetworkGatewayAsync(String, UpdateLocalNetworkGatewayParameters, CancellationToken)

The Update Local Network Gateway operation updates a local network gateway

Extension Methods

BeginConnectDisconnectOrTesting(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters)

To connect to, disconnect from, or test your connection to a local network site, access the connection resource representing the local network and specify Connect, Disconnect or Test to perform the desired operation. (see for more information)

BeginConnectDisconnectOrTestingAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters)

To connect to, disconnect from, or test your connection to a local network site, access the connection resource representing the local network and specify Connect, Disconnect or Test to perform the desired operation. (see for more information)

BeginCreating(IGatewayOperations, String, GatewayCreateParameters)

The Begin Creating Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginCreatingAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, GatewayCreateParameters)

The Begin Creating Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginCreatingGatewayConnection(IGatewayOperations, GatewayConnectionCreateParameters)

The Begin Creating Virtual network Gateway connection operation creates a new network gateway connection.

BeginCreatingGatewayConnectionAsync(IGatewayOperations, GatewayConnectionCreateParameters)

The Begin Creating Virtual network Gateway connection operation creates a new network gateway connection.

BeginCreatingVirtualNetworkGateway(IGatewayOperations, String, VirtualNetworkGatewayCreateParameters)

The Begin Creating Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network gateway.

BeginCreatingVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, VirtualNetworkGatewayCreateParameters)

The Begin Creating Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network gateway.

BeginDeleting(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Begin Deleting Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginDeletingAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Begin Deleting Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginDeletingGatewayConnection(IGatewayOperations, String, String)

The Begin Deleting Virtual Network Gateway connection deletes a network gateway connection.

BeginDeletingGatewayConnectionAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String)

The Begin Deleting Virtual Network Gateway connection deletes a network gateway connection.

BeginDeletingVirtualNetworkGateway(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Begin Deleting Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network gateway

BeginDeletingVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Begin Deleting Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network gateway

BeginFailover(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Begin Failover Virtual Network Gateway operation causes a network gateway failover for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginFailoverAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Begin Failover Virtual Network Gateway operation causes a network gateway failover for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginGenerateVpnClientPackage(IGatewayOperations, String, GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters)

The Generate VPN Client Package operation creates a VPN client package for the specified virtual network and gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginGenerateVpnClientPackageAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters)

The Generate VPN Client Package operation creates a VPN client package for the specified virtual network and gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginRemoveDefaultSites(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Begin Remove Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation removes the default sites on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network.

BeginRemoveDefaultSitesAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Begin Remove Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation removes the default sites on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network.

BeginReset(IGatewayOperations, String, ResetGatewayParameters)

The Begin Reset Virtual network Gateway operation resets an existing gateway.

BeginResetAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, ResetGatewayParameters)

The Begin Reset Virtual network Gateway operation resets an existing gateway.

BeginResetSharedKey(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters)

The Begin Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation resets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginResetSharedKeyAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters)

The Begin Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation resets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginResetSharedKeyV2(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters)

The Begin Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation resets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn.

BeginResetSharedKeyV2Async(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters)

The Begin Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation resets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn.

BeginResetVirtualNetworkGateway(IGatewayOperations, String, ResetGatewayParameters)

The Begin Reset Virtual network Gateway operation resets an existing gateway.

BeginResetVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, ResetGatewayParameters)

The Begin Reset Virtual network Gateway operation resets an existing gateway.

BeginResize(IGatewayOperations, String, ResizeGatewayParameters)

The Begin Resize Virtual network Gateway operation resizes an existing gateway to a different GatewaySKU.

BeginResizeAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, ResizeGatewayParameters)

The Begin Resize Virtual network Gateway operation resizes an existing gateway to a different GatewaySKU.

BeginResizeVirtualNetworkGateway(IGatewayOperations, String, ResizeGatewayParameters)

The Begin Resize Virtual network Gateway operation resizes an existing gateway to a different GatewaySKU.

BeginResizeVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, ResizeGatewayParameters)

The Begin Resize Virtual network Gateway operation resizes an existing gateway to a different GatewaySKU.

BeginSetDefaultSites(IGatewayOperations, String, GatewaySetDefaultSiteListParameters)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the default sites on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network.

BeginSetDefaultSitesAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, GatewaySetDefaultSiteListParameters)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the default sites on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network.

BeginSetIPsecParameters(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetIPsecParametersParameters)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway IPsec Parameters operation sets the IPsec parameters on the virtual network gateway for the specified connection to the specified local network in Azure.

BeginSetIPsecParametersAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetIPsecParametersParameters)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway IPsec Parameters operation sets the IPsec parameters on the virtual network gateway for the specified connection to the specified local network in Azure.

BeginSetIPsecParametersV2(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetIPsecParametersParameters)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway IPsec Parameters V2 operation sets the IPsec parameters on the virtual network gateway connection.

BeginSetIPsecParametersV2Async(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetIPsecParametersParameters)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway IPsec Parameters V2 operation sets the IPsec parameters on the virtual network gateway connection.

BeginSetSharedKey(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginSetSharedKeyAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginSetSharedKeyV2(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation sets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn for the specified site.

BeginSetSharedKeyV2Async(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation sets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn for the specified site.

BeginStartDiagnostics(IGatewayOperations, String, StartGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters)

The Begin Start Diagnostics operation begins an asynchronous operation to starta diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginStartDiagnosticsAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, StartGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters)

The Begin Start Diagnostics operation begins an asynchronous operation to starta diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

BeginStartDiagnosticsV2(IGatewayOperations, String, StartGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters)

The Begin Start Diagnostics V2 operation begins an asynchronous operation to starta diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway.

BeginStartDiagnosticsV2Async(IGatewayOperations, String, StartGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters)

The Begin Start Diagnostics V2 operation begins an asynchronous operation to starta diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway.

BeginUpdateGatewayConnection(IGatewayOperations, String, String, UpdateGatewayConnectionParameters)

Operation to update existing gateway connection.

BeginUpdateGatewayConnectionAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, UpdateGatewayConnectionParameters)

Operation to update existing gateway connection.

ConnectDisconnectOrTest(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters)

To connect to, disconnect from, or test your connection to a local network site, access the connection resource representing the local network and specify Connect, Disconnect or Test to perform the desired operation. (see for more information)

ConnectDisconnectOrTestAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewayConnectDisconnectOrTestParameters)

To connect to, disconnect from, or test your connection to a local network site, access the connection resource representing the local network and specify Connect, Disconnect or Test to perform the desired operation. (see for more information)

Create(IGatewayOperations, String, GatewayCreateParameters)

The Create Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

CreateAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, GatewayCreateParameters)

The Create Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

CreateGatewayConnection(IGatewayOperations, GatewayConnectionCreateParameters)

The Create Virtual network Gateway Connection operation creates a new network gateway.

CreateGatewayConnectionAsync(IGatewayOperations, GatewayConnectionCreateParameters)

The Create Virtual network Gateway Connection operation creates a new network gateway.

CreateLocalNetworkGateway(IGatewayOperations, LocalNetworkGatewayCreateParameters)

The Create Local network Gateway operation creates a new local network gateway.

CreateLocalNetworkGatewayAsync(IGatewayOperations, LocalNetworkGatewayCreateParameters)

The Create Local network Gateway operation creates a new local network gateway.

CreateVirtualNetworkGateway(IGatewayOperations, String, VirtualNetworkGatewayCreateParameters)

The Create Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network gateway.

CreateVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, VirtualNetworkGatewayCreateParameters)

The Create Virtual network Gateway operation creates a new network gateway.

Delete(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Delete Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

DeleteAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Delete Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

DeleteGatewayConnection(IGatewayOperations, String, String)

The Delete Virtual network Gateway Connection operation deletes a network gateway connection.

DeleteGatewayConnectionAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String)

The Delete Virtual network Gateway Connection operation deletes a network gateway connection.

DeleteLocalNetworkGateway(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Delete Local Network Gateway operation deletes a local network gateway

DeleteLocalNetworkGatewayAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Delete Local Network Gateway operation deletes a local network gateway

DeleteVirtualNetworkGateway(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Delete Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network gateway

DeleteVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Delete Virtual Network Gateway operation deletes a network gateway

Failover(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Failover Virtual Network Gateway operation causes a network gateway failover for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

FailoverAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Failover Virtual Network Gateway operation causes a network gateway failover for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

GenerateVpnClientPackage(IGatewayOperations, String, GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters)

The Generate VPN Client Package operation creates a VPN client package for the specified virtual network and gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

GenerateVpnClientPackageAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, GatewayGenerateVpnClientPackageParameters)

The Generate VPN Client Package operation creates a VPN client package for the specified virtual network and gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

Get(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway operation gets information about the network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

GetAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway operation gets information about the network gateway for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

GetDeviceConfigurationScript(IGatewayOperations, String, GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters)

The Get Device Configuration Script operation returns a script that you can use to configure local VPN devices to connect to the gateway. (see for more information)

GetDeviceConfigurationScriptAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, GatewayGetDeviceConfigurationScriptParameters)

The Get Device Configuration Script operation returns a script that you can use to configure local VPN devices to connect to the gateway. (see for more information)

GetDiagnostics(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Get Diagnostics operation gets information about the current gateway diagnostics session for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

GetDiagnosticsAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Get Diagnostics operation gets information about the current gateway diagnostics session for the specified virtual network in Azure. (see for more information)

GetDiagnosticsV2(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Get Diagnostics V2 operation gets information about the current virtual network gateway diagnostics session

GetDiagnosticsV2Async(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Get Diagnostics V2 operation gets information about the current virtual network gateway diagnostics session

GetGatewayConnection(IGatewayOperations, String, String)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway Connection operation gets information about the virtual network gateway connection.

GetGatewayConnectionAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway Connection operation gets information about the virtual network gateway connection.

GetIPsecParameters(IGatewayOperations, String, String)

The Get IPsec Parameters operation gets the IPsec parameters that have been set for the connection between the provided virtual network gateway and the provided local network site.

GetIPsecParametersAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String)

The Get IPsec Parameters operation gets the IPsec parameters that have been set for the connection between the provided virtual network gateway and the provided local network site.

GetIPsecParametersV2(IGatewayOperations, String, String)

The Get IPsec Parameters V2 operation gets the IPsec parameters that have been set for the virtual network gateway connection

GetIPsecParametersV2Async(IGatewayOperations, String, String)

The Get IPsec Parameters V2 operation gets the IPsec parameters that have been set for the virtual network gateway connection

GetLocalNetworkGateway(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Get Local Network Gateway operation gets information about the local network gateway

GetLocalNetworkGatewayAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Get Local Network Gateway operation gets information about the local network gateway

GetOperationStatus(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway Operation Status gets information on the status of network gateway operations in Azure. (see for more information)

GetOperationStatusAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway Operation Status gets information on the status of network gateway operations in Azure. (see for more information)

GetSharedKey(IGatewayOperations, String, String)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation gets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

GetSharedKeyAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation gets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

GetSharedKeyV2(IGatewayOperations, String, String)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation gets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn.

GetSharedKeyV2Async(IGatewayOperations, String, String)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation gets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn.

GetVirtualNetworkGateway(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway operation gets information about the virtual network gateway

GetVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Get Virtual Network Gateway operation gets information about the virtual network gateway

ListConnections(IGatewayOperations, String)

The List Connections operation returns a list of the local network connections that can be accessed through the gateway. (see for more information)

ListConnectionsAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The List Connections operation returns a list of the local network connections that can be accessed through the gateway. (see for more information)


The List Connections operation Lists all GatewayConnections.


The List Connections operation Lists all GatewayConnections.


The List Local network gateways operation returns a list of the local network gateways.


The List Local network gateways operation returns a list of the local network gateways.


The List Virtual Network Gateway Supported Devices operation lists the supported, on-premise network devices that can connect to the gateway. (see for more information)


The List Virtual Network Gateway Supported Devices operation lists the supported, on-premise network devices that can connect to the gateway. (see for more information)


The List Virtual network gateways operation returns a list of the virtual network gateways.


The List Virtual network gateways operation returns a list of the virtual network gateways.

RemoveDefaultSites(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Remove Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the default sites on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network.

RemoveDefaultSitesAsync(IGatewayOperations, String)

The Remove Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the default sites on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network.

Reset(IGatewayOperations, String, ResetGatewayParameters)

The Begin Reset Virtual network Gateway operation resets an existing gateway.

ResetAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, ResetGatewayParameters)

The Begin Reset Virtual network Gateway operation resets an existing gateway.

ResetSharedKey(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters)

The Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation resets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

ResetSharedKeyAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters)

The Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation resets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

ResetSharedKeyV2(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters)

The Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation resets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn.

ResetSharedKeyV2Async(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewayResetSharedKeyParameters)

The Reset Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation resets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn.

ResetVirtualNetworkGateway(IGatewayOperations, String, ResetGatewayParameters)

The Begin Reset Virtual network Gateway operation resets an existing gateway.

ResetVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, ResetGatewayParameters)

The Begin Reset Virtual network Gateway operation resets an existing gateway.

Resize(IGatewayOperations, String, ResizeGatewayParameters)

The Begin Resize Virtual network Gateway operation resizes an existing gateway to a different GatewaySKU.

ResizeAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, ResizeGatewayParameters)

The Begin Resize Virtual network Gateway operation resizes an existing gateway to a different GatewaySKU.

ResizeVirtualNetworkGateway(IGatewayOperations, String, ResizeGatewayParameters)

The Begin Resize Virtual network Gateway operation resizes an existing gateway to a different GatewaySKU.

ResizeVirtualNetworkGatewayAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, ResizeGatewayParameters)

The Begin Resize Virtual network Gateway operation resizes an existing gateway to a different GatewaySKU.

SetDefaultSites(IGatewayOperations, String, GatewaySetDefaultSiteListParameters)

The Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the default sites on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network.

SetDefaultSitesAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, GatewaySetDefaultSiteListParameters)

The Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the default sites on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network.

SetIPsecParameters(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetIPsecParametersParameters)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway IPsec Parameters operation sets the IPsec parameters on the virtual network gateway for the specified connection to the specified local network in Azure.

SetIPsecParametersAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetIPsecParametersParameters)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway IPsec Parameters operation sets the IPsec parameters on the virtual network gateway for the specified connection to the specified local network in Azure.

SetIPsecParametersV2(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetIPsecParametersParameters)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway IPsec Parameters V2 operation sets the IPsec parameters on the virtual network gateway connection.

SetIPsecParametersV2Async(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetIPsecParametersParameters)

The Begin Set Virtual Network Gateway IPsec Parameters V2 operation sets the IPsec parameters on the virtual network gateway connection.

SetSharedKey(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters)

The Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

SetSharedKeyAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters)

The Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key operation sets the shared key on the virtual network gateway for the specified virtual network connection to the specified local network in Azure. (see for more information)

SetSharedKeyV2(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters)

The Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation sets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn for the specified site.

SetSharedKeyV2Async(IGatewayOperations, String, String, GatewaySetSharedKeyParameters)

The Set Virtual Network Gateway Shared Key V2 operation sets the shared key used between the gateway and customer vpn for the specified site.

StartDiagnostics(IGatewayOperations, String, StartGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters)

The Start Diagnostics operation starts a diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

StartDiagnosticsAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, StartGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters)

The Start Diagnostics operation starts a diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

StartDiagnosticsV2(IGatewayOperations, String, StartGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters)

The Start Diagnostics V2 operation starts a diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway.

StartDiagnosticsV2Async(IGatewayOperations, String, StartGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters)

The Start Diagnostics V2 operation starts a diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway.

StopDiagnostics(IGatewayOperations, String, StopGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters)

The Stop Diagnostics operation begins an asynchronous operation to stopa diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

StopDiagnosticsAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, StopGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters)

The Stop Diagnostics operation begins an asynchronous operation to stopa diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway in Azure. (see for more information)

StopDiagnosticsV2(IGatewayOperations, String, StopGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters)

The Stop Diagnostics V2 operation begins an asynchronous operation to stopa diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway.

StopDiagnosticsV2Async(IGatewayOperations, String, StopGatewayPublicDiagnosticsParameters)

The Stop Diagnostics V2 operation begins an asynchronous operation to stopa diagnostics session for the specified virtual network gateway.

UpdateGatewayConnection(IGatewayOperations, String, String, UpdateGatewayConnectionParameters)

Operation to update existing gateway connection.

UpdateGatewayConnectionAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, String, UpdateGatewayConnectionParameters)

Operation to update existing gateway connection.

UpdateLocalNetworkGateway(IGatewayOperations, String, UpdateLocalNetworkGatewayParameters)

The Update Local Network Gateway operation updates a local network gateway

UpdateLocalNetworkGatewayAsync(IGatewayOperations, String, UpdateLocalNetworkGatewayParameters)

The Update Local Network Gateway operation updates a local network gateway

Applies to