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TSqlTokenType Enum


public enum TSqlTokenType
type TSqlTokenType = 
Public Enum TSqlTokenType


Name Value Description
None 0
EndOfFile 1
Add 4
All 5
Alter 6
And 7
Any 8
As 9
Asc 10
Authorization 11
Backup 12
Begin 13
Between 14
Break 15
Browse 16
Bulk 17
By 18
Cascade 19
Case 20
Check 21
Checkpoint 22
Close 23
Clustered 24
Coalesce 25
Collate 26
Column 27
Commit 28
Compute 29
Constraint 30
Contains 31
ContainsTable 32
Continue 33
Convert 34
Create 35
Cross 36
Current 37
CurrentDate 38
CurrentTime 39
CurrentTimestamp 40
CurrentUser 41
Cursor 42
Database 43
Dbcc 44
Deallocate 45
Declare 46
Default 47
Delete 48
Deny 49
Desc 50
Distinct 51
Distributed 52
Double 53
Drop 54
Else 55
End 56
Errlvl 57
Escape 58
Except 59
Exec 60
Execute 61
Exists 62
Exit 63
Fetch 64
File 65
FillFactor 66
For 67
Foreign 68
FreeText 69
FreeTextTable 70
From 71
Full 72
Function 73
GoTo 74
Grant 75
Group 76
Having 77
HoldLock 78
Identity 79
IdentityInsert 80
IdentityColumn 81
If 82
In 83
Index 84
Inner 85
Insert 86
Intersect 87
Into 88
Is 89
Join 90
Key 91
Kill 92
Left 93
Like 94
LineNo 95
National 96
NoCheck 97
NonClustered 98
Not 99
Null 100
NullIf 101
Of 102
Off 103
Offsets 104
On 105
Open 106
OpenDataSource 107
OpenQuery 108
OpenRowSet 109
OpenXml 110
Option 111
Or 112
Order 113
Outer 114
Over 115
Percent 116
Plan 117
Primary 118
Print 119
Proc 120
Procedure 121
Public 122
Raiserror 123
Read 124
ReadText 125
Reconfigure 126
References 127
Replication 128
Restore 129
Restrict 130
Return 131
Revoke 132
Right 133
Rollback 134
RowCount 135
RowGuidColumn 136
Rule 137
Save 138
Schema 139
Select 140
SessionUser 141
Set 142
SetUser 143
Shutdown 144
Some 145
Statistics 146
SystemUser 147
Table 148
TextSize 149
Then 150
To 151
Top 152
Tran 153
Transaction 154
Trigger 155
Truncate 156
TSEqual 157
Union 158
Unique 159
Update 160
UpdateText 161
Use 162
User 163
Values 164
Varying 165
View 166
WaitFor 167
When 168
Where 169
While 170
With 171
WriteText 172
Disk 173
Precision 174
External 175
Revert 176
Pivot 177
Unpivot 178
TableSample 179
Dump 180
Load 181
Merge 182
StopList 183
SemanticKeyPhraseTable 184
SemanticSimilarityTable 185
SemanticSimilarityDetailsTable 186
TryConvert 187
Bang 188
PercentSign 189
Ampersand 190
LeftParenthesis 191
RightParenthesis 192
LeftCurly 193
RightCurly 194
Star 195
MultiplyEquals 196
Plus 197
Comma 198
Minus 199
Dot 200
Divide 201
Colon 202
DoubleColon 203
Semicolon 204
LessThan 205
EqualsSign 206
RightOuterJoin 207
GreaterThan 208
Circumflex 209
VerticalLine 210
Tilde 211
AddEquals 212
SubtractEquals 213
DivideEquals 214
ModEquals 215
BitwiseAndEquals 216
BitwiseOrEquals 217
BitwiseXorEquals 218
LeftShift 219
RightShift 220
Concat 221
ConcatEquals 222
Go 223
Label 224
Integer 225
Numeric 226
Real 227
HexLiteral 228
Money 229
SqlCommandIdentifier 230
PseudoColumn 231
DollarPartition 232
AsciiStringOrQuotedIdentifier 233
AsciiStringLiteral 234
UnicodeStringLiteral 235
Identifier 236
QuotedIdentifier 237
Variable 238
OdbcInitiator 239
ProcNameSemicolon 240
SingleLineComment 241
MultilineComment 242
WhiteSpace 243

Applies to