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TimeSeriesCatalog.DetectAnomalyBySrCnn Metodo


Creare SrCnnAnomalyEstimator, che rileva le anomalie dei tempi usando l'algoritmo SRCNN.

public static Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TimeSeries.SrCnnAnomalyEstimator DetectAnomalyBySrCnn(this Microsoft.ML.TransformsCatalog catalog, string outputColumnName, string inputColumnName, int windowSize = 64, int backAddWindowSize = 5, int lookaheadWindowSize = 5, int averagingWindowSize = 3, int judgementWindowSize = 21, double threshold = 0.3);
public static Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TimeSeries.SrCnnAnomalyEstimator DetectAnomalyBySrCnn(this Microsoft.ML.TransformsCatalog catalog, string outputColumnName, string inputColumnName, int windowSize = 64, int backAddWindowSize = 5, int lookaheadWindowSize = 5, int averageingWindowSize = 3, int judgementWindowSize = 21, double threshold = 0.3);
static member DetectAnomalyBySrCnn : Microsoft.ML.TransformsCatalog * string * string * int * int * int * int * int * double -> Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TimeSeries.SrCnnAnomalyEstimator
static member DetectAnomalyBySrCnn : Microsoft.ML.TransformsCatalog * string * string * int * int * int * int * int * double -> Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TimeSeries.SrCnnAnomalyEstimator
Public Function DetectAnomalyBySrCnn (catalog As TransformsCatalog, outputColumnName As String, inputColumnName As String, Optional windowSize As Integer = 64, Optional backAddWindowSize As Integer = 5, Optional lookaheadWindowSize As Integer = 5, Optional averagingWindowSize As Integer = 3, Optional judgementWindowSize As Integer = 21, Optional threshold As Double = 0.3) As SrCnnAnomalyEstimator
Public Function DetectAnomalyBySrCnn (catalog As TransformsCatalog, outputColumnName As String, inputColumnName As String, Optional windowSize As Integer = 64, Optional backAddWindowSize As Integer = 5, Optional lookaheadWindowSize As Integer = 5, Optional averageingWindowSize As Integer = 3, Optional judgementWindowSize As Integer = 21, Optional threshold As Double = 0.3) As SrCnnAnomalyEstimator



Catalogo della trasformazione.


Nome della colonna risultante dalla trasformazione di inputColumnName. I dati della colonna sono un vettore di Double. Il vettore contiene 3 elementi: avviso (1 significa anomalia mentre 0 significa normale), punteggio non elaborato e grandezza del residuo spectual.


Nome della colonna da trasformare. I dati della colonna devono essere Single.


Dimensione della finestra scorrevole per il calcolo dei residui spectrali.


Numero di punti da aggiungere alla finestra di training. Non più di windowSize, in genere mantiene il valore predefinito.


Numero di punti perviosi usati nella stima. Non più di windowSize, in genere mantiene il valore predefinito.


Dimensioni della finestra scorrevole per generare una mappa di saliency per la serie. Non più di windowSize, in genere mantiene il valore predefinito.


Dimensione della finestra scorrevole per calcolare il punteggio anomalie per ogni punto dati. Non più di windowSize.


La soglia per determinare un'anomalia, il punteggio maggiore della soglia viene considerato come anomalia. Deve trovarsi in (0,1)



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Transforms.TimeSeries;

namespace Samples.Dynamic
    public static class DetectAnomalyBySrCnn
        // This example creates a time series (list of Data with the i-th element
        // corresponding to the i-th time slot). The estimator is applied then to
        // identify spiking points in the series.
        public static void Example()
            // Create a new ML context, for ML.NET operations. It can be used for
            // exception tracking and logging, as well as the source of randomness.
            var ml = new MLContext();

            // Generate sample series data with an anomaly
            var data = new List<TimeSeriesData>();
            for (int index = 0; index < 20; index++)
                data.Add(new TimeSeriesData(5));
            data.Add(new TimeSeriesData(10));
            for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++)
                data.Add(new TimeSeriesData(5));

            // Convert data to IDataView.
            var dataView = ml.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(data);

            // Setup the estimator arguments
            string outputColumnName = nameof(SrCnnAnomalyDetection.Prediction);
            string inputColumnName = nameof(TimeSeriesData.Value);

            // The transformed model.
            ITransformer model = ml.Transforms.DetectAnomalyBySrCnn(
                outputColumnName, inputColumnName, 16, 5, 5, 3, 8, 0.35).Fit(

            // Create a time series prediction engine from the model.
            var engine = model.CreateTimeSeriesEngine<TimeSeriesData,

            Console.WriteLine($"{outputColumnName} column obtained post-" +


            // Prediction column obtained post-transformation.
            // Data	Alert	Score	Mag

            // Create non-anomalous data and check for anomaly.
            for (int index = 0; index < 20; index++)
                // Anomaly detection.
                PrintPrediction(5, engine.Predict(new TimeSeriesData(5)));

            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.00    0.00
            //5   0   0.03    0.18
            //5   0   0.03    0.18
            //5   0   0.03    0.18
            //5   0   0.03    0.18
            //5   0   0.03    0.18

            // Anomaly.
            PrintPrediction(10, engine.Predict(new TimeSeriesData(10)));

            //10	1	0.47	0.93    <-- alert is on, predicted anomaly

            // Checkpoint the model.
            var modelPath = "";
            engine.CheckPoint(ml, modelPath);

            // Load the model.
            using (var file = File.OpenRead(modelPath))
                model = ml.Model.Load(file, out DataViewSchema schema);

            for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++)
                // Anomaly detection.
                PrintPrediction(5, engine.Predict(new TimeSeriesData(5)));

            //5   0   0.31    0.50
            //5   0   0.05    0.30
            //5   0   0.01    0.23
            //5   0   0.00    0.21
            //5   0   0.01    0.25

        private static void PrintPrediction(float value, SrCnnAnomalyDetection
            prediction) =>
            Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2:0.00}\t{3:0.00}", value, prediction
            .Prediction[0], prediction.Prediction[1], prediction.Prediction[2]);

        private class TimeSeriesData
            public float Value;

            public TimeSeriesData(float value)
                Value = value;

        private class SrCnnAnomalyDetection
            public double[] Prediction { get; set; }

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