Azure.ResourceManager.DataMigration.Models Namespace
Some information relates to prerelease product that may be substantially modified before it’s released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
ArmDataMigrationModelFactory |
Model factory for models. |
AuthenticationKeys |
An authentication key. |
AvailableServiceSku |
Describes the available service SKU. |
AvailableServiceSkuCapacity |
A description of the scaling capacities of the SKU. |
AvailableServiceSkuSku |
SKU name, tier, etc. |
AzureActiveDirectoryApp |
Azure Active Directory Application. |
AzureBlob |
Azure Blob Details. |
BackupConfiguration |
Backup Configuration. |
BackupFileInfo |
Information of the backup file. |
BackupSetInfo |
Information of backup set. |
BlobShare |
Blob container storage information. |
CheckOciDriverTaskOutput |
Output for the service task to check for OCI drivers. |
CheckOciDriverTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that checks for OCI drivers. |
CommandProperties |
Base class for all types of DMS command properties. If command is not supported by current client, this object is returned. Please note CommandProperties is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include MongoDBCancelCommand, MongoDBFinishCommand, MigrateMISyncCompleteCommandProperties, MigrateSyncCompleteCommandProperties and MongoDBRestartCommand. |
ConnectionInfo |
Defines the connection properties of a server Please note ConnectionInfo is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include MISqlConnectionInfo, MongoDBConnectionInfo, MySqlConnectionInfo, OracleConnectionInfo, PostgreSqlConnectionInfo and SqlConnectionInfo. |
ConnectToMongoDBTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates the connection to and provides information about a MongoDB server. |
ConnectToSourceMySqlTaskInput |
Input for the task that validates MySQL database connection. |
ConnectToSourceMySqlTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates MySQL database connection. |
ConnectToSourceNonSqlTaskOutput |
Output for connect to MySQL type source. |
ConnectToSourceOracleSyncTaskOutput |
Output for the task that validates Oracle database connection. |
ConnectToSourceOracleSyncTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates Oracle database connection. |
ConnectToSourcePostgreSqlSyncTaskOutput |
Output for the task that validates connection to PostgreSQL and source server requirements. |
ConnectToSourcePostgreSqlSyncTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates connection to PostgreSQL server and source server requirements for online migration. |
ConnectToSourceSqlServerSyncTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates connection to SQL Server and source server requirements for online migration. |
ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskInput |
Input for the task that validates connection to SQL Server and also validates source server requirements. |
ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskOutput |
Output for the task that validates connection to SQL Server and also validates source server requirements Please note ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskOutput is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskOutputAgentJobLevel, ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskOutputDatabaseLevel, ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskOutputLoginLevel and ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskOutputTaskLevel. |
ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskOutputAgentJobLevel |
Agent Job level output for the task that validates connection to SQL Server and also validates source server requirements. |
ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskOutputDatabaseLevel |
Database level output for the task that validates connection to SQL Server and also validates source server requirements. |
ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskOutputLoginLevel |
Login level output for the task that validates connection to SQL Server and also validates source server requirements. |
ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskOutputTaskLevel |
Task level output for the task that validates connection to SQL Server and also validates source server requirements. |
ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates connection to SQL Server and also validates source server requirements. |
ConnectToTargetAzureDBForMySqlTaskInput |
Input for the task that validates connection to Azure Database for MySQL and target server requirements. |
ConnectToTargetAzureDBForMySqlTaskOutput |
Output for the task that validates connection to Azure Database for MySQL and target server requirements. |
ConnectToTargetAzureDBForMySqlTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates connection to Azure Database for MySQL and target server requirements. |
ConnectToTargetAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskInput |
Input for the task that validates connection to Azure Database for PostgreSQL and target server requirements. |
ConnectToTargetAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutput |
Output for the task that validates connection to Azure Database for PostgreSQL and target server requirements. |
ConnectToTargetAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates connection to Azure Database For PostgreSQL server and target server requirements for online migration. |
ConnectToTargetOracleAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutput |
Output for the task that validates connection to Azure Database for PostgreSQL and target server requirements for Oracle source. |
ConnectToTargetOracleAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseSchemaMapItem |
The ConnectToTargetOracleAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseSchemaMapItem. |
ConnectToTargetOracleAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates connection to Azure Database For PostgreSQL server and target server requirements for online migration for Oracle source. |
ConnectToTargetSqlDBSyncTaskInput |
Input for the task that validates connection to Azure SQL DB and target server requirements. |
ConnectToTargetSqlDBSyncTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates connection to SQL DB and target server requirements for online migration. |
ConnectToTargetSqlDBTaskInput |
Input for the task that validates connection to SQL DB and target server requirements. |
ConnectToTargetSqlDBTaskOutput |
Output for the task that validates connection to SQL DB and target server requirements. |
ConnectToTargetSqlDBTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates connection to SQL DB and target server requirements. |
ConnectToTargetSqlMISyncTaskInput |
Input for the task that validates connection to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance online scenario. |
ConnectToTargetSqlMISyncTaskOutput |
Output for the task that validates connection to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. |
ConnectToTargetSqlMISyncTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates connection to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. |
ConnectToTargetSqlMITaskInput |
Input for the task that validates connection to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. |
ConnectToTargetSqlMITaskOutput |
Output for the task that validates connection to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. |
ConnectToTargetSqlMITaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates connection to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. |
CopyProgressDetails |
Details on progress of ADF copy activity. |
DatabaseBackupInfo |
Information about backup files when existing backup mode is used. |
DatabaseFileInfo |
Database file specific information. |
DatabaseInfo |
Project Database Details. |
DatabaseMigration |
Database Migration Resource. |
DatabaseMigrationProperties |
Database Migration Resource properties. Please note DatabaseMigrationProperties is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include DatabaseMigrationSqlDBProperties, DatabaseMigrationSqlMIProperties and DatabaseMigrationSqlVmProperties. |
DatabaseMigrationSqlDBProperties |
Database Migration Resource properties for SQL database. |
DatabaseMigrationSqlMIProperties |
Database Migration Resource properties for SQL Managed Instance. |
DatabaseMigrationSqlVmProperties |
Database Migration Resource properties for SQL Virtual Machine. |
DatabaseTable |
Table properties. |
DataIntegrityValidationResult |
Results for checksum based Data Integrity validation results. |
DataMigrationServiceStatusResponse |
Service health status. |
DeleteNode |
Details of node to be deleted. |
ErrorInfo |
Error details. |
ExecutionStatistics |
Description about the errors happen while performing migration validation. |
FileShare |
File share information with Path, Username, and Password. |
FileStorageInfo |
File storage information. |
GetTdeCertificatesSqlTaskInput |
Input for the task that gets TDE certificates in Base64 encoded format. |
GetTdeCertificatesSqlTaskOutput |
Output of the task that gets TDE certificates in Base64 encoded format. |
GetTdeCertificatesSqlTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that gets TDE certificates in Base64 encoded format. |
GetUserTablesMySqlTaskInput |
Input for the task that collects user tables for the given list of databases. |
GetUserTablesMySqlTaskOutput |
Output of the task that collects user tables for the given list of databases. |
GetUserTablesMySqlTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that collects user tables for the given list of databases. |
GetUserTablesOracleTaskInput |
Input for the task that gets the list of tables contained within a provided list of Oracle schemas. |
GetUserTablesOracleTaskOutput |
Output for the task that gets the list of tables contained within a provided list of Oracle schemas. |
GetUserTablesOracleTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that collects user tables for the given list of Oracle schemas. |
GetUserTablesPostgreSqlTaskInput |
Input for the task that gets the list of tables for a provided list of PostgreSQL databases. |
GetUserTablesPostgreSqlTaskOutput |
Output for the task that gets the list of tables for a provided list of PostgreSQL databases. |
GetUserTablesPostgreSqlTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that collects user tables for the given list of databases. |
GetUserTablesSqlSyncTaskInput |
Input for the task that collects user tables for the given list of databases. |
GetUserTablesSqlSyncTaskOutput |
Output of the task that collects user tables for the given list of databases. |
GetUserTablesSqlSyncTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that collects user tables for the given list of databases. |
GetUserTablesSqlTaskInput |
Input for the task that collects user tables for the given list of databases. |
GetUserTablesSqlTaskOutput |
Output of the task that collects user tables for the given list of databases. |
GetUserTablesSqlTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that collects user tables for the given list of databases. |
InstallOciDriverTaskOutput |
Output for the service task to install an OCI driver. |
InstallOciDriverTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that installs an OCI driver. |
IntegrationRuntimeMonitoringData |
Integration Runtime Monitoring Data. |
MigrateMISyncCompleteCommandProperties |
Properties for the command that completes online migration for an Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. |
MigrateMongoDBTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that migrates data between MongoDB data sources. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineDatabaseInput |
Database specific information for offline MySQL to Azure Database for MySQL migration task inputs. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskInput |
Input for the task that migrates MySQL databases to Azure Database for MySQL for offline migrations. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskOutput |
Output for the task that migrates MySQL databases to Azure Database for MySQL for offline migrations Please note MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskOutput is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskOutputDatabaseLevel, MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskOutputError, MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskOutputMigrationLevel and MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskOutputTableLevel. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskOutputDatabaseLevel |
The MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskOutputDatabaseLevel. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskOutputError |
The MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskOutputError. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskOutputMigrationLevel |
The MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskOutputMigrationLevel. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskOutputTableLevel |
The MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskOutputTableLevel. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that migrates MySQL databases to Azure Database for MySQL for offline migrations. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncDatabaseInput |
Database specific information for MySQL to Azure Database for MySQL migration task inputs. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskInput |
Input for the task that migrates MySQL databases to Azure Database for MySQL for online migrations. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutput |
Output for the task that migrates MySQL databases to Azure Database for MySQL for online migrations Please note MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutput is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseError, MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel, MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputError, MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel and MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputTableLevel. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseError |
The MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseError. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel |
The MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputError |
The MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputError. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel |
The MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputTableLevel |
The MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskOutputTableLevel. |
MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that migrates MySQL databases to Azure Database for MySQL for online migrations. |
MigrateOracleAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that migrates Oracle to Azure Database for PostgreSQL for online migrations. |
MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncDatabaseInput |
Database specific information for Oracle to Azure Database for PostgreSQL migration task inputs. |
MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskInput |
Input for the task that migrates Oracle databases to Azure Database for PostgreSQL for online migrations. |
MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutput |
Output for the task that migrates Oracle databases to Azure Database for PostgreSQL for online migrations Please note MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutput is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseError, MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel, MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputError, MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel and MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputTableLevel. |
MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseError |
The MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseError. |
MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel |
The MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel. |
MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputError |
The MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputError. |
MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel |
The MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel. |
MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputTableLevel |
The MigrateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputTableLevel. |
MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncDatabaseInput |
Database specific information for PostgreSQL to Azure Database for PostgreSQL migration task inputs. |
MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncDatabaseTableInput |
Selected tables for the migration. |
MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskInput |
Input for the task that migrates PostgreSQL databases to Azure Database for PostgreSQL for online migrations. |
MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutput |
Output for the task that migrates PostgreSQL databases to Azure Database for PostgreSQL for online migrations Please note MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutput is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseError, MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel, MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputError, MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel and MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputTableLevel. |
MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseError |
The MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseError. |
MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel |
The MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel. |
MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputError |
The MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputError. |
MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel |
The MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel. |
MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputTableLevel |
The MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutputTableLevel. |
MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that migrates PostgreSQL databases to Azure Database for PostgreSQL for online migrations. |
MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBDatabaseInput |
Database input for migrate schema Sql Server to Azure SQL Server scenario. |
MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBTaskInput |
Input for task that migrates Schema for SQL Server databases to Azure SQL databases. |
MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutput |
Output for the task that migrates Schema for SQL Server databases to Azure SQL databases Please note MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutput is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputDatabaseLevel, MigrateSchemaSqlTaskOutputError, MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputMigrationLevel and MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputError. |
MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputDatabaseLevel |
The MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputDatabaseLevel. |
MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputError |
The MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputError. |
MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputMigrationLevel |
The MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputMigrationLevel. |
MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBTaskProperties |
Properties for task that migrates Schema for SQL Server databases to Azure SQL databases. |
MigrateSchemaSqlTaskOutputError |
The MigrateSchemaSqlTaskOutputError. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBDatabaseInput |
Database specific information for SQL to Azure SQL DB migration task inputs. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncDatabaseInput |
Database specific information for SQL to Azure SQL DB sync migration task inputs. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskInput |
Input for the task that migrates on-prem SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database for online migrations. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutput |
Output for the task that migrates on-prem SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database for online migrations Please note MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutput is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputDatabaseError, MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel, MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputError, MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel and MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputTableLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputDatabaseError |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputDatabaseError. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputError |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputError. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputTableLevel |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskOutputTableLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that migrates on-prem SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database for online migrations. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskInput |
Input for the task that migrates on-prem SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutput |
Output for the task that migrates on-prem SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database Please note MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutput is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputDatabaseLevel, MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputError, MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputDatabaseLevelValidationResult, MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputMigrationLevel, MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputValidationResult and MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputTableLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputDatabaseLevel |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputDatabaseLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputDatabaseLevelValidationResult |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputDatabaseLevelValidationResult. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputError |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputError. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputMigrationLevel |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputMigrationLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputTableLevel |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputTableLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputValidationResult |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskOutputValidationResult. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that migrates on-prem SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMIDatabaseInput |
Database specific information for SQL to Azure SQL DB Managed Instance migration task inputs. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskInput |
Input for task that migrates SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance online scenario. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskOutput |
Output for task that migrates SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance using Log Replay Service. Please note MigrateSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskOutput is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include MigrateSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel, MigrateSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskOutputError and MigrateSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskOutputDatabaseLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskOutputError |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskOutputError. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskOutputMigrationLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskProperties |
Properties for task that migrates SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance sync scenario. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskInput |
Input for task that migrates SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutput |
Output for task that migrates SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. Please note MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutput is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputAgentJobLevel, MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputDatabaseLevel, MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputError, MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputLoginLevel and MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputMigrationLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputAgentJobLevel |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputAgentJobLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputDatabaseLevel |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputDatabaseLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputError |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputError. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputLoginLevel |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputLoginLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputMigrationLevel |
The MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputMigrationLevel. |
MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskProperties |
Properties for task that migrates SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. |
MigrateSsisTaskInput |
Input for task that migrates SSIS packages from SQL Server to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. |
MigrateSsisTaskOutput |
Output for task that migrates SSIS packages from SQL Server to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. Please note MigrateSsisTaskOutput is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include MigrateSsisTaskOutputMigrationLevel and MigrateSsisTaskOutputProjectLevel. |
MigrateSsisTaskOutputMigrationLevel |
The MigrateSsisTaskOutputMigrationLevel. |
MigrateSsisTaskOutputProjectLevel |
The MigrateSsisTaskOutputProjectLevel. |
MigrateSsisTaskProperties |
Properties for task that migrates SSIS packages from SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. |
MigrateSyncCompleteCommandInput |
Input for command that completes sync migration for a database. |
MigrateSyncCompleteCommandOutput |
Output for command that completes sync migration for a database. |
MigrateSyncCompleteCommandProperties |
Properties for the command that completes sync migration for a database. |
MigrationEligibilityInfo |
Information about migration eligibility of a server object. |
MigrationOperationInput |
Migration Operation Input. |
MigrationReportResult |
Migration validation report result, contains the url for downloading the generated report. |
MigrationStatusDetails |
Detailed status of current migration. |
MigrationValidationDatabaseSummaryResult |
Migration Validation Database level summary result. |
MigrationValidationOptions |
Types of validations to run after the migration. |
MigrationValidationResult |
Migration Validation Result. |
MISqlConnectionInfo |
Properties required to create a connection to Azure SQL database Managed instance. |
MongoDBCancelCommand |
Properties for the command that cancels a migration in whole or in part. |
MongoDBClusterInfo |
Describes a MongoDB data source. |
MongoDBCollectionInfo |
Describes a supported collection within a MongoDB database. |
MongoDBCollectionProgress |
Describes the progress of a collection. |
MongoDBCollectionSettings |
Describes how an individual MongoDB collection should be migrated. |
MongoDBCommandInput |
Describes the input to the 'cancel' and 'restart' MongoDB migration commands. |
MongoDBConnectionInfo |
Describes a connection to a MongoDB data source. |
MongoDBDatabaseInfo |
Describes a database within a MongoDB data source. |
MongoDBDatabaseProgress |
Describes the progress of a database. |
MongoDBDatabaseSettings |
Describes how an individual MongoDB database should be migrated. |
MongoDBError |
Describes an error or warning that occurred during a MongoDB migration. |
MongoDBFinishCommand |
Properties for the command that finishes a migration in whole or in part. |
MongoDBFinishCommandInput |
Describes the input to the 'finish' MongoDB migration command. |
MongoDBMigrationProgress |
Describes the progress of the overall migration. |
MongoDBMigrationSettings |
Describes how a MongoDB data migration should be performed. |
MongoDBObjectInfo |
Describes a database or collection within a MongoDB data source. |
MongoDBProgress |
Base class for MongoDB migration outputs Please note MongoDBProgress is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include MongoDBCollectionProgress, MongoDBDatabaseProgress and MongoDBMigrationProgress. |
MongoDBRestartCommand |
Properties for the command that restarts a migration in whole or in part. |
MongoDBShardKeyField |
Describes a field reference within a MongoDB shard key. |
MongoDBShardKeyInfo |
Describes a MongoDB shard key. |
MongoDBShardKeySetting |
Describes a MongoDB shard key. |
MongoDBThrottlingSettings |
Specifies resource limits for the migration. |
MySqlConnectionInfo |
Information for connecting to MySQL server. |
NameAvailabilityRequest |
A resource type and proposed name. |
NameAvailabilityResponse |
Indicates whether a proposed resource name is available. |
NodeMonitoringData |
The NodeMonitoringData. |
ODataError |
Error information in OData format. |
OfflineConfiguration |
Offline configuration. |
OracleConnectionInfo |
Information for connecting to Oracle server. |
OracleOciDriverInfo |
Information about an Oracle OCI driver. |
OrphanedUserInfo |
Information of orphaned users on the SQL server database. |
PostgreSqlConnectionInfo |
Information for connecting to PostgreSQL server. |
ProjectFileProperties |
Base class for file properties. |
ProjectTaskProperties |
Base class for all types of DMS task properties. If task is not supported by current client, this object is returned. Please note ProjectTaskProperties is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include ConnectToMongoDBTaskProperties, ConnectToSourceMySqlTaskProperties, ConnectToSourceOracleSyncTaskProperties, ConnectToSourcePostgreSqlSyncTaskProperties, ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskProperties, ConnectToSourceSqlServerSyncTaskProperties, ConnectToTargetAzureDBForMySqlTaskProperties, ConnectToTargetAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskProperties, ConnectToTargetSqlMITaskProperties, ConnectToTargetSqlMISyncTaskProperties, ConnectToTargetOracleAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskProperties, ConnectToTargetSqlDBTaskProperties, ConnectToTargetSqlDBSyncTaskProperties, GetTdeCertificatesSqlTaskProperties, GetUserTablesSqlSyncTaskProperties, GetUserTablesSqlTaskProperties, GetUserTablesMySqlTaskProperties, GetUserTablesOracleTaskProperties, GetUserTablesPostgreSqlTaskProperties, MigrateMongoDBTaskProperties, MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlOfflineTaskProperties, MigrateMySqlAzureDBForMySqlSyncTaskProperties, MigrateOracleAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskProperties, MigratePostgreSqlAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskProperties, MigrateSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskProperties, MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskProperties, MigrateSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskProperties, MigrateSqlServerSqlDBTaskProperties, MigrateSsisTaskProperties, MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDBTaskProperties, CheckOciDriverTaskProperties, InstallOciDriverTaskProperties, UploadOciDriverTaskProperties, ValidateMongoDBTaskProperties, ValidateOracleAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskProperties, ValidateMigrationInputSqlServerSqlMITaskProperties, ValidateMigrationInputSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskProperties and ValidateMigrationInputSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskProperties. |
QueryAnalysisValidationResult |
Results for query analysis comparison between the source and target. |
QueryExecutionResult |
Describes query analysis results for execution in source and target. |
Quota |
Describes a quota for or usage details about a resource. |
QuotaName |
The name of the quota. |
RegenAuthKeys |
An authentication key to regenerate. |
ReportableException |
Exception object for all custom exceptions. |
ResourceSku |
Describes an available DMS SKU. |
ResourceSkuCapabilities |
Describes The SKU capabilities object. |
ResourceSkuCapacity |
Describes scaling information of a SKU. |
ResourceSkuCosts |
Describes metadata for retrieving price info. |
ResourceSkuRestrictions |
Describes scaling information of a SKU. |
SchemaComparisonValidationResult |
Results for schema comparison between the source and target. |
SchemaComparisonValidationResultType |
Description about the errors happen while performing migration validation. |
SchemaMigrationSetting |
Settings for migrating schema from source to target. |
SelectedCertificateInput |
Info for certificate to be exported for TDE enabled databases. |
ServerProperties |
Server properties for MySQL type source. |
ServiceSku |
An Azure SKU instance. |
SourceLocation |
Source Location details of backups. |
SqlBackupFileInfo |
Information of backup file. |
SqlBackupSetInfo |
Information of backup set. |
SqlConnectionInfo |
Information for connecting to SQL database server. |
SqlConnectionInformation |
Source SQL Connection. |
SqlDBMigrationStatusDetails |
Detailed status of current Sql Db migration. |
SqlFileShare |
File share. |
SqlMigrationServicePatch |
An update to a SQL Migration Service. |
SqlMigrationTaskInput |
Base class for migration task input. |
SqlServerSqlMISyncTaskInput |
Input for task that migrates SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance online scenario. |
SsisMigrationInfo |
SSIS migration info with SSIS store type, overwrite policy. |
SyncMigrationDatabaseErrorEvent |
Database migration errors for online migration. |
TargetLocation |
Target Location details for optional copy of backups. |
UploadOciDriverTaskOutput |
Output for the service task to upload an OCI driver. |
UploadOciDriverTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that uploads an OCI driver. |
ValidateMigrationInputSqlServerSqlDBSyncTaskProperties |
Properties for task that validates migration input for SQL to Azure SQL DB sync migrations. |
ValidateMigrationInputSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskInput |
Input for task that migrates SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance online scenario. |
ValidateMigrationInputSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskOutput |
Output for task that validates migration input for Azure SQL Database Managed Instance online migration. |
ValidateMigrationInputSqlServerSqlMISyncTaskProperties |
Properties for task that validates migration input for SQL to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance sync scenario. |
ValidateMigrationInputSqlServerSqlMITaskInput |
Input for task that validates migration input for SQL to Azure SQL Managed Instance. |
ValidateMigrationInputSqlServerSqlMITaskOutput |
Output for task that validates migration input for SQL to Azure SQL Managed Instance migrations. |
ValidateMigrationInputSqlServerSqlMITaskProperties |
Properties for task that validates migration input for SQL to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. |
ValidateMongoDBTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates a migration between MongoDB data sources. |
ValidateOracleAzureDBForPostgreSqlSyncTaskProperties |
Properties for the task that validates a migration for Oracle to Azure Database for PostgreSQL for online migrations. |
ValidateOracleAzureDBPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutput |
Output for task that validates migration input for Oracle to Azure Database for PostgreSQL for online migrations. |
ValidateSyncMigrationInputSqlServerTaskInput |
Input for task that validates migration input for SQL sync migrations. |
ValidateSyncMigrationInputSqlServerTaskOutput |
Output for task that validates migration input for SQL sync migrations. |
ValidationError |
Description about the errors happen while performing migration validation. |
WaitStatistics |
Wait statistics gathered during query batch execution. |
AuthenticationType |
An enumeration of possible authentication types when connecting. |
BackupFileStatus |
An enumeration of Status of the log backup file. |
BackupMode |
An enumeration of backup modes. |
BackupType |
Enum of the different backup types. |
CommandState |
The state of the command. This is ignored if submitted. |
DatabaseCompatLevel |
An enumeration of SQL Server database compatibility levels. |
DatabaseFileType |
An enumeration of SQL Server database file types. |
DatabaseMigrationStage |
Current stage of migration. |
DatabaseMigrationState |
Database level migration state. |
DatabaseState |
An enumeration of SQL Server Database states. |
LoginMigrationStage |
Enum of the different stage of login migration. |
LoginType |
Enum mapping of SMO LoginType. |
MigrationState |
Current state of migration. |
MigrationStatus |
Current status of migration. |
MongoDBClusterType |
The type of data source. |
MongoDBErrorType |
The type of error or warning. |
MongoDBMigrationState |
The MongoDBMigrationState. |
MongoDBReplication |
Describes how changes will be replicated from the source to the target. The default is OneTime. |
MongoDBShardKeyOrder |
The field ordering. |
MySqlTargetPlatformType |
An enumeration of possible target types when migrating from MySQL. |
NameCheckFailureReason |
The reason why the name is not available, if nameAvailable is false. |
ObjectType |
An enumeration of type of objects. |
ProjectProvisioningState |
The project's provisioning state. |
ProjectSourcePlatform |
Source platform of the project. |
ProjectTargetPlatform |
Target platform of the project. |
ReplicateMigrationState |
Wrapper for replicate reported migration states. |
ResourceSkuCapacityScaleType |
The scale type applicable to the SKU. |
ResourceSkuRestrictionsReasonCode |
The reason code for restriction. |
ResourceSkuRestrictionsType |
The type of restrictions. |
ScenarioSource |
An enumeration of source type. |
ScenarioTarget |
An enumeration of target type. |
SchemaMigrationOption |
Option for how schema is extracted and applied to target. |
SchemaMigrationStage |
Current stage of schema migration. |
ServiceProvisioningState |
The resource's provisioning state. |
ServiceScalability |
The scalability approach. |
Severity |
Severity of the validation error. |
SqlSourcePlatform |
An enumeration of source platform types. |
SsisMigrationOverwriteOption |
The overwrite option for SSIS object migration, only ignore and overwrite are supported in DMS now and future may add Reuse option for container object. |
SsisMigrationStage |
Current stage of SSIS migration. |
SsisStoreType |
An enumeration of supported source SSIS store type in DMS. |
SyncDatabaseMigrationReportingState |
Enum of the different state of database level online migration. |
SyncTableMigrationState |
Enum of the different state of table level online migration. |
TaskState |
The state of the task. This is ignored if submitted. |
UpdateActionType |
Type of the actual difference for the compared object, while performing schema comparison. |
ValidationStatus |
Current status of the validation. |
ServerLevelPermissionsGroup |
Permission group for validations. These groups will run a set of permissions for validating user activity. Select the permission group for the activity that you are performing. |