Condividi tramite

<complex> funzioni


Calcola il modulo di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
Type abs(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui deve essere determinato il modulo.

Valore restituito

Modulo di un numero complesso.


Il modulo di un numero complesso è una misura della lunghezza del vettore che rappresenta il numero complesso. Il modulo di un numero complesso a + bi è la radice quadrata di (2 + b2), scritta |a + bi|. La norma di un numero complesso a + bi è (2 + b2). La norma di un numero complesso è il quadrato del suo modulo.


// complex_abs.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   // Complex numbers can be entered in polar form with
   // modulus and argument parameter inputs but are
   // stored in Cartesian form as real & imag coordinates
   complex <double> c1 ( polar ( 5.0 ) );   // Default argument = 0
   complex <double> c2 ( polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) );
   complex <double> c3 ( polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) );
   cout << "c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = " << c1 << endl;
   cout << "c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = " << c2 << endl;
   cout << "c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = " << c3 << endl;

   // The modulus and argument of a complex number can be recovered
   // using abs & arg member functions
   double absc1 = abs ( c1 );
   double argc1 = arg ( c1 );
   cout << "The modulus of c1 is recovered from c1 using: abs ( c1 ) = "
        << absc1 << endl;
   cout << "Argument of c1 is recovered from c1 using:\n arg ( c1 ) = "
        << argc1 << " radians, which is " << argc1 * 180 / pi
        << " degrees." << endl;

   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = "
        << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:\n arg ( c2 ) = "
        << argc2 << " radians, which is " << argc2 * 180 / pi
        << " degrees." << endl;

   // Testing if the principal angles of c2 and c3 are the same
   if ( (arg ( c2 ) <= ( arg ( c3 ) + .00000001) ) ||
        (arg ( c2 ) >= ( arg ( c3 ) - .00000001) ) )
      cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the "
           << "same principal arguments."<< endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 don't have the "
           << "same principal arguments." << endl;
c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = (5,0)
c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
The modulus of c1 is recovered from c1 using: abs ( c1 ) = 5
Argument of c1 is recovered from c1 using:
arg ( c1 ) = 0 radians, which is 0 degrees.
The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = 5
Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:
arg ( c2 ) = 0.523599 radians, which is 30 degrees.
The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the same principal arguments.


template<class T> complex<T> acos(const complex<T>&);


template<class T> complex<T> acosh(const complex<T>&);


Estrae l'argomento da un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
Type arg(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui deve essere determinato l'argomento.

Valore restituito

Argomento del numero complesso.


L'argomento è l'angolo che il vettore complesso crea con l'asse reale positivo nel piano complesso. Per un numero complesso a + bi, l'argomento è uguale a arctan(b/a). L'angolo ha un senso positivo se misurato in senso antiorario rispetto all'asse reale positivo, ha un senso negativo se misurato in senso orario. I valori principali sono maggiori di -pi e minori o uguali a +pi.


// complex_arg.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   // Complex numbers can be entered in polar form with
   // modulus and argument parameter inputs but are
   // stored in Cartesian form as real & imag coordinates
   complex <double> c1 ( polar ( 5.0 ) );   // Default argument = 0
   complex <double> c2 ( polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) );
   complex <double> c3 ( polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) );
   cout << "c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = " << c1 << endl;
   cout << "c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = " << c2 << endl;
   cout << "c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = " << c3 << endl;

   // The modulus and argument of a complex number can be rcovered
   // using abs & arg member functions
   double absc1 = abs ( c1 );
   double argc1 = arg ( c1 );
   cout << "The modulus of c1 is recovered from c1 using: abs ( c1 ) = "
        << absc1 << endl;
   cout << "Argument of c1 is recovered from c1 using:\n arg ( c1 ) = "
        << argc1 << " radians, which is " << argc1 * 180 / pi
        << " degrees." << endl;

   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = "
        << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:\n arg ( c2 ) = "
        << argc2 << " radians, which is " << argc2 * 180 / pi
        << " degrees." << endl;

   // Testing if the principal angles of c2 and c3 are the same
   if ( (arg ( c2 ) <= ( arg ( c3 ) + .00000001) ) ||
        (arg ( c2 ) >= ( arg ( c3 ) - .00000001) ) )
      cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the "
           << "same principal arguments."<< endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 don't have the "
           << "same principal arguments." << endl;
c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = (5,0)
c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
The modulus of c1 is recovered from c1 using: abs ( c1 ) = 5
Argument of c1 is recovered from c1 using:
arg ( c1 ) = 0 radians, which is 0 degrees.
The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = 5
Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:
arg ( c2 ) = 0.523599 radians, which is 30 degrees.
The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the same principal arguments.


template<class T> complex<T> asin(const complex<T>&);


template<class T> complex<T> asinh(const complex<T>&);


template<class T> complex<T> atan(const complex<T>&);


template<class T> complex<T> atanh(const complex<T>&);


Restituisce il complesso coniugato di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
complex<Type> conj(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui deve essere restituito il complesso coniugato.

Valore restituito

Complesso coniugato di un numero complesso di input.


Il complesso coniugato di un numero complesso a + bi è un - bi. Il prodotto di un numero complesso e il relativo coniugato sono la norma del numero a2 + b2.


// complex_conj.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;

   complex <double> c1 ( 4.0 , 3.0 );
   cout << "The complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;

   double dr1 = real ( c1 );
   cout << "The real part of c1 is real ( c1 ) = "
        << dr1 << "." << endl;

   double di1 = imag ( c1 );
   cout << "The imaginary part of c1 is imag ( c1 ) = "
        << di1 << "." << endl;

   complex <double> c2 = conj ( c1 );
   cout << "The complex conjugate of c1 is c2 = conj ( c1 )= "
        << c2 << endl;

   double dr2 = real ( c2 );
   cout << "The real part of c2 is real ( c2 ) = "
        << dr2 << "." << endl;

   double di2 = imag ( c2 );
   cout << "The imaginary part of c2 is imag ( c2 ) = "
        << di2 << "." << endl;

   // The real part of the product of a complex number
   // and its conjugate is the norm of the number
   complex <double> c3 = c1 * c2;
   cout << "The norm of (c1 * conj (c1) ) is c1 * c2 = "
        << real( c3 ) << endl;
The complex number c1 = (4,3)
The real part of c1 is real ( c1 ) = 4.
The imaginary part of c1 is imag ( c1 ) = 3.
The complex conjugate of c1 is c2 = conj ( c1 )= (4,-3)
The real part of c2 is real ( c2 ) = 4.
The imaginary part of c2 is imag ( c2 ) = -3.
The norm of (c1 * conj (c1) ) is c1 * c2 = 25


Restituisce il coseno di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
complex<Type> cos(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui determinare il coseno.

Valore restituito

Numero complesso che corrisponde al coseno del numero complesso di input.


Identità che definiscono coseni complessi:

cos (z) = (1/2)*(exp (iz) + exp (- iz) )

cos (z) = cos (a + bi) = cos (a) cosh ( b) - isin (a) sinh (b)


// complex_cos.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;
   complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
   cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;

   // Values of cosine of a complex number c1
   complex <double> c2 = cos ( c1 );
   cout << "Complex number c2 = cos ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
        << argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Cosines of the standard angles in the first
   // two quadrants of the complex plane
   vector <complex <double> > v1;
   vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
   complex <double> vc1  ( polar (1.0, pi / 6) );
   v1.push_back( cos ( vc1 ) );
   complex <double> vc2  ( polar (1.0, pi / 3) );
   v1.push_back( cos ( vc2 ) );
   complex <double> vc3  ( polar (1.0, pi / 2) );
   v1.push_back( cos ( vc3) );
   complex <double> vc4  ( polar (1.0, 2 * pi / 3) );
   v1.push_back( cos ( vc4 ) );
   complex <double> vc5  ( polar (1.0, 5 * pi / 6) );
   v1.push_back( cos ( vc5 ) );
   complex <double> vc6  ( polar (1.0,  pi ) );
   v1.push_back( cos ( vc6 ) );

   cout << "The complex components cos (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
        << "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
   for ( Iter1 = v1.begin( ) ; Iter1 != v1.end( ) ; Iter1++ )
      cout << *Iter1 << endl;
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = cos ( c1 ) = (-27.0349,-3.85115)
The modulus of c2 is: 27.3079
The argument of c2 is: -3.00009 radians, which is -171.893 degrees.

The complex components cos (vci), where abs (vci) = 1
& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:


Restituisce il coseno iperbolico di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
complex<Type> cosh(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui determinare il coseno iperbolico.

Valore restituito

Numero complesso che corrisponde al coseno iperbolico del numero complesso di input.


Identità che definiscono coseni iperbolici:

cos (z) = (1/2)*( exp (z) + exp (- z) )

cos (z) = cosh (a + bi) = cosh (a) cos (b) + isinh (a) sin (b)


// complex_cosh.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;
   complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
   cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;

   // Values of cosine of a complex number c1
   complex <double> c2 = cosh ( c1 );
   cout << "Complex number c2 = cosh ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
        << argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Hyperbolic cosines of the standard angles
   // in the first two quadrants of the complex plane
   vector <complex <double> > v1;
   vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
   complex <double> vc1  ( polar (1.0, pi / 6) );
   v1.push_back( cosh ( vc1 ) );
   complex <double> vc2  ( polar (1.0, pi / 3) );
   v1.push_back( cosh ( vc2 ) );
   complex <double> vc3  ( polar (1.0, pi / 2) );
   v1.push_back( cosh ( vc3) );
   complex <double> vc4  ( polar (1.0, 2 * pi / 3) );
   v1.push_back( cosh ( vc4 ) );
   complex <double> vc5  ( polar (1.0, 5 * pi / 6) );
   v1.push_back( cosh ( vc5 ) );
   complex <double> vc6  ( polar (1.0,  pi ) );
   v1.push_back( cosh ( vc6 ) );

   cout << "The complex components cosh (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
        << "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
   for ( Iter1 = v1.begin( ) ; Iter1 != v1.end( ) ; Iter1++ )
      cout << *Iter1 << endl;
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = cosh ( c1 ) = (-6.58066,-7.58155)
The modulus of c2 is: 10.0392
The argument of c2 is: -2.28564 radians, which is -130.957 degrees.

The complex components cosh (vci), where abs (vci) = 1
& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:


Restituisce la funzione esponenziale di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
complex<Type> exp(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui determinare l'esponenziale.

Valore restituito

Numero complesso che corrisponde all'esponenziale del numero complesso di input.


// complex_exp.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;
   complex <double> c1 ( 1 , pi/6 );
   cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;

   // Value of exponential of a complex number c1:
   // note the argument of c2 is determined by the
   // imaginary part of c1 & the modulus by the real part
   complex <double> c2 = exp ( c1 );
   cout << "Complex number c2 = exp ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
        << argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Exponentials of the standard angles
   // in the first two quadrants of the complex plane
   vector <complex <double> > v1;
   vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
   complex <double> vc1  ( 0.0 , -pi );
   v1.push_back( exp ( vc1 ) );
   complex <double> vc2  ( 0.0, -2 * pi / 3 );
   v1.push_back( exp ( vc2 ) );
   complex <double> vc3  ( 0.0, 0.0 );
   v1.push_back( exp ( vc3 ) );
   complex <double> vc4  ( 0.0, pi / 3 );
   v1.push_back( exp ( vc4 ) );
   complex <double> vc5  ( 0.0 , 2 * pi / 3 );
   v1.push_back( exp ( vc5 ) );
   complex <double> vc6  ( 0.0, pi );
   v1.push_back( exp ( vc6 ) );

   cout << "The complex components exp (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
        << "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 3 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
   for ( Iter1 = v1.begin() ; Iter1 != v1.end() ; Iter1++ )
      cout <<  ( * Iter1 ) << "\n     with argument = "
           << ( 180/pi ) * arg ( *Iter1 )
           << " degrees\n     modulus = "
           << abs ( * Iter1 ) << endl;


Estrae il componente immaginario di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
Type imag(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui estrarre la parte reale.

Valore restituito

Parte immaginaria del numero complesso come funzione globale.


Non è possibile usare questa funzione di modello per modificare la parte reale del numero complesso. Per modificare la parte reale, è necessario assegnare il valore del componente a un nuovo numero complesso.


// complexc_imag.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   complex <double> c1 ( 4.0 , 3.0 );
   cout << "The complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;

   double dr1 = real ( c1 );
   cout << "The real part of c1 is real ( c1 ) = "
        << dr1 << "." << endl;

   double di1 = imag ( c1 );
   cout << "The imaginary part of c1 is imag ( c1 ) = "
        << di1 << "." << endl;
The complex number c1 = (4,3)
The real part of c1 is real ( c1 ) = 4.
The imaginary part of c1 is imag ( c1 ) = 3.


Restituisce il logaritmo naturale di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
complex<Type> log(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui determinare il logaritmo naturale.

Valore restituito

Numero complesso che corrisponde al logaritmo naturale del numero complesso di input.


I raggi si trovano lungo l'asso reale negativo.


// complex_log.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;
   complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
   cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;

   // Values of log of a complex number c1
   complex <double> c2 = log ( c1 );
   cout << "Complex number c2 = log ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
        << argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // log of the standard angles
   // in the first two quadrants of the complex plane
   vector <complex <double> > v1;
   vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
   complex <double> vc1  ( polar (1.0, pi / 6) );
   v1.push_back( log ( vc1 ) );
   complex <double> vc2  ( polar (1.0, pi / 3) );
   v1.push_back( log ( vc2 ) );
   complex <double> vc3  ( polar (1.0, pi / 2) );
   v1.push_back( log ( vc3) );
   complex <double> vc4  ( polar (1.0, 2 * pi / 3) );
   v1.push_back( log ( vc4 ) );
   complex <double> vc5  ( polar (1.0, 5 * pi / 6) );
   v1.push_back( log ( vc5 ) );
   complex <double> vc6  ( polar (1.0,  pi ) );
   v1.push_back( log ( vc6 ) );

   cout << "The complex components log (vci), where abs (vci) = 1 "
        << "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
   for ( Iter1 = v1.begin() ; Iter1 != v1.end() ; Iter1++ )
      cout << *Iter1 << " " << endl;


Restituisce il logaritmo in base 10 di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
complex<Type> log10(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui determinare il logaritmo in base 10.

Valore restituito

Numero complesso che corrisponde al logaritmo in base 10 del numero complesso di input.


I raggi si trovano lungo l'asso reale negativo.


// complex_log10.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;
   complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
   cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;

   // Values of log10 of a complex number c1
   complex <double> c2 = log10 ( c1 );
   cout << "Complex number c2 = log10 ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
        << argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // log10 of the standard angles
   // in the first two quadrants of the complex plane
   vector <complex <double> > v1;
   vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
   complex <double> vc1  ( polar (1.0, pi / 6) );
   v1.push_back( log10 ( vc1 ) );
   complex <double> vc2  ( polar (1.0, pi / 3) );
   v1.push_back( log10 ( vc2 ) );
   complex <double> vc3  ( polar (1.0, pi / 2) );
   v1.push_back( log10 ( vc3) );
   complex <double> vc4  ( polar (1.0, 2 * pi / 3) );
   v1.push_back( log10 ( vc4 ) );
   complex <double> vc5  ( polar (1.0, 5 * pi / 6) );
   v1.push_back( log10 ( vc5 ) );
   complex <double> vc6  ( polar (1.0,  pi ) );
   v1.push_back( log10 ( vc6 ) );

   cout << "The complex components log10 (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
        << "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
   for ( Iter1 = v1.begin( ) ; Iter1 != v1.end( ) ; Iter1++ )
      cout << *Iter1 << endl;


Estrae la norma di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
Type norm(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui determinare la norma.

Valore restituito

Norma di un numero complesso.


La norma di un numero complesso a + bi è (2 + b2). La norma di un numero complesso è il quadrato del suo modulo. Il modulo di un numero complesso è una misura della lunghezza del vettore che rappresenta il numero complesso. Il modulo di un numero complesso a + bi è la radice quadrata di (2 + b2), scritta |a + bi|.


// complex_norm.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   // Complex numbers can be entered in polar form with
   // modulus and argument parameter inputs but are
   // stored in Cartesian form as real & imag coordinates
   complex <double> c1 ( polar ( 5.0 ) );   // Default argument = 0
   complex <double> c2 ( polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) );
   complex <double> c3 ( polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) );
   cout << "c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = " << c1 << endl;
   cout << "c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = " << c2 << endl;
   cout << "c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = " << c3 << endl;

   if ( (arg ( c2 ) <= ( arg ( c3 ) + .00000001) ) ||
        (arg ( c2 ) >= ( arg ( c3 ) - .00000001) ) )
      cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the "
           << "same principal arguments."<< endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 don't have the "
           << "same principal arguments." << endl;

   // The modulus and argument of a complex number can be recovered
   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = "
        << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:\n arg ( c2 ) = "
        << argc2 << " radians, which is " << argc2 * 180 / pi
        << " degrees." << endl;

   // The norm of a complex number is the square of its modulus
   double normc2 = norm ( c2 );
   double sqrtnormc2 = sqrt ( normc2 );
   cout << "The norm of c2 given by: norm ( c2 ) = " << normc2 << endl;
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is the square root of the norm: "
        << "sqrt ( normc2 ) = " << sqrtnormc2 << ".";
c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = (5,0)
c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the same principal arguments.
The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = 5
Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:
arg ( c2 ) = 0.523599 radians, which is 30 degrees.
The norm of c2 given by: norm ( c2 ) = 25
The modulus of c2 is the square root of the norm: sqrt ( normc2 ) = 5.


Restituisce il numero complesso, che corrisponde a un modulo e un argomento specificati, in formato cartesiano.

template <class Type>
complex<Type> polar(const Type& _Modulus, const Type& _Argument = 0);


Modulo del numero complesso di input.

Argomento del numero complesso di input.

Valore restituito

Formato cartesiano del numero complesso specificato in formato polare.


La forma polare di un numero complesso fornisce il modulo r e l'argomento p, dove questi parametri sono correlati ai componenti cartesiani reali e immaginari a e b dalle equazioni a = r * cos p e b = * sin p.


// complex_polar.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   // Complex numbers can be entered in polar form with
   // modulus and argument parameter inputs but are
   // stored in Cartesian form as real & imag coordinates
   complex <double> c1 ( polar ( 5.0 ) );   // Default argument = 0
   complex <double> c2 ( polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) );
   complex <double> c3 ( polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) );
   cout << "c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = " << c1 << endl;
   cout << "c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = " << c2 << endl;
   cout << "c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = " << c3 << endl;

   if ( (arg ( c2 ) <= ( arg ( c3 ) + .00000001) ) ||
        (arg ( c2 ) >= ( arg ( c3 ) - .00000001) ) )
      cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the "
           << "same principal arguments."<< endl;
      cout << "The complex numbers c2 & c3 don't have the "
           << "same principal arguments." << endl;

   // the modulus and argument of a complex number can be rcovered
   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = "
        << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:\n arg ( c2 ) = "
        << argc2 << " radians, which is " << argc2 * 180 / pi
        << " degrees." << endl;
c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = (5,0)
c2 = polar ( 5.0 , pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
c3 = polar ( 5.0 , 13 * pi / 6 ) = (4.33013,2.5)
The complex numbers c2 & c3 have the same principal arguments.
The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = 5
Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:
arg ( c2 ) = 0.523599 radians, which is 30 degrees.


Valuta il numero complesso ottenuto mediante l'elevamento di una base corrispondente a un numero complesso alla potenza di un altro numero complesso.

template <class Type>
complex<Type> pow(const complex<Type>& _Base, int _Power);

template <class Type>
complex<Type> pow(const complex<Type>& _Base, const Type& _Power);

template <class Type>
complex<Type> pow(const complex<Type>& _Base, const complex<Type>& _Power);

template <class Type>
complex<Type> pow(const Type& _Base, const complex<Type>& _Power);


Numero complesso o numero del tipo di parametro per il numero complesso che costituisce la base da elevare a potenza con la funzione membro.

Numero intero, numero complesso o numero del tipo di parametro per il numero complesso che costituisce la base da elevare a potenza con la funzione membro.

Valore restituito

Numero complesso ottenuto elevando a una certa potenza la base specificata.


Ogni funzione converte in modo efficiente i due operandi nel tipo restituito, restituendo left convertito elevato a right.

Il raggio si trova lungo l'asso reale negativo.


// complex_pow.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   // First member function
   // type complex<double> base & type integer power
   complex <double> cb1 ( 3 , 4);
   int cp1 = 2;
   complex <double> ce1 = pow ( cb1 ,cp1 );

   cout << "Complex number for base cb1 = " << cb1 << endl;
   cout << "Integer for power = " << cp1 << endl;
   cout << "Complex number returned from complex base and integer power:"
        << "\n ce1 = cb1 ^ cp1 = " << ce1 << endl;
   double absce1 = abs ( ce1 );
   double argce1 = arg ( ce1 );
   cout << "The modulus of ce1 is: " << absce1 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of ce1 is: "<< argce1 << " radians, which is "
        << argce1 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Second member function
   // type complex<double> base & type double power
   complex <double> cb2 ( 3 , 4 );
   double cp2 = pi;
   complex <double> ce2 = pow ( cb2 ,cp2 );

   cout << "Complex number for base cb2 = " << cb2 << endl;
   cout << "Type double for power cp2 = pi = " << cp2 << endl;
   cout << "Complex number returned from complex base and double power:"
        << "\n ce2 = cb2 ^ cp2 = " << ce2 << endl;
   double absce2 = abs ( ce2 );
   double argce2 = arg ( ce2 );
   cout << "The modulus of ce2 is: " << absce2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of ce2 is: "<< argce2 << " radians, which is "
        << argce2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Third member function
   // type complex<double> base & type complex<double> power
   complex <double> cb3 ( 3 , 4 );
   complex <double> cp3 ( -2 , 1 );
   complex <double> ce3 = pow ( cb3 ,cp3 );

   cout << "Complex number for base cb3 = " << cb3 << endl;
   cout << "Complex number for power cp3= " << cp3 << endl;
   cout << "Complex number returned from complex base and complex power:"
        << "\n ce3 = cb3 ^ cp3 = " << ce3 << endl;
   double absce3 = abs ( ce3 );
   double argce3 = arg ( ce3 );
   cout << "The modulus of ce3 is: " << absce3 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of ce3 is: "<< argce3 << " radians, which is "
        << argce3 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Fourth member function
   // type double base & type complex<double> power
   double cb4 = pi;
   complex <double> cp4 ( 2 , -1 );
   complex <double> ce4 = pow ( cb4 ,cp4 );

   cout << "Type double for base cb4 = pi = " << cb4 << endl;
   cout << "Complex number for power cp4 = " << cp4 << endl;
   cout << "Complex number returned from double base and complex power:"
        << "\n ce4 = cb4 ^ cp4 = " << ce4 << endl;
   double absce4 = abs ( ce4 );
   double argce4 = arg ( ce4 );
   cout << "The modulus of ce4 is: " << absce4 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of ce4 is: "<< argce4 << " radians, which is "
        << argce4 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
Complex number for base cb1 = (3,4)
Integer for power = 2
Complex number returned from complex base and integer power:
ce1 = cb1 ^ cp1 = (-7,24)
The modulus of ce1 is: 25
The argument of ce1 is: 1.85459 radians, which is 106.26 degrees.

Complex number for base cb2 = (3,4)
Type double for power cp2 = pi = 3.14159
Complex number returned from complex base and double power:
ce2 = cb2 ^ cp2 = (-152.915,35.5475)
The modulus of ce2 is: 156.993
The argument of ce2 is: 2.91318 radians, which is 166.913 degrees.

Complex number for base cb3 = (3,4)
Complex number for power cp3= (-2,1)
Complex number returned from complex base and complex power:
ce3 = cb3 ^ cp3 = (0.0153517,-0.00384077)
The modulus of ce3 is: 0.0158249
The argument of ce3 is: -0.245153 radians, which is -14.0462 degrees.

Type double for base cb4 = pi = 3.14159
Complex number for power cp4 = (2,-1)
Complex number returned from double base and complex power:
ce4 = cb4 ^ cp4 = (4.07903,-8.98725)
The modulus of ce4 is: 9.8696
The argument of ce4 is: -1.14473 radians, which is -65.5882 degrees.


template<class T> complex<T> proj(const complex<T>&);


Estrae il componente reale di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
Type real(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui estrarre la parte reale.

Valore restituito

Parte reale del numero complesso come funzione globale.


Non è possibile usare questa funzione di modello per modificare la parte reale del numero complesso. Per modificare la parte reale, è necessario assegnare il valore del componente a un nuovo numero complesso.


// complex_real.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   complex <double> c1 ( 4.0 , 3.0 );
   cout << "The complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;

   double dr1 = real ( c1 );
   cout << "The real part of c1 is real ( c1 ) = "
        << dr1 << "." << endl;

   double di1 = imag ( c1 );
   cout << "The imaginary part of c1 is imag ( c1 ) = "
        << di1 << "." << endl;
The complex number c1 = (4,3)
The real part of c1 is real ( c1 ) = 4.
The imaginary part of c1 is imag ( c1 ) = 3.


Restituisce il seno di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
complex<Type> sin(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui determinare il seno.

Valore restituito

Numero complesso che corrisponde al seno del numero complesso di input.


Identità che definiscono seni complessi:

sin (z) = (1/2 i)*( exp (iz) - exp (- iz) )

sin (z) = sin (a + bi) = sin (a) cosh (b) + icos (a) sinh (b)


// complex_sin.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;
   complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
   cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;

   // Values of sine of a complex number c1
   complex <double> c2 = sin ( c1 );
   cout << "Complex number c2 = sin ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
        << argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // sines of the standard angles in the first
   // two quadrants of the complex plane
   vector <complex <double> > v1;
   vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
   complex <double> vc1  ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 6 ) );
   v1.push_back( sin ( vc1 ) );
   complex <double> vc2  ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 3 ) );
   v1.push_back( sin ( vc2 ) );
   complex <double> vc3  ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 2 ) );
   v1.push_back( sin ( vc3 ) );
   complex <double> vc4  ( polar ( 1.0, 2 * pi / 3 ) );
   v1.push_back( sin ( vc4 ) );
   complex <double> vc5  ( polar ( 1.0, 5 * pi / 6 ) );
   v1.push_back( sin ( vc5 ) );
   complex <double> vc6  ( polar ( 1.0, pi ) );
   v1.push_back( sin ( vc6 ) );

   cout << "The complex components sin (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
        << "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
   for ( Iter1 = v1.begin( ) ; Iter1 != v1.end( ) ; Iter1++ )
      cout << *Iter1 << endl;
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = sin ( c1 ) = (3.85374,-27.0168)
The modulus of c2 is: 27.2903
The argument of c2 is: -1.42911 radians, which is -81.882 degrees.

The complex components sin (vci), where abs (vci) = 1
& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:


Restituisce il seno iperbolico di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
complex<Type> sinh(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui determinare il seno iperbolico.

Valore restituito

Numero complesso che corrisponde al seno iperbolico del numero complesso di input.


Identità che definiscono seni iperbolici:

sinh (z) = (1/2)*( exp (z) - exp (- z) )

sinh (z) = sinh (a + bi) = sinh (a) cos (b) + icosh (a) sin (b) sin (b)


// complex_sinh.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;
   complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
   cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;

   // Values of sine of a complex number c1
   complex <double> c2 = sinh ( c1 );
   cout << "Complex number c2 = sinh ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
        << argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Hyperbolic sines of the standard angles in
   // the first two quadrants of the complex plane
   vector <complex <double> > v1;
   vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
   complex <double> vc1  ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 6 ) );
   v1.push_back( sinh ( vc1 ) );
   complex <double> vc2  ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 3 ) );
   v1.push_back( sinh ( vc2 ) );
   complex <double> vc3  ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 2 ) );
   v1.push_back( sinh ( vc3) );
   complex <double> vc4  ( polar ( 1.0, 2 * pi / 3 ) );
   v1.push_back( sinh ( vc4 ) );
   complex <double> vc5  ( polar ( 1.0, 5 * pi / 6 ) );
   v1.push_back( sinh ( vc5 ) );
   complex <double> vc6  ( polar ( 1.0, pi ) );
   v1.push_back( sinh ( vc6 ) );

   cout << "The complex components sinh (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
        << "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
   for ( Iter1 = v1.begin( ) ; Iter1 != v1.end( ) ; Iter1++ )
      cout << *Iter1 << endl;
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = sinh ( c1 ) = (-6.54812,-7.61923)
The modulus of c2 is: 10.0464
The argument of c2 is: -2.28073 radians, which is -130.676 degrees.

The complex components sinh (vci), where abs (vci) = 1
& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:


Calcola la radice quadrata di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
complex<Type> sqrt(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui trovare la radice quadrata.

Valore restituito

Radice quadrata di un numero complesso.


La radice quadrata avrà un angolo di fase nell'intervallo semiaperto (-pi/2, pi/2].

I raggi nel piano complesso si trovano lungo l'asse reale negativo.

La radice quadrata di un numero complesso avrà un modulo che è la radice quadrata del numero di input e un argomento che è la metà del numero di input.


// complex_sqrt.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;

   // Complex numbers can be entered in polar form with
   // modulus and argument parameter inputs but are
   // stored in Cartesian form as real & imag coordinates
   complex <double> c1 ( polar ( 25.0 , pi / 2 ) );
   complex <double> c2 = sqrt ( c1 );
   cout << "c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = " << c1 << endl;
   cout << "c2 = sqrt ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;

   // The modulus and argument of a complex number can be recovered
   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = "
        << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:\n arg ( c2 ) = "
        << argc2 << " radians, which is " << argc2 * 180 / pi
        << " degrees." << endl;

   // The modulus and argument of c2 can be directly calculated
   absc2 = sqrt( abs ( c1 ) );
   argc2 = 0.5 * arg ( c1 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 = sqrt( abs ( c1 ) ) =" << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of c2 = ( 1 / 2 ) * arg ( c1 ) ="
        << argc2 << " radians,\n which is " << argc2 * 180 / pi
        << " degrees." << endl;
c1 = polar ( 5.0 ) = (-2.58529e-012,25)
c2 = sqrt ( c1 ) = (3.53553,3.53553)
The modulus of c2 is recovered from c2 using: abs ( c2 ) = 5
Argument of c2 is recovered from c2 using:
arg ( c2 ) = 0.785398 radians, which is 45 degrees.
The modulus of c2 = sqrt( abs ( c1 ) ) =5
The argument of c2 = ( 1 / 2 ) * arg ( c1 ) =0.785398 radians,
which is 45 degrees.


Restituisce la tangente di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
complex<Type> tan(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui determinare la tangente.

Valore restituito

Numero complesso che corrisponde alla tangente del numero complesso di input.


Identità che definiscono la cotangente complessa:

tan (z) = sin (z) / cos (z) = ( exp (iz) - exp (- iz) ) / i( exp (iz) + exp (- iz) )


// complex_tan.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;
   complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
   cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;

   // Values of cosine of a complex number c1
   complex <double> c2 = tan ( c1 );
   cout << "Complex number c2 = tan ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
        << argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Hyperbolic tangent of the standard angles
   // in the first two quadrants of the complex plane
   vector <complex <double> > v1;
   vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
   complex <double> vc1  ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 6 ) );
   v1.push_back( tan ( vc1 ) );
   complex <double> vc2  ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 3 ) );
   v1.push_back( tan ( vc2 ) );
   complex <double> vc3  ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 2 ) );
   v1.push_back( tan ( vc3) );
   complex <double> vc4  ( polar ( 1.0, 2 * pi / 3 ) );
   v1.push_back( tan ( vc4 ) );
   complex <double> vc5  ( polar ( 1.0, 5 * pi / 6 ) );
   v1.push_back( tan ( vc5 ) );
   complex <double> vc6  ( polar ( 1.0,  pi ) );
   v1.push_back( tan ( vc6 ) );

   cout << "The complex components tan (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
        << "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
   for ( Iter1 = v1.begin() ; Iter1 != v1.end() ; Iter1++ )
      cout << *Iter1 << endl;
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = tan ( c1 ) = (-0.000187346,0.999356)
The modulus of c2 is: 0.999356
The argument of c2 is: 1.57098 radians, which is 90.0107 degrees.

The complex components tan (vci), where abs (vci) = 1
& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:


Restituisce la tangente iperbolica di un numero complesso.

template <class Type>
complex<Type> tanh(const complex<Type>& complexNum);


Numero complesso di cui determinare la tangente iperbolica.

Valore restituito

Numero complesso che corrisponde alla tangente iperbolica del numero complesso di input.


Identità che definiscono la cotangente iperbolica:

tanh (z) = sinh (z) / cosh (z) = ( exp (z) - exp (- z) ) / ( exp (z) + exp (- z) )


// complex_tanh.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>

int main( )
   using namespace std;
   double pi = 3.14159265359;
   complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
   cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;

   // Values of cosine of a complex number c1
   complex <double> c2 = tanh ( c1 );
   cout << "Complex number c2 = tanh ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
   double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
   double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
   cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
   cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
        << argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;

   // Hyperbolic tangents of the standard angles
   // in the first two quadrants of the complex plane
   vector <complex <double> > v1;
   vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
   complex <double> vc1  ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 6 ) );
   v1.push_back( tanh ( vc1 ) );
   complex <double> vc2  ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 3 ) );
   v1.push_back( tanh ( vc2 ) );
   complex <double> vc3  ( polar ( 1.0, pi / 2 ) );
   v1.push_back( tanh ( vc3 ) );
   complex <double> vc4  ( polar ( 1.0, 2 * pi / 3 ) );
   v1.push_back( tanh ( vc4 ) );
   complex <double> vc5  ( polar ( 1.0, 5 * pi / 6 ) );
   v1.push_back( tanh ( vc5 ) );
   complex <double> vc6  ( polar ( 1.0, pi ) );
   v1.push_back( tanh ( vc6 ) );

   cout << "The complex components tanh (vci), where abs (vci) = 1"
        << "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
   for ( Iter1 = v1.begin( ) ; Iter1 != v1.end( ) ; Iter1++ )
      cout << *Iter1 << endl;
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = tanh ( c1 ) = (1.00071,0.00490826)
The modulus of c2 is: 1.00072
The argument of c2 is: 0.00490474 radians, which is 0.281021 degrees.

The complex components tanh (vci), where abs (vci) = 1
& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are: