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Interfaccia a riga di comando (CLI) delle librerie legacy


Questa documentazione è stata ritirata e potrebbe non essere aggiornata.

Queste informazioni si applicano alle versioni legacy dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Databricks 0.18 e successive. Databricks consiglia di usare invece la versione 0.205 o successiva dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Databricks più recente. Vedi Che cos'è l'interfaccia a riga di comando di Databricks?. Per trovare la versione della Databricks CLI, esegui databricks -v.

Per eseguire la migrazione dalla CLI di Databricks versione 0.18 o inferiore alla CLI di Databricks versione 0.205 o superiore, vedere migrazione della CLI di Databricks.

Esegui i sottocomandi dell'interfaccia della riga di comando delle librerie di Databricks aggiungendoli a databricks libraries. Questi sottocomandi chiamano l'API delle librerie .

databricks libraries -h
Usage: databricks libraries [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Utility to interact with libraries.

  -v, --version  [VERSION]
  -h, --help     Show this message and exit.

  all-cluster-statuses  Get the status of all libraries.
  cluster-status        Get the status of all libraries for a cluster.
      --cluster-id CLUSTER_ID   Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration.
  install               Install a library on a cluster.
      --cluster-id CLUSTER_ID   Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration.
      --jar TEXT                JAR on DBFS or WASB.
      --egg TEXT                Egg on DBFS or WASB.
      --whl TEXT                Wheel or zipped wheelhouse on DBFS or WASB. Supported in CLI 0.8.2 and above.
      --maven-coordinates TEXT  Maven coordinates in the form of GroupId:ArtifactId:Version (
      --maven-repo TEXT         Maven repository to install the Maven package from. If omitted, both Maven Repository and Spark Packages are searched.
      --maven-exclusion TEXT    List of dependences to exclude. For example: --maven-exclusion "slf4j:slf4j" --maven-exclusion "*:hadoop-client".
      --pypi-package TEXT       The name of the PyPI package to install. An optional exact version specification is also supported. Examples "simplejson" and "simplejson==3.8.0".
      --pypi-repo TEXT          The repository where the package can be found. If not specified, the default pip index is used.
      --cran-package TEXT       The name of the CRAN package to install.
      --cran-repo TEXT          The repository where the package can be found. If not specified, the default CRAN repo is used.
  list                  Shortcut to `all-cluster-statuses` or `cluster-status`.
      --cluster-id CLUSTER_ID   Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration.
  uninstall             Uninstall a library on a cluster.
      --cluster-id CLUSTER_ID   Can be found in the URL at https://<databricks-instance>/?o=<16-digit-number>#/setting/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID/configuration. [required]
      --all                     Uninstall all libraries.
      --jar TEXT                JAR on DBFS or WASB.
      --egg TEXT                Egg on DBFS or WASB.
      --whl TEXT                Wheel or zipped wheelhouse on DBFS or WASB. Supported in CLI 0.8.2 and above.
      --maven-coordinates TEXT  Maven coordinates in the form of GroupId:ArtifactId:Version (
      --maven-repo TEXT         Maven repository to install the Maven package from. If omitted, both Maven Repository and Spark Packages are searched.
      --maven-exclusion TEXT    List of dependences to exclude. For example: --maven-exclusion "slf4j:slf4j" --maven-exclusion "*:hadoop-client".
      --pypi-package TEXT       The name of the PyPI package to install. An optional exact version specification is also supported. Examples "simplejson" and "simplejson==3.8.0".
      --pypi-repo TEXT          The repository where the package can be found. If not specified, the default pip index is used.
      --cran-package TEXT       The name of the CRAN package to install.
      --cran-repo TEXT          The repository where the package can be found. If not specified, the default CRAN repo is used.

Elencare lo stato di tutte le librerie in tutti i cluster

Per visualizzare la documentazione sull'utilizzo, eseguire databricks libraries all-cluster-statuses --help.

databricks libraries all-cluster-statuses
  "statuses": [
      "cluster_id": "1234-567890-lest123",
      "library_statuses": [
          "library": {
            "jar": "dbfs:/FileStore/jars/bbf81650_a62b_4b7a_b47e_7bdd9505792a-SparkJDBC42.jar"
          "status": "INSTALLED",
          "is_library_for_all_clusters": true

Elencare lo stato di tutte le librerie in un cluster

Per visualizzare la documentazione sull'utilizzo, eseguire databricks libraries cluster-status --help o databricks libraries list --help.

databricks libraries cluster-status --cluster-id 1234-567890-lest123


databricks libraries list --cluster-id 1234-567890-lest123
  "cluster_id": "1234-567890-lest123",
  "library_statuses": [
      "library": {
        "jar": "dbfs:/FileStore/jars/bbf81650_a62b_4b7a_b47e_7bdd9505792a-SparkJDBC42.jar"
      "status": "INSTALLED",
      "is_library_for_all_clusters": false

Installare una libreria in un cluster

Per visualizzare la documentazione sull'utilizzo, eseguire databricks libraries install --help.

databricks libraries install --cluster-id 1234-567890-lest123 --jar dbfs:/test-dir/test.jar

In caso di esito positivo, non viene visualizzato alcun output.

Disinstallare una libreria da un cluster

Per visualizzare la documentazione sull'utilizzo, eseguire databricks libraries uninstall --help.

databricks libraries uninstall --cluster-id 1234-567890-lest123 --jar dbfs:/test-dir/test.jar
WARNING: Uninstalling libraries requires a cluster restart.
databricks clusters restart --cluster-id 1234-567890-lest123