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Query per la tabella VIIndexing

Per informazioni sull'uso di queste query nella portale di Azure, vedere Esercitazione su Log Analytics. Per l'API REST, vedere Query.

Operazioni di indicizzazione non riuscite

Visualizzare i log dell'account video indexer di tutte le operazioni di indicizzazione non riuscite.

// Failed Indexing operations 
// Display Video Indexer Account logs of all failed indexing operations. 
// | where AccountId == "<AccountId>"  // to filter on a specific accountId, uncomment this line
| where Status == "Failure"
| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
| render columnchart

Primi 10 utenti

Riepilogare i primi 10 utenti.

// Video Indexer top 10 users by operations 
// Render timechart of top 10 users by operations, with an optional account id for filtering. 
// Trend of top 10 active Upn's
// | where AccountId == "<AccountId>"  // to filter on a specific accountId, uncomment this line
| where OperationName in ("IndexingStarted", "ReindexingStarted")
| summarize count() by Upn
| top 10 by count_ desc
| project Upn
| join (VIIndexing
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| where OperationName in ("IndexingStarted", "ReindexingStarted")
| summarize count() by Upn, bin(TimeGenerated,1d)) on Upn
| project TimeGenerated, Upn, count_
| render timechart