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Query per la tabella REDConnectionEvents

Per informazioni sull'uso di queste query nella portale di Azure, vedere Esercitazione su Log Analytics. Per l'API REST, vedere Query.

Indirizzi IP client Redis autenticati univoci

Indirizzi IP client Redis univoci che sono stati autenticati correttamente nella cache.

// EventStatus :
// 0    AUTHENTICATION_FAILED    -    Invalid username and/or password.
// 1    AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_TOO_LONG    -    Username or password are too long.
// 2    AUTHENTICATION_NOT_REQUIRED    -    Client tried to authenticate, but authentication isn’t necessary.
// 3    AUTHENTICATION_DIRECTORY_PENDING    -    Attempting to receive authentication info from the directory in async mode.
// 4    AUTHENTICATION_DIRECTORY_ERROR    -    Authentication attempt failed because there was a directory connection error.
// 5    AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_IN_PROGRESS    -    Syncer SASL handshake. Return SASL response and wait for the next request.
// 6    AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_FAILED    -    Syncer SASL handshake. Returned SASL response and closed the connection.
// 7    AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_OK    -    Syncer authenticated. Returned SASL response.
// 8    AUTHENTICATION_OK    -    Client successfully authenticated.
| where EventType == "auth" and EventStatus == 2 or EventStatus == 8 or EventStatus == 7
| summarize count() by ClientIp

Richieste di autenticazione client Redis all'ora

Richieste di autenticazione client Redis all'ora entro l'intervallo di indirizzi IP specificato. Include sia richieste riuscite che non riuscite.

| extend EventTime = unixtime_seconds_todatetime(EventEpochTime)
// For particular datetime filtering, add '| where EventTime between (StartTime .. EndTime)'
// For particular IP range filtering, add '| where ipv4_is_in_range(ClientIp, IpRange)'
// IP range can be defined like this 'let IpRange = "";' at the top of query.
| where EventType == "auth"
| summarize AuthencationRequestsCount = count() by TimeRange = bin(EventTime, 1h)

Connessioni client Redis all'ora

Connessioni client Redis all'ora entro l'intervallo di indirizzi IP specificato.

// For particular datetime filtering, add '| where EventTime between (StartTime .. EndTime)'
// For particular IP range filtering, add '| where ipv4_is_in_range(ClientIp, IpRange)'
// IP range can be defined like this 'let IpRange = "";' at the top of query.
| extend EventTime = unixtime_seconds_todatetime(EventEpochTime)
| where EventType == "new_conn"
| summarize ConnectionCount = count() by TimeRange = bin(EventTime, 1h)

Disconnessioni client Redis all'ora

Disconnessioni client Redis all'interno dell'intervallo di indirizzi IP specificato.

// For particular datetime filtering, add '| where EventTime between (StartTime .. EndTime)'
// For particular IP range filtering, add '| where ipv4_is_in_range(ClientIp, IpRange)'
// IP range can be defined like this 'let IpRange = "";' at the top of query.
| extend EventTime = unixtime_seconds_todatetime(EventEpochTime)
| where EventType == "close_conn"
| summarize DisconnectionCount = count() by TimeRange = bin(EventTime, 1h)

Tentativi di autenticazione non riusciti nella cache Redis

Tentativi di autenticazione nella cache Redis non riusciti.

// EventStatus : 
// 0    AUTHENTICATION_FAILED    -    Invalid username and/or password.
// 1    AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_TOO_LONG    -    Username or password are too long.
// 2    AUTHENTICATION_NOT_REQUIRED    -    Client tried to authenticate, but authentication isn’t necessary.
// 3    AUTHENTICATION_DIRECTORY_PENDING    -    Attempting to receive authentication info from the directory in async mode.
// 4    AUTHENTICATION_DIRECTORY_ERROR    -    Authentication attempt failed because there was a directory connection error.
// 5    AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_IN_PROGRESS    -    Syncer SASL handshake. Return SASL response and wait for the next request.
// 6    AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_FAILED    -    Syncer SASL handshake. Returned SASL response and closed the connection.
// 7    AUTHENTICATION_SYNCER_OK    -    Syncer authenticated. Returned SASL response.
// 8    AUTHENTICATION_OK    -    Client successfully authenticated.
| where EventType == "auth" and EventStatus != 2 and EventStatus != 8 and EventStatus != 7
| project ClientIp, EventStatus, ConnectionId