SharePoint 2010: elencare gli utenti di un sito che hanno i permessi Full Control/Owners con uno script Powershell Script (it-IT)
SharePoint 2010
Il seguente script PowerShell può essere usato per elencare gli utenti che hanno il permesso Full Control nei siti.
$Output =@();
$Path = "";
#Using pipe separator since we have "," separating the Last Name and First Name
$Output += ("SiteCollectionID|WebSiteUrl|Scope|User|Email");
$WebUrl ="";
#Web Application URL
$WebApplicationURL = "http://<WebAppUrl>";
#Enumerate through all Site Collections and Sites
Get-SPWebApplication -Identity $WebApplicationURL | Get-SPSite -limit all | Get-SPWeb -limit all|%{
$web = $_;
#Check if the site has unique permissions
if($web.HasUniqueRoleAssignments -eq "True" -and $web.IsRootWeb -eq "False"){
$WebUrl = $web.Url;
#Enumerate through all Users in the Web
foreach($user in $web.Users){
$UserName = $user.Name;
#Check if user has Full Control Permissions
$Output += ($web.Site.ID.ToString() +"|"+$web.URL + "|Site|" +$user.Name + "|" +$user.Email);
#Get Groups containing Owners in the Title and check for Full Mask Permissions
$OwnerGroups = $web.Groups| where {$_.Name -match “Owners” }
foreach($group in $OwnerGroups){
#$IsFullControlOwnerGroup = $group.Roles|where {$_.PermissionMask -eq "FullMask"}
#if($IsFullControlOwnerGroup.Count -gt "0"){
foreach($user in $group.Users){
$Output += ($web.Site.ID.ToString()+"|"+$web.URL + "|" + $group.Name + "|" + $user.Name + "|" + $user.Email);}
$IsFullControlOwnerGroup =$null;
catch [System.Exception]{
Write-Host ($WebUrl + ":" + $_.Exception.Message + ":" + $_.Exception.StackTrace);
$Output > ($Path + "\SiteOwners.csv")
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