The Best of Visual Studio 2010: Adding labels to Breakpoints
Keyboard: ALT + F9, L
Command: EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.Breakpoint.BreakpointEditlabels
Versions: 2010
Published: 1/26/2010
Code: vstipDebug0001
Did you know that Breakpoints now support labels? They do! Here is how you use them:
1. Set one or more Breakpoints in your code
2. Open the Breakpoint window (CTRL + ALT + B)
3. Notice the new "Labels" column? Just Right-Click on your Breakpoint and choose "Edit Labels" (ALT + F9, L)
4. You get this cool new dialog:
5. You can type in one (or more) labels for the Breakpoint, then click OK. You should see your labels on your Breakpoint:
Okay so how does this help you? Well, first, you can now put friendly names for Breakpoints to make them easier to understand. Second, you can sort by the label names. And, third, you can SEARCH the labels when you have a lot of Breakpoints.
April 18, 2010
Very useful! Now if only the older version of VS had that feature...Anonymous
April 18, 2010
The best part is that we export the labels and breakpoints and share it :D.Anonymous
April 18, 2010
If I ever had enough breakpoints to label and sort them, I'd simplify my code. Aren't breakpoints temporary, anyway? Wouldn't permanent log statements work better, especially in production? Please give us an example of when you would use this feature as opposed to one of these other options. Thanks.Anonymous
April 18, 2010
Hey Now Zain, This sounds nice & nifty. Great post, of all the content on VS10 I've seen so far I never saw this one. Thx 4 the info, Catto