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New Version of Posterpedia Now Live in Windows Store

Windows Server documentation team member Martin McClean has just announced that a new version of Posterpedia is now available in the Windows Store.

Server Posterpedia is an interactive application that uses technical posters as a reference for understanding Microsoft technologies.

Posterpedia now includes many new and updated posters. If you already have the app, it will be updated automatically - or you will be notified to update it via the Windows Store live tile.

You can get Posterpedia from the Windows Store here:

New posters

Private Cloud Storage and Virtualization
Azure Real-world Cloud Apps
Azure Media Services
Azure Could Patterns
Microsoft Azure (2.0)
Azure Mobile Services
Azure Security
Azure Cloud Identity and Access
Overview of SQL Server 2014
SQL Server 2014 database permissions
Exchange 2013 SP1 Architecture

Updated posters

SharePoint with SQL Server AlwaysOn
SharePoint 2013 Internet Sites in Azure
Design Sample: Internet Sites in Azure
SharePoint 2013 Disaster Recovery to Auzre
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 platform options
SQL Server 2012 database permissions
Microsoft Lync 2013 platform options