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ALM Rangers @ TR19 … day 4 impressions … what about day 3?

Sorry, day three my laptop imploded an hour before our session, leaving me wondering what I have done to the digital bits and bytes, being absent minded during our session and spending the afternoon and evening convincing my laptop to reboot. Sorry, that too day 3 with it and until João Paulo Rodrigues shares the pictures he took on my behalf, it will remain to be a mystery.

Day 4, however, was more than fun … enjoy the snapshots:
DSCN7541DSCN7542DSCN7543DSCN7544DSCN7545DSCN7561DSCN75670136bar-outside_BW You should recognise William Bartholomew, Robert Bernstein and Willy-Peter Schaub.

Robert and I also experimented in ways to  assimilate ALM Rangers in future … wear Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) or ALM Rangers with pride Smile Arrrrrrr!

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Tomorrow is a day of meetings, preparing for the Leading SAFe workshop weekend. This TR week has been absolutely great, with interesting sessions, and phenomenal colleagues. Looking forward to meeting 13 more ALM Rangers over the weekend for a fun workshop … and yes, there will be Pizza.