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HOWTO: Make XML returned from a propfind easier to read

Here is a sample to reformat XML returned from WebDAV PROPFINDs to make it a little easier to read.

'  ReformXML - reformats the XML to be more easily readable
Private Function ReformXML(sOriginalXML)
    Dim sXML As String
    sXML = sOriginalXML
    sXML = Replace(sXML, "<", (vbCrLf & "<"))
    sXML = Replace(sXML, "/>", ("/>" & vbCrLf))
    sXML = Replace(sXML, (vbCrLf & "</"), ("</"))
    sXML = Replace(sXML, ("></"), (">" & vbCrLf & "</"))
    sXML = Replace(sXML, (">" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "</"), (">" & vbCrLf & "</"))
    ReformXML = sXML
End Function