LinqToCodeModel sample class library on Code Gallery
LinqToCodeModel is now on available on Code Gallery. LinqToCodeModel, created by Pablo Galiano of Clarius, is a sample library on top of the Visual Studio API class: EnvDTE.FileCodeModel. LinqToCodeModel provides LINQ queries and functionality for the FileCodeModel object, and will work when using the DTE FileCodeModel object within Packages via the VS SDK or within Add-ins.
Pablo also included screencast video (WMV) download on the Code Gallery page as an overview demo of LinqToCodeModel.
To show a simple sample of LinqToCodeModel in action, there is an updated version of SourceCodeOutliner Lite, a modified version of The Source Code Outliner Lite walkthrough based on Quan To's blog post Building your own Visual Studio Source Code Outliner extension.
June 14, 2008
In the last few weeks I had busy days full with different kind of deep dives. As you could see on LearnVSXNowAnonymous
July 10, 2008
In the last few weeks I had busy days full with different kind of deep dives. As you could see on LearnVSXNowAnonymous
February 06, 2009
In the last few weeks I had busy days full with different kind of deep dives. As you could see on LearnVSXNow