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Welcome Yet More New Exchange MCM's

As Per said, summer has been upon us and the pace slowed briefly (it has also been Microsoft's end of year, so the reality is, the pace didn't change, we were just focussed on other things), but a few more people either completed their MCM, or upgraded their MCM. So please join me in welcoming/congratulating;

  • Leif Pedersen - Leif is a Senior Consultant for Logica CMG based in Denmark and attended MCM R3, in May. Leif is also an MVP for Exchange Server.
  • Kip Ng - Kip upgraded his MCM/MCA Exchange 2003 to add MCM 2007 to it. Kip is Senior PFE based in Canada and was one of my classmates when I went through Ranger, as it then was, back in 2000 and .. blimey. when was it. 2005 I think.
  • Jacob Lingala - Jacob passed his Qual Lab to add MCM 2007 to his MCM in 2003. Jacob is a US based PFE for Microsoft.
  • hocheol Kang - hocheol went through our last delivery, back in March/April, and finally completed the final piece of his puzzle, the qual lab, just a couple of weeks ago. Well done hocheol! hocheol is a PFE for Microsoft based in Korea.

Well done to them all. Two upgrades and two new people to welcome to the community! 105 MCM Exchange Server 2007's and counting...