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How to manually install a hotfix?

It may happen that you need to manually install a hotfix.  Starting from Windows Vista some of the kernel drivers are owned by TrustedInstaller.  One cannot simply rename the driver file like nfssvr.sys.  You can perform the following steps to replace a kernel driver.  Let’s take the example of nfssvr.sys.

Following are the steps we need to perform to replace the driver:

1)   Stop the respective service, in this case Server for NFS service.
2)   Go to C:\windows\system32\drivers\
3)   Take the ownership of the driver file nfssvr.sys file.
4)   Give yourself full control to yourself.
5)   Rename it to nfssvrbackup.sys.
6)   Put the "latest" nfs driver in C:\windows\system32\drivers\
7)   Add the user TrustedInstaller to the file by doing:
            a. Right-click on the file and choose Properties
            b. Click Security tab
            c. Click Advanced button
            d. Click Owner tab
            e. Click Edit button
            f.  Click on Location and choose local machine name.
            g. Click Other User or Group and type in:
            h. NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller
            i.  Also give full control to TrustedInstaller.
8)   Make the permission of nfssvr.sys exactly as nfssvrbackup.sys.
9)   Start Server for NFS service.
10) Now you have the latest NFS driver!!!!!