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Powershell Scripts to distribute packages to a set of DP

At times we get request on that we need to refresh the package or we need to distribute the package for a specific set of DP.
This scripts helps in distributing any kind of content (Application, legacy package, SUM package, driver package etc ) on the .
It uses two input files ($path1 = "c:\temp\server.csv"   ,$path2 = "c:\temp\Package.csv")
The first one you can enter the server names and in the second the package names .
Function Refresh-SpecificDP($ar) {
    $dpFound = $false
    $dpName= $ar[2]
    If ($packageID.Length -ne 8)
        Throw "Invalid package"
    $distPoints = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($siteCode)" -Query "Select * From SMS_DistributionPoint WHERE PackageID='$packageID'"
    ForEach ($dp In $distPoints)
        If ((($dp.ServerNALPath).ToUpper()).Contains($dpName.ToUpper()))
            $dpFound = $true
            Try {
                $dp.RefreshNow = $true
                $dp.Put() | Out-Null
                #$dpName + " - " + $packageID
            Catch [Exception]
                return $_.Exception.Message
    If ($dpFound -eq $false)
        Throw "No results returned."
#main pgm
$path1 = "c:\temp\server.csv"
$path2 = "c:\temp\Package.csv"
Import-csv -path $path1 -Header servername | foreach `
    Import-csv -path $path2 -Header  Packageid | foreach `
        $PackageType= ""
        $a= Get-CMPackage | Select-Object  PackageID | Where-Object {$_.PackageID -eq $pkgID }
        if ($a.PackageID -eq $pkgID)
        $PackageType= "Package"
        $a= Get-CMApplication  | Select-Object  PackageID | Where-Object {$_.PackageID -eq $pkgID }
        if ($a.PackageID -eq $pkgID)
        $PackageType= "Application"
        $a= Get-CMDriverPackage  | Select-Object  PackageID | Where-Object {$_.PackageID -eq $pkgID }
        if ($a.PackageID -eq $pkgID)
        $PackageType= "Driver"
        $a= Get-CMBootImage  | Select-Object  PackageID | Where-Object {$_.PackageID -eq $pkgID }
        if ($a.PackageID -eq $pkgID)
        $PackageType= "BootImage"
        $a= Get-CMOperatingSystemImage  | Select-Object  PackageID | Where-Object {$_.PackageID -eq $pkgID }
        if ($a.PackageID -eq $pkgID)
        $PackageType= "OSImage"
         If($PackageType -eq "Package")
                       $distpoints = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($SiteCode)" -Query "Select * From SMS_DistributionPoint WHERE PackageID='$PkgID' and serverNALPath like '%$Servername%'" | Select-Object ServerNALPath
                          if ($distpoints.ServerNALPath.length -eq 0) {
                        #echo "This is a Package"
                        start-CMContentDistribution -PackageId   "$pkgID" -DistributionPointName "$ServerName"
                         write-host "Distributing Package :"  $pkgID "of type " $PackageType "to DP:" $serverName
                        else {
                         write-host "Re-Distribting Package :"  $pkgID "of type " $PackageType "to DP:" $serverName
                        Refresh-SpecificDP ($ar)
                    #For applications
                    If($PackageType -eq "Application")
                                                                                 $distpoints = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($SiteCode)" -Query "Select * From SMS_DistributionPoint WHERE PackageID='$PkgID' and serverNALPath like '%$Servername%'" | Select-Object ServerNALPath
                          if ($distpoints.ServerNALPath.length -eq 0) {
                        #echo "This is an Application"
                        start-CMContentDistribution -ApplicationID  "$pkgID" -DistributionPointName "$ServerName"
                                                                                                write-host "Distributing Package :"  $pkgID "of type " $PackageType "to DP:" $serverName
                        else {
                         write-host "Re-Distribting Package :"  $pkgID "of type " $PackageType "to DP:" $serverName
                        Refresh-SpecificDP ($ar)}
                    #For Driverpackages
                    If($PackageType -eq "Driver")
                    { $distpoints = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($SiteCode)" -Query "Select * From SMS_DistributionPoint WHERE PackageID='$PkgID' and serverNALPath like '%$Servername%'" | Select-Object ServerNALPath
                          if ($distpoints.ServerNALPath.length -eq 0) {
                        #echo "This is a Driver"
                        Start-CMContentDistribution -DriverPackageID  "$pkgID" -DistributionPointName "$ServerName"
                                                                                                write-host "Distributing Package :"  $pkgID "of type " $PackageType "to DP:" $serverName
                        else {
                         write-host "Re-Distribting Package :"  $pkgID "of type " $PackageType "to DP:" $serverName
                        Refresh-SpecificDP ($ar)}
                    #For BootImages
                    If($PackageType -eq "BootImage")
                    { $distpoints = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($SiteCode)" -Query "Select * From SMS_DistributionPoint WHERE PackageID='$PkgID' and serverNALPath like '%$Servername%'" | Select-Object ServerNALPath
                          if ($distpoints.ServerNALPath.length -eq 0) {
                        #echo "This is a BootImage"
                        Start-CMContentDistribution -BootImageID  "$pkgID" -DistributionPointName "$serverName"
                                                                                                write-host "Distributing Package :"  $pkgID "of type " $PackageType "to DP:" $serverName
                        else {
                         write-host "Re-Distribting Package :"  $pkgID "of type " $PackageType "to DP:" $serverName
                        Refresh-SpecificDP ($ar)}
                    #For OSImage
                    If($PackageType -eq "OSImage")
                    { $distpoints = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\Site_$($SiteCode)" -Query "Select * From SMS_DistributionPoint WHERE PackageID='$PkgID' and serverNALPath like '%$Servername%'" | Select-Object ServerNALPath
                          if ($distpoints.ServerNALPath.length -eq 0) {
                        #echo "This is a OSimage"
                        Start-CMContentDistribution –OperatingSystemImageID  "$pkgID" -DistributionPointName "$serverName"
                                                                                                write-host "Distributing Package :"  $pkgID "of type " $PackageType "to DP:" $serverName
                        else {
                         write-host "Re-Distribting Package :"  $pkgID "of type " $PackageType "to DP:" $serverName
                        Refresh-SpecificDP ($ar)}


Hope this helps

Sudheesh Narayanaswamy

This posting /Script is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights