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Let’s Try To Hash This Out

[This is now documented here: ]

A few years ago, I blogged an algorithm to calculate the hash used by Windows Search in MAPI urls. This algorithm is now enshrined in the MSDN. I’ve been asked by development to blog some augmentations to this algorithm to bring it more in line with what we actually send to Search.

  1. The binary blob to be encoded will be the PR_ENTRYID of the store in most cases, but for cached Exchange stores (both public and private), the binary blob should be PR_MAPPING_SIGNATURE, found in the profile.
  2. After computing the hash for a public folder store’s binary blob, but before hashing in the OST path, we hash in the constant 0x2E505542 to make sure the hash is uniquely different from the private store’s hash. This constant represents the string “.PUB”.

Below you’ll find updated code which incorporates these new bits, along with some support code which will pull the relevant bits from the profile which can be used to tell if a store is public or private, if it’s cached, and the path to the OST. If you were to incorporate this code into your own project, the function you’d call is ComputeStoreHash, which takes as its input the session pointer as well as PR_ENTRYID, PR_SERVICE_UID, and PR_MDB_PROVIDER from the message store table. The rest of the information it needs it gets from the profile. For output, this function returns the hash as computed from PR_MAPPING_SIGNATURE, if the store is a cached Exchange store, and the hash as computed from PR_ENTRYID.

BTW – the HrEmsmdbUIDFromStore support function here is interesting. It’s a multi-ex aware replacement for using pbGlobalProfileSectionGuid to open the profile section for an Exchange mailbox. If you want, you could augment this function by having it look for PR_EMSMDB_LEGACY and reporting if the mailbox being checked is considered the Legacy mailbox which would match what you get with pbGlobalProfileSectionGuid.

I’ve tested this code against my own stores and the hashes I get match with what I see in Windows Search. Look forward to a version of this code showing up in the next version of MFCMAPI in September. Enjoy!


#define CONFIG_OST_CACHE_PRIVATE  ((ULONG)0x00000180)

#define CONFIG_OST_CACHE_PUBLIC   ((ULONG)0x00000400)
HRESULT HrEmsmdbUIDFromStore(IMAPISession* pmsess,
                             MAPIUID* puidService,
                             MAPIUID* pEmsmdbUID)
  if (!puidService) return MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER;
  HRESULT hRes = S_OK;
  SRestriction mres = {0};
  SPropValue mval = {0};
  SRowSet* pRows = NULL;
  SRow* pRow = NULL;
  enum { eEntryID = 0, eSectionUid, eMax };
  static const SizedSPropTagArray(eMax, tagaCols) =
  hRes = pmsess->AdminServices(0, (LPSERVICEADMIN*)&spSvcAdmin);
  if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && spSvcAdmin)
    hRes = spSvcAdmin->GetMsgServiceTable(0, &spmtab);
    if (spmtab)
      hRes = spmtab->SetColumns((LPSPropTagArray)&tagaCols, TBL_BATCH);
      mres.rt = RES_PROPERTY;
      mres.res.resProperty.relop = RELOP_EQ;
      mres.res.resProperty.ulPropTag = PR_SERVICE_UID;
      mres.res.resProperty.lpProp = &mval;
      mval.ulPropTag = PR_SERVICE_UID;
      mval.Value.bin.cb = sizeof(*puidService);
      mval.Value.bin.lpb = (LPBYTE)puidService;
      (void) spmtab->Restrict(&mres, 0);
      (void) spmtab->QueryRows(10, 0, &pRows);
      if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && pRows && pRows->cRows)
        pRow = &pRows->aRow[0];
        if (pEmsmdbUID && pRow)
          if (PR_EMSMDB_SECTION_UID == pRow->lpProps[eSectionUid].ulPropTag &&
            pRow->lpProps[eSectionUid].Value.bin.cb == sizeof(*pEmsmdbUID))
            memcpy(pEmsmdbUID, pRow->lpProps[eSectionUid].Value.bin.lpb, sizeof(*pEmsmdbUID));
    if (spmtab) spmtab->Release();
  if (spSvcAdmin) spSvcAdmin->Release();
  return hRes;
} // HrEmsmdbUIDFromStore
bool FExchangePrivateStore(LPMAPIUID lpmapiuid)
  if (!lpmapiuid) return false;
  return IsEqualMAPIUID(lpmapiuid, (LPMAPIUID)pbExchangeProviderPrimaryUserGuid);
} // FExchangePrivateStore
bool FExchangePublicStore(LPMAPIUID lpmapiuid)
  if (!lpmapiuid) return false;
  return IsEqualMAPIUID(lpmapiuid, (LPMAPIUID)pbExchangeProviderPublicGuid);
} // FExchangePublicStore
DWORD ComputeHash(ULONG cbStoreEID, LPBYTE pbStoreEID, LPCSTR pszFileName, LPCWSTR pwzFileName, BOOL bPublicStore)
  DWORD  dwHash = 0;
  ULONG  cdw    = 0;
  DWORD* pdw    = NULL;
  ULONG  cb     = 0;
  BYTE*  pb     = NULL;
  ULONG  i      = 0;
  if (!cbStoreEID || !pbStoreEID) return dwHash;
  // We shouldn't see both of these at the same time.
  if (pszFileName && pwzFileName) return dwHash;
  // Get the Store Entry ID
  // pbStoreEID is a pointer to the Entry ID
  // cbStoreEID is the size in bytes of the Entry ID
  pdw = (DWORD*)pbStoreEID;
  cdw = cbStoreEID / sizeof(DWORD);
  for (i = 0; i < cdw; i++)
    dwHash = (dwHash << 5) + dwHash + *pdw++;
  pb = (BYTE *)pdw;
  cb = cbStoreEID % sizeof(DWORD);
  for (i = 0; i < cb; i++)
    dwHash = (dwHash << 5) + dwHash + *pb++;
  if (bPublicStore)
    // augment to make sure it is unique else could be same as the private store
    dwHash = (dwHash << 5) + dwHash + 0x2E505542; // this is '.PUB'
  // You may want to also include the store file name in the hash calculation
  // pszFileName and pwzFileName are NULL terminated strings with the path and filename of the store
  if (pwzFileName)
    while (*pwzFileName)
      dwHash = (dwHash << 5) + dwHash + *pwzFileName++;
  else if (pszFileName)
    while (*pszFileName)
      dwHash = (dwHash << 5) + dwHash + *pszFileName++;
  // dwHash now contains the hash to be used. It should be written in hex when building a URL.
  return dwHash;
} // ComputeHash
void ComputeStoreHash(LPMAPISESSION lpMAPISession, LPSBinary lpEntryID, LPSBinary lpServiceUID, LPSBinary lpProviderUID, DWORD* lpdwSigHash, DWORD* lpdwEIDHash)
  HRESULT hRes = S_OK;
  MAPIUID emsmdbUID = {0};
  BOOL fPublicExchangeStore  = FExchangePublicStore((LPMAPIUID)lpProviderUID->lpb);
  BOOL fPrivateExchangeStore = FExchangePrivateStore((LPMAPIUID)lpProviderUID->lpb);
  BOOL fCached = false;
  LPSPropValue lpConfigProp = NULL;
  LPSPropValue lpPathPropA = NULL;
  LPSPropValue lpPathPropW = NULL;
  LPSPropValue lpMappingSig = NULL;
  LPSTR szPath = NULL; // do not free
  LPWSTR wzPath = NULL; // do not free
  // Get profile section
  if (lpServiceUID)
    hRes = HrEmsmdbUIDFromStore(lpMAPISession,
      (LPMAPIUID) lpServiceUID->lpb,
    if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
      hRes = lpMAPISession->OpenProfileSection(&emsmdbUID, NULL, 0, &lpProfSect);
  if (!lpServiceUID || FAILED(hRes))
    // For Outlook 2003/2007, HrEmsmdbUIDFromStore may not succeed,
    // so use pbGlobalProfileSectionGuid instead
    hRes = lpMAPISession->OpenProfileSection((LPMAPIUID)pbGlobalProfileSectionGuid, NULL, 0, &lpProfSect);
  if (lpProfSect)
    hRes = HrGetOneProp(lpProfSect, PR_PROFILE_CONFIG_FLAGS, &lpConfigProp);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && PROP_TYPE(lpConfigProp->ulPropTag) != PT_ERROR)
      if (fPrivateExchangeStore)
        fCached = ((lpConfigProp->Value.l & CONFIG_OST_CACHE_PRIVATE) != 0);
      if (fPublicExchangeStore)
        fCached = ((lpConfigProp->Value.l & CONFIG_OST_CACHE_PUBLIC) == CONFIG_OST_CACHE_PUBLIC);
    if (fCached)
      hRes = HrGetOneProp(lpProfSect, PR_PROFILE_OFFLINE_STORE_PATH_W, &lpPathPropW);
      if (FAILED(hRes))
        hRes = HrGetOneProp(lpProfSect, PR_PROFILE_OFFLINE_STORE_PATH_A, &lpPathPropA);
      if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
        if (lpPathPropW && lpPathPropW->Value.lpszW)
          wzPath = lpPathPropW->Value.lpszW;
        else if (lpPathPropA && lpPathPropA->Value.lpszA)
          szPath = lpPathPropA->Value.lpszA;
      // If this is an Exchange store with an OST path, it's an OST, so we get the mapping signature
      if ((fPrivateExchangeStore || fPublicExchangeStore) && (wzPath || szPath))
        hRes = HrGetOneProp(lpProfSect, PR_MAPPING_SIGNATURE, &lpMappingSig);
  DWORD dwSigHash = NULL;
  if (lpMappingSig && PT_BINARY == PROP_TYPE(lpMappingSig->ulPropTag))
    dwSigHash = ComputeHash(lpMappingSig->Value.bin.cb, lpMappingSig->Value.bin.lpb, NULL, NULL, fPublicExchangeStore);
  DWORD dwEIDHash = ComputeHash(lpEntryID->cb, lpEntryID->lpb, szPath, wzPath, fPublicExchangeStore);
  if (lpdwSigHash) *lpdwSigHash = dwSigHash;
  if (lpdwEIDHash) *lpdwEIDHash = dwEIDHash;
  if (lpProfSect) lpProfSect->Release();
} // ComputeStoreHash


  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2010
    Re: HrEmsmdbUIDFromStore. Note that you can also retrieve the profile section GUID directly from the message store by reading the PR_EMSMDB_SECTION_UID property.

  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2010
    Good point - this function works without actually opening the store, so it's the better general purpose approach. But if you do have a pointer to the store object already, you can shortcut this work with that property.