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RMS: Protecting Your Assets.

The Protecting 'My' Asset Disclaimer: This is my 'un-official', 'in my spare time', 'use at your own risk', all things RMS (Rights Management Services), IRM (Information Rights Management), IPP (Information Protection Pla

I don't know your private key password!!!

There seems to be an influx of cases lately, where an administrator has either 'lost', or inherited...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 03/23/2009

Free At Last, Free At Last, Oh Lawd, I'm Free At Last!!! End of Support for RMS V1 SP0

Announced today. RMS V1 with no Service Pack is dead, muerta, gone, kaput! Support has officially...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 03/10/2009

Setting up Microsoft Office 2007 in a pre-production environment. By Carsten Kinder.

Ever wonder how to setup a pre-production environment and use Office with it (after all Office is...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 02/18/2009

Click-through Demos. They're the cats pajamas.

So, I'm here is Seattle for Tech-Ready this week and I'm talking to my buddy Cristian Mora who is...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 02/04/2009

GigaTrust. Holy awesome product line, Batman!!!

I recently made a trip out to Washington, D.C. to check out the new products that GigaTrust has been...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 01/05/2009

The required Windows Rights Management client is present but the server refused access

Another from Carsten: This is Carsten again. With this blog entry I’d like to provide some...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 01/04/2009

How to remove IRM (RMS) provisioning from MOSS

Hey all. I asked one of my buddies from Microsoft Germany, Carsten Kinder, to write up a few issues...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 01/04/2009

Where's the RMS toolkit..and my other...what the...!?!

I just went and visited, my second favorite site in the whole world,...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 12/13/2008

A quick a dirty script to identify RMS content, and it's owner.

I wrote this script a while back that shows a quick way to scan all documents in a folder, and see...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 12/10/2008

RMS and RSA teaming up!! It begins...

Big news coming down from the mothership today. Microsoft and EMC are partnering up to provide DLP...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 12/04/2008

Protecting Your Assests exclusive: New version of IRMCheck, released here.

The RMS SP2 toolkit, has been out for quite a while, and the version of IRMCheck that ships with it...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 12/04/2008

XPS Error - Failed to initialize rights management. Contact your network administrator or support personnel.

Someone posted a problem on this thread a while back that sort of went unanswered for a while...well...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 10/09/2008

The MOSS support team recently ran into a customer issue, where the customer would send an e-mail to...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 09/29/2008

Another thing I always to turn on Server-Side Tracing on RMS V2

Here is another blog written selfishly, because I always forget where I put the entries that need to...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 09/24/2008

Database planning and sizing for RMS

I always hate trying to find these links, so I'm documenting it here so it's easier to locate....

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 09/03/2008

IRMCheck tells you to delete secproc.dll. Don't do it!!!!

Hello everyone, An issue has been creeping up lately with users running IRMcheck on Vista clients....

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 06/04/2008

Error solution: "The permission policy you have selected is no longer in use. Contact your administrator to obtain new or updated permission policies."

I recently had a customer getting the following error whenever he tried to use an RMS template in...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 05/09/2008

Disabling or Changing AD cache settings with RMS on Windows Server 2008

Some of my more 'bleeding edge' readers that are playing around with 2008 may be wondering why the...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 03/24/2008

Getting your WM6 device to successfully IRM activate.

I'm not going to lie. Trying to get a Windows Mobile 6 device to activate against an RMS...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 03/13/2008

Using IRM to protect 'ranges' in a Word document. Uhhh...Yes, we can!

One thing I know alot about is the inner working of RMS. I know how to deploy it, make it work in...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 02/21/2008

Check the UDDI service status yourself

Ever run into problems that you 'think' may be related to not being able to access the UDDI service?...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 02/10/2008

Can't open files protected using the Passport service? Thanks again, UDDI.

Some of you may have noticed that when trying to open content protected against the Passport...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 02/04/2008

Troubleshooting group expansion problems with RMS

I've had many customers call and ask me why when they send a mail to a 'group' some of those users...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 12/31/2007

How to tell who is using RMS in your environment quickly.

I've had several customers ask me for a quick way to get a list of all of the users that are using...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 12/31/2007

Running the XPS System.Security.RightsManagement SDK samples - What I learned.

So I recently had a customer call me regarding the XPS SDK samples. (Make sure you setup your...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 12/21/2007

Have a heart. Search the internet and make money for your favorite charity or school.

So here is a blog post that has nothing to do with RMS, and that I just ran into...well sadly...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 11/11/2007

A little bit about another HSM vendor - The other white meat.

So I just finished up a day of HSM (Hardware Security Module) training using the SafeNET HSMs (Luna)...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 11/09/2007

Demystifying RMS Extranet connection problems.

I regularly get calls from customers who have set an extranet cluster URL for their RMS...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 10/26/2007

The DOs and DON'Ts of RMS

DO use CNAME records for your RMS cluster URL. This will alow you to load balance, and or do...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 10/18/2007

RMS Problem - Outlook complains: 'Manifest does not match the executable'

I've seen this issue creeping up more and more lately and thought I'd post the fix, while we look...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 09/27/2007

RMS Training? Who'd of thunk it?

I got this in my inbox the other day, and thought it was pretty interesting. My first thought was...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 09/07/2007

How to get a passport account, without a MSN, Hotmail or Live account

A while ago I tried to sign up for a passport account using an e-mail address other than a Microsoft...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 09/04/2007

Where have all the IRM templates gone for the XPS viewer?

You may or may not have noticed when protecting XPS documents, that the usual list of RMS templates...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 08/16/2007

RMS - Testing RMS without modifying the AD

RMS uses the concept of a SCP (Service Connection Point), to allow users to automatically locate the...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 07/13/2007

Info about the new XPS Viewer.

The XPS Viewer is the newest IRM aware viewer. XPS is essentially to Microsoft, what PDFs are to...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 07/10/2007

Big Win for RMS, and our customers!!!

Have you heard the latest news? Guess who the newest vendor is to integrate with RMS? That's right...

Author: Jason Tyler Date: 06/28/2007

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