Code Highlighting and dasBlog 1.6 hotfix
A while ago I blogged about a new feature of dasBlog: the ability to highlight .NET code. Thanks to Scott Hanselman who let me know that I forgot to add the necessary xml file for the code highlighter to the 1.6 release :-(. As such I've uploaded it to the workspace. I'd rather not rev each and every download up there so this won't be rolled into a release till the next rev or hotfix if there is one.
Steps to install:
- Download .zip file and expand
- Copy CodeHighlightDefinitions.xml to the ftb folder in your dasBlog root.
The version in 1.6 is actually based on the AylarSolutions.Highlight v2.0 by Thomas Johansen. Thomas even has a cool demo of how you can integrate his work into Free Text Box. However, for dasBlog I chose a different route. You click a button and get a pop-up window where you paste in your code, parse to see the result, and then insert the raw html into the blog post.
Scott Watermasysk is taking a different approach in .Text.