Using LINQ to Objects to simplify procedural code
How many times haven't you written procedural code to loop through lists to do sorting and filtering of items like this?
List<Position> positions = GetPositions();
// Sort the list and filter
SortedList<string, Position> openPositions = new SortedList<string,Position>();
foreach (Position position in positions)
if (position.Quantity > 0.0)
openPositions.Add(position.Paper, position);
The above sample is of course very simple, but by using LINQ to Objects you are able to do it even simpler like this:
<Position> positions = GetPositions();
var openPositions = from p in positions where p.Quantity > 0.0 orderby p.Paper select p;
That was nice! I find that using LINQ to Objects makes my code more clean and even easier to read and understand.