WF, BPEL and the Dark Side of the Moon
There are a few common questions I usually get when I talk about workflow:
- That's great, but I can't use SQL Server, can I use foo ?
- How can I use it to re-unite Pink Floyd for one last tour?
- What about BPEL support?
Question 1: Check out the Persistence Service sample in the SDK.
Question 2: Man I wish I could say yes, but that's probably a feature that might show up after Orcas if I have my way.
Question 3: We've done some dancing around this on timelines when it has been brought up in the past, but Paul has the scoop here. I think this is a great thing for our customers, the support for BPEL not only allows the use of additional process defintion artifacts in the enterprise, but is a great demonstration of the flexibility and extensibility of WF.
Paul also talks about how this also impacts BPEL in BizTalk Server.
I'm going to be filming a Channel9 video with the team behind this in the next week or so. It's Vista Week on Channel9, once that's done I will try to get it posted quickly.