It's really official: Windows Vista SP1 Available on Windows Update
Now it's really official. And not just on ;)
As noted this morning by Nick on the Windows Vista Team Blog, Windows Vista SP1 has been released to Windows Update...
"Today, you can now download Windows Vista SP1 via Windows Update. For those of you eager to receive the benefits of Windows Vista SP1 - you can now do so! We've seen quite a bit of questions in our comments so we want to communicate as much as possible surrounding Windows Vista SP1 and today's release to Windows Update as we can."
If you use have turned on Automatic Update, then don't worry: SP1 will start downloading to PCs automatically beginning in mid-April. The update is available in five languages: English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish. (A second wave of SP1 languages will be released in April.)
As Nick reminds, "this happens only if you have your Windows Update configured to automatically download updates and SP1 will automatically download but not automatically install). But if you want to get the benefit of a year's worth of improvements right now, go check Windows Update today...(Hit the Start Menu, All Programs, and select Windows Update)."
See the blog post for more details, and info on why you may not see Windows Vista SP1 listed on Windows Update (eight reasons are noted here).
Nick also offers more info on the driver situation in the blog and hoted that "many... issues were fixed between the release candidate (RC) and the final version. We identified a small number of device drivers that may be problematic after an update from Windows Vista to Windows Vista SP1. Check out the list here; we'll keep it updated with any additional drivers that we identify."
Tags: Windows Vista, Vista SP1.
- Anonymous
January 09, 2009
This week, I've had many questions about CES, installing Windows Vista SP1 and (especially) on how to