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More Service Bus Videos and Code Samples Available!

We just released two additional videos and the accompanying code samples to our Windows Azure AppFabric Learning Series available on CodePlex.

The new videos and code samples are:

Name Link to Sample Code Link to Video
Windows Azure AppFabric - How to use Service Bus Queues Click here Click here
Windows Azure AppFabric - How to use Service Bus Topics Click here Click here


Another video and code sample to be released soon: How to use Service Bus Relay.

The learning series is an easy way for you to learn about AppFabric and get started with coding using the samples.

As a reminder, the Service Bus features discussed in these videos are available in the CTP version in the service in our LABS previews environment at:

It is free to use, so sign-up, login and get started!

Don’t forget to send us feedback and ask questions on the Windows Azure AppFabric CTP forum.


If you haven’t signed up for Windows Azure AppFabric you can take advantage of our free trial offer. Just click on the image below and get started today!

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The Windows Azure AppFabric Team.