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MSCOM OPS March Debug Madness…4th Session Q & A Tackling Problems In Dynamic Assemblies

Thrusday’s topic was How to Tackle Problems In Dynamically Generated Assemblies presented by Khalil Nassar, a Sr. Systems Engineer on the MSCOM OPS Debugging Team. Here are your questions and Khalil’s answers.

  1. Asked: Do these techniques require the program to be a debug build or does it work with release builds too?
    Answered: These techniques work with both. Debug builds will sometimes expose a little more information. example - !clrstack -p will show params passed to methods in a debug build where it may not in retail.

2. Asked: How to debug either JavaScript or VB Script using Visual Studio.Net IDE?
Answered: This link describes the options for debugging this type of target - For me the best way is to load the project into Visual Studio, Goto the Debug menu option and select “Attach to Process…”, then find the instance of iexplore.exe that will run your script. Once done you can set break points in your script code. Then run the code and debug with the IDE.

Khalil also provided the debug logs that he captured during the webcast. These logs can be accessed via the Microsoft Download Center, they can be opened with Notepad. The zip file includes the following:

1. ASP Client Side.log

2. ASP Server Side – Node A.log

3. Backup4 –Connection Forcibly Closed By Remote Host.log

4. Backup 4 – Multiple Sockets With Same Port.log

5. Backup4 – TCP Send Rejected.log

6. Windows Service – Not Listening On Port 3592.log

7. Windows Service – Truncated Inserts.log