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The new Office is here!

Table of Content: 1. New Office Download 2. Licensing Information 3. Marketing Activities 4. Marketing Material 5. Readiness and Trainings 6. Other News

On October 29, 2012 the final "bits" of the new Office were released and have been made available to our Software Assurance (SA) customers. Since that date all on-premise products including Office, SharePoint, Lync, Exchange, Visio and Project have been available to your customers on the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) .

However, the new Office is not only available for your customers but also for you.


1. Download the new Office:

You can download, install, test and use the new Office from:

The volume licenses of the on-premise products of the new Office will be available on the corresponding price lists as of December 1, 2012. You can start selling the new office from then on.


2. Licensing Information

The new Office SKU Pricing Guideis now available on and as part of the Get Licensing News on MPN. The new User CAL Pricing will also take effect December 1, 2012 (device CAL pricing is unchanged). Learn more about the CAL licensing here.

Review the new Office and Office 365 FPP overview deck and the frequently asked question document.


3. Marketing Activities


Case Studies Collection
Case studies have proven to be a valuable tool to communicate the value and benefits of the Office platform and to showcase your competencies to business decision makers. Therefore, we are reaching out to you with this call for case studies. We are looking for interesting case studies that demonstrate the business value and innovation of the new Office platform that your customers have realized together with your support. Therefore, we are reaching out to you with this call for case studies. We are looking for interesting case studies that demonstrate the business value and innovation of the new Office platform that your customers have realized together with your support. We are planning to create a Case Studies Collection that will have both physical and digital aspects. Get all the details about the Case Studies Collection and the details for participating.



4. Marketing Material

  • Downloads from the Swiss Partner Marketing Factory: Presentations, Flyers etc. (Deutsch / Francais)
  • Downloads from the German Partner Marketing Center: Deutsch
  • Downloads from the US MPN Site: English


5. Readiness and Trainings

Ignite Trainings

Ignite! Technical Readiness from the Microsoft Office Division

Ignite was developed to ensure that you can accelerate your adoption of new releases of Office, Office 365, Exchange, SharePoint, Lync, Project and Visio via Ignite events and Ignite online. Ignite events are 4-5 day, 300-level technical workshops delivered by Microsoft experts with emphasis on deployment and development. The target audience for Ignite is IT Professionals & Developers.


Ignite Labs: Guided Labs for the new Office

Ignite labs provide in-depth technical training for IT Professionals on the new Exchange, Lync, Office and Office 365. They feature new product capabilities and cover topics such as design, deployment and management of these technologies. Click one of the products below to begin:


Swiss Ignite Events: Interactive workshops – max. 20 participants





December 5 - 6

DEV Ignite – Aufbau von Apps für Office und SharePoint

Trivadis, Glattbrugg


January 29 – 30

Sharepoint Ignite - Deliver collaborative capabilities with SharePoint, Project und Visio

IT Training Academy, Genève


January 30 – February 1

LYNC Ignite - Mordernize communications with Lync

Fast Lane, Glattzentrum


March 14 – 15

DEV Ignite – Aufbau von Apps für Office und SharePoint

Trivadis, Glattbrugg


Coming soon

Exchange Ignite - Prepare for the cloud with Exchange and Office

Zürich und Genf


Coming soon

Sharepoint Ignite - Deliver collaborative capabilities with SharePoint, Project und Visio




International Ignite Events





February 12-14

Exchange, Office & Office 365Use following registration code: O15PARTLON




Distribution Bootcamps




Bootcamp F-CH: Office 2013, Windows 8


Overview and Registration

MS Livemeeting Dezember 2012: Office 2013 Lizenzierung


Overview and Registration

Office 2013 Lizenzierung (Livemeeting)


Overview and Registration

Windows 8 & Office 2013 Bootcamp (On-Site)


Overview and Registration

MS Livemeeting Janaur 2013: Office 2013 Lizenzierung


Overview and Registration




Bootcamp Swissotel Zürich – The new Office, Windows 8



Live Meeting – The new Office


Bootcamp F-CH – The new Office, Windows 8





Microsoft Bootcamp - Windows 8 / Office 2013


Overview and Registration


6. Other News

Windows Live ID™ Becomes Microsoft Account:

As our consumer products embrace the cloud, it's increasingly important to have one simple and secure identity to enable your experience. We call that your Microsoft account. Formerly known as Windows Live ID™, we renamed it Microsoft account to be in line with our consumer offerings and a recognition that this is the consumer account system for all of Microsoft.

What is a Microsoft Account?

A Microsoft account is the way you sign in - with an email address and password - to services like Hotmail, Messenger, SkyDrive, Xbox LIVE, or as well as products including Windows 8 PCs, Windows Phone and Xbox. This was formerly known as a Windows Live ID™. If you use one of these services, or use Windows Phone or Windows 8, or have ever made a purchase from Microsoft online, you probably already have a Microsoft account. For more information on this topic, check out this video we put together with the Microsoft store to help customers.


Get Ready: New Office On Prem VL Milestones Coming Soon!

In November and December there are a number of ways for business customers to get access to the on premise VL new Office products:

  • Volume Licensing customers with Software Assurance will be able to download the Office 2013 applications as well as other Office products including SharePoint 2013, Lync 2013 and Exchange 2013 through the Volume Licensing Service Center by mid-November.
  • The above products will be available on the Volume Licensing price list on December 1.
  • IT professionals and developers will be able to download the final version via their TechNet or MSDN subscriptions by mid-November.

The blog post containing this content is here.


Office for Windows RT