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Celebrating St Patrick’s Day is a close shave for a great cause

St. Baldrick’s Microsoft Silicon Valley event raises over $13,000 for childhood cancer research


Irish dancers, shamrock-green Guinness, and a floor covered in hair made Thursday evening a night to remember at Microsoft’s Silicon Valley HQ. More than 40 people shaved their heads for St. Baldrick’s, a nonprofit that fundraises for childhood cancer research.

“I’m doing it because when I was a kid, a close friend of mine died of cancer,” said Microsoft engineer John Wiederhirn. “It affected me very deeply, so I’ve always been strongly into this cause.”

Yvonne Ellison, one of our three female volunteers, said, “I’ve known a lot of people with cancer who either survived or didn’t. I thought, it’s not a lot for me to do this; I’m not giving up very much. That’s why I’m here.”

In total, employees across Microsoft’s Mountain View, Sunnyvale, and Skype campuses raised over $13,000 during the event, with a steady stream of funds still pouring in. Those interested can contribute to the cause through the St. Baldrick’s website.

You can check out their photo and video highlights on Twitter at @MicrosoftSV.


Microsoft Silicon Valley’s Director of Corporate Citizenship Sid Espinosa, looking great!


Our youngest volunteers getting used to their new, smooth ‘dos.



Just a little hair on the floor!



It’s chilly without all that hair!