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Meet the Apps For Office Challenge Finalists!

In partnership with the Microsoft Office team, we challenged students around the world to come up with great concepts for an App for Office. Five teams from Canada, China, India, and Indonesia were chosen as semifinalists who took their winning proposals and got busy coding. And today, the Office team has chosen the two student teams who will bring their projects to Seattle for the Imagine Cup World Finals.

Congratulations to  Team iGeek  from China and  Team CodeBlue  from India for being chosen as our World Finalists!

These two teams will come to Seattle for the Imagine Cup World Finals where the Office team will judge their projects and decide on first and second place winners. The teams will also get time on campus with members of the Office team to review their projects and prepare to take their next steps towards publication in the Office Store.

Education Toolkit for Office by Team iGeek, China

This toolkit for Computer Science presentations turns PowerPoint into a first-class experience for reviewing code before a team or audience. It adds dynamic features familiar from development environments to PowerPoint including: Syntax Highlighting to automatically color-code function names, variables, etc., based on which language the code belongs to; Code Block Expand/Collapse to display or hide function bodies, classes, and comments during a presentation; Click-Jump to Function and Global Variable Definition so the presenter can click on a function name or global variable and jump to its definition; andCanvas Mode so the presenter can use a pen and eraser during a presentation to sketch and make notes on the code snippet being presented. With these features, anyone making a presentation on programming can greatly improve their talk and use these interactive features to review and discuss the code on screen.

Molecule Maker by Team CodeBlue, India

Representing molecules visually is critical for scientific and academic writing. Molecule Maker provides a library of molecule visualizations in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. These visualizations are available in both 2D and 3D models and can be extensively customized for the needs of the topic before the final result is embedded as an image. You can display the chemical formula, the molecular weight, and much more. For 3D representations you can rotate and zoom the model to focus on just what you need to get the perfect image. Molecules defined in the standard .xyz filetype (Molecular Storage file format) can be imported and rendered. This app will greatly improve documents and presentations for students and lecturers around the world.

We are looking forward to welcoming iGeek and CodeBlue to Seattle next month!

John Scott Tynes
Imagine Cup Program Lead
Microsoft Student Developers


  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    lai John Scott Tynes Team CodeBlue, this team member all of from rich family they got proper internet connection they got all tools and hardware for project they are rich they have enough money. you are giving money to rich people as prize they does not need money. money is not a problem to her. you are supporting rich family students. get out
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    In here I challenging that do your blacksheep 35 teams and team member has power to give sales record of 1400million WP sales. no one can do they why you selecting this 35 as a winner. I have power to give sales record of 1400million WP sales do any one have this power respond to me
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    In here I challenging that do your blacksheep 35 teams and team member has power to give sales record of 1400million WP sales. no one can do then why you selecting this 35 as a winner. I have power to give sales record of 1400million WP sales do any one have this power respond to me
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    I am challenging that I have power to sell 1.4 billion WP handsets. finally a lumia on every pocket. you have that power. you and your company only generate max 50 million phone sales. your company never sell more than 50 million. but i sell 1.4 billion
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    I am challenging that I have power to sell 1.4 billion WP handsets. finally a lumia on every pocket. you have that power. you and your company only generate max 50 million phone sales. your company never sell more than 50 million. but i sell 1.4 billion
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    there are so many black sheep in MSFT they destroying Microsoft name. Why Microsoft partnership with micromax company. its phone hardware are not worth then why Microsoft give partnership to micromax. I never think microsoft goes like this cheap deal and partnership. I think so money given from micromax to microsoft employee india unit for this dust partnership
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    Nokia means best mobile phone hardware in the universe. then why nokia will not hit the problem inside the OS. Cortana Best feature at a same time there are 117 faults inside the WP8.1 OS.
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    do you know the history of micromax they release one android phone MIcromax Canvas it got 22000 sales in one week this name gives micromax to stay in the market after the company release all phone with the name micromax canvas Doodle, canvas juice "canvas" micromax hardware not worth. waste hardwareDo you know the population of india 22000 sales is less when comparing to county population
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    Difference between poor stud and rich student [Poor student ][righ student]there are so many difference between poor stud and rich student i am not describing all here everywhere poor people droping out. I failed more than15000 times 100000 effort because i am poor student. one think i say that. i am a true fan of my guru g billgates, he is my role model. he have humanity. he gived 28 billions for bill and melidagates foundation. my gurg saving so many peoples via philanthropy. and more
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    my guru g billgates say that "patience is the key element of success" my guru is great because no one can play his role. he is an ex-ordinary person. i salute for his work and dedication
  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2014
    there are so-many social animals in the universe they causing humanity dead. the real meaning of software is "Humanity"
  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2014
    at the End of the year 2014 I am waiting for MSFT WP8.1 Total sales record. you and your company never sell more than 50 Million Handsets. I have power to sale 1.4 Billion handset a lumia phone on every pocket. no one can do my task. if I got chance I just take 18 months to achieve 1.4 WP sales record. do your 35 blacksheep team and team member do this task "no". I will change the game 3place WP goes to #1 then Android #2 Apple#3
  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2014
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2014
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2014
    "Those To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Expected" this words changed the world because this words comes from Mary Maxwell Gates heart at her earth leaving time. now this word is followed by two peoples 1. my guru g billgates 2. Mother melinda gates + " every life has equal value" this so many people say that i am "winphan" "Androidphan" but i am not like that i am not a fan of non living living things. I am proudly say that i am fan of my guru g billgates, then Steve jobs.
  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2014
    do you know that real history of Steve jobs. a long years ago he visit in India he stay 6 moths in india. there is so many secrets happens on that Six Months. but history hides more about steve jobs. some people say that i am a "Winphan" "androisphan" i am not a fan of non living things. but i am a fan of living things. I am proudly say that i am true fan of my guru g Billgates. I am a true addict of billagates because he is unique. he has humanity. he saved huge number of peoples live and more
  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2014
    do you know that real history of Steve jobs. a long years ago he visit in India he stay 6 moths in india. there is so many secrets happens on that Six Months. but history hides more about steve jobs. some people say that i am a "Winphan" "androidphan" i am not a fan of non living things. but i am a fan of living things. I am proudly say that i am true fan of my guru g Billgates. I am a true addict of billagates because he is unique. he has humanity. he saved huge number of peoples live and more
  • Anonymous
    June 26, 2014
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    June 28, 2014
    Finalist: World CitizenshipPower of VisionPoland hey this is a project. old school project. in the year 2009 a competition held in erode at that time he published a project in live. he used web camera for interaction. this project is 6 years old. Imagine cup r u joking
  • Anonymous
    June 28, 2014
    Finalist: World CitizenshipAccess EarthIreland then this project is an another joke it is a project. what is its use. Is Imaginecup Export donkey , Black sheep. this is a competition or kids play ground what happened to IC14 why r u selecting world'S best Worst Projects
  • Anonymous
    June 28, 2014
    Finalist: World Citizenship Power of Vision Poland hey this is a project. old school project. in the year 2009 a competition held in erode at that time he( he means 3 students from Madurai) in erode sengunthatar engineering college published a project in live. he used web camera for interaction. this project is 6 years old. Imagine cup r u joking
  • Anonymous
    June 28, 2014
    Is imagine cup is a completion or a comedy show. I never imagined Imginecup do like this. Last year 1 best project i have seen in games category "save the hamsters) - good project, best project but they got 2nd prize only.
  • Anonymous
    June 28, 2014
    Is imagine cup is a competition or a comedy show. I never imagined Imginecup do like this. Last year 1 best project i have seen in games category "save the hamsters) - good project, best project but they got 2nd prize only.
  • Anonymous
    June 28, 2014
    Hey Donkey, Blacksheep Exporting competition. In here i am challenging that if i got chance Microsoft reach inestimable growth its stock price reach three times higher. a lumia on every pocket 1.4 Billion WP activated in 18 months. 1.2 million apps will published in the windows phone store. PC OS sales reach superfast express speed and more things happens. I need platform. who will give platform. everywhere rich peoples droping poor people to out. This is the voice of All over the world's poor
  • Anonymous
    June 28, 2014
    This is the voice of All over the world's poor student. I change the World. If i get chance. Chance is the powerful tool who ever think.
  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2014
    I want Chance. I need Chance. My Environment not good. I want Overcome From my remote village. Give Chance. Help me to overcome. Answer my Question. I will Change MSFT Future. help me to overcome. you are only giving chances to rich family students. I am poor student i need chance
  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2014
    I will Change Microsoft Future. I want Chance. Chance is the powerful tool. my environment not good. I want to overcome. Help me. Give Me a chance then watch what happening. I just asked 1 chance. I need chance i want to overcome from my village else my future lost. you cannot no what life i am living
  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2014
    I just Asked one Chance. Give me a chance. MICROSOFT giving so many chances to students but all chances are only going to students from rich family. poor students not getting any chances. this is the voice of World's Student from poor Family+Poverty Family. Give Chance to me. MSFT Stock price goes Upward Direction if i got chance I am challenging. I need Chance. help me to overcome from my remote village.
  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2014
    Do you know a person lives a life with less than 1 USD if you live in that environment you know the pain of poor student otherwise you cannot know. Give Chance for poor student
  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2014
    I want to participate, as I do?