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Microsoft Premier Workshop: OMS: Managing Private, Public and Hybrid Clouds

Der dreitägige Workshop Operations Management Suite: Managing Private, Public and Hybrid Clouds vermittelt den Kursteilnehmern ein umfangreiches Wissen, dass benötigt wird, um die Operations Management Suite (OMS) zu planen, designen, implementieren, administrieren, und das in einer On-Premises und Public Cloud Umgebung.

Der Workshop richtet sich an IT Mitarbeiter, die bereits oder gerade mit dem Design und Implementierung der des Operations Management Suite für die Cloud und Datacenter begonnen haben.

Teilnehmer sollten folgende Kenntnisse mitbringen:
• Basiskenntnisse Windows Server
• Basiskenntnisse Netzwerk
• Basiskenntnisse Microsoft Azure
• Basiskenntnisse Powershell

Level 200
(Level Skala: 100= Strategisch/ 200= technischer Überblick/ 300=tiefe Fachkenntnisse/  400= technisches Expertenwissen)

Module 1: Introducing Operations Management Suite
This module provides an overview of the suite.

Module 2: On-boarding Connected Sources:
This module details how to on-board windows servers, Linux servers and Azure storage.

Module 3: OMS Data Sources:
This module explains how to collect data into OMS including custom logs, custom fields and using the Data Collector API for extensibility.

Module 4: Log Search Syntax:
This module covers using Log Searches to extract data.

Module 5: Analyzing Data:
This module shows how to visualize the data in OMS and Power BI.

Module 6: Protection and Recovery:
This module covers Azure Backup and Azure Site Recovery.

Module 7: Insight and Analytics:
This module explains how to implement a selection of OMS Solutions including active directory and SQL assessments, wire data and service map.

Module 8: Security and Compliance:
This module shows how to leverage OMS to assess security posture and implement security baselines.

Module 9: Automation and Control:
This module explains the basic concepts of Azure Automation and shows how to integrate OMS alerts into Azure automation Runbooks. It also covers the update management solution and the change tracking solution.

Module 10: OMS Linux Agent:
This module covers OMS Linux Agent architecture, installation, and maintenance.

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