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Windows in the Classroom seminar for K-12

Microsoft would like to extend an offer to run a Windows in the Classroom seminar for your school leadership team. This complimentary seminar will help you explore the tools and technologies available to help educators teach 21st century skills and optimize the classroom for advanced student achievement.
It's a great starting point for any school considering or enhancing their technology initiatives, and it allows you to see the diversity of Microsoft software and devices applied to learning. We will also demonstrate how Windows 8 applies to learning and how it can be used to inspire students and improve
educational outcomes. In the seminar you will:

  • See rich curriculum samples and global examples of best practices that demonstrate how technology can enhance teaching, learning, and assessment for students.
  • Understand how technology and devices enable consumption, creation, and collaboration for students, educators, and parents.
  • Learn how different devices can bring learning to life in a range of scenarios.
  • See how students can continue learning where they left off – at home, in the library, or at the park.
  • Discover how students can organize their learning, take notes, and become highly efficient in the way they study.
  • Learn where to get free tools that spark imagination and inspire learning.

Guided by a qualified educator, these two-hour seminars can be held at your school or in the local area.

If you are interested you can quickly and easily request a seminar that fits your schedule. Simply click on this link to book your seminar today!