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Getting Certified through Veterans Administration (VA) benefits

Nikki Pierce, from Microsoft Learning, contacted me yesterday to find out why a customer of ours can’t get certified on our new exams. Microsoft Learning recently received an email from one of our MCP candidates where he was inquiring if the Exam 70-630 and 70-631 which are part from the new generations exams are ever going to get approval from SAA in Washington so that the Department of Veteran Affairs can recognize them as approved tests for reimbursement. I've made calls into the Veterans Administration to find out why this is.

Last time I checked with Ms. Patsy Stewart, my VA educational benefits specialists within USASOC, we were authorized tuition reimbursement for Microsoft technologies. I asked some military veterans inside of Microsoft, and here’s what I found out…

“…When I was in the Voc Rehab program with the VA I found it was simpler to go through a certification “bootcamp” program that included all the tests. Doing it ala carte was next to impossible. Hope that helps...”

“The new exams have not hit the VA. If you go to their web site:\_Bill\_Info/search\_programs.htm,go down to the “Search for approved License and CertificationsPrograms”, select “Click HERE to search for approvedprograms”. Then enter “Microsoft” in the “L&CName” field and select “Washington” for the state. Select“Search”. You will see a list of certificates. Please note thatMCA, MCTS and MCITP certifications are not listed. If you select the MCPcertification, you then see a list of approved exams. Exams 70-630/631 areabsent.”




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