What Makes a Successful Event?
By the end of April, we will have co-sponsored over 75 partner events in the Area and have touched directly over 1300 customers.
I get asked a lot by partners who want to do an event: "what's most important? Location? Topic? Time?"
I've posted on the science behind location before, but I'll tell you this...the single most important factor contributing to successful events by partners is:
Focused Commitment
Partners who figure out what they want to do, give themselves enough time to prepare, iterate, and modify, and dedicate the resources to making a successful event...are much more likely to have a successful event.
I was speaking with a new (to Get Engaged) partner yesterday. He has 3 presentations coming up between now and April 2nd.
He wanted to do an event the "3rd week of April."
In so many words (and more diplomatically), I said: No.
He's got 1 marketing resource (him), the BEST partners can do it in 8 weeks, he's never done an event before, and he had other (time-consuming commitments).
Trust me, I want more events by more partners, but if he's going to fail, it doesn't help anyway.
So, he's slated for June.
March 21, 2007
60 registrants 20 attendees 4 requests for an IT Assessment Seems like the NetCentrics guys are happyAnonymous
April 18, 2007
A few months ago, I saw Infotec in Norfolk, VA signed up to do a self-serve event INFOTEC NORFOLK VAAnonymous
April 24, 2007
If there's one factor that determines event success, it's having a long ti me horizon to prepare and