WikiWiki for the .NET docs?
In response to my recent post, Wikis
and Accountability, reader Hassan comments, "I think a wiki version of the
.net framework documentation ... would be an excellent tool for helping people
migrate to and maximize utility of the .net framework. "
Hassan's idea is so good and the potential of a Wiki so obvious in this
case, that I just have to give it a post of its own. IMO, a Wiki version of
the .NET docs would be best located on a Microsoft-independent site, such as .NET247.
As a writer in Microsoft's Developer Division, am I trying to work myself out of a
job? You BET!
Il presente
posting viene fornito “così come é”, senza garanzie, e non conferisce alcun diritto.
October 10, 2003
When discussing the idea with some peers, many believe that microsoft would balk at the idea of their documentation being duplicated on a non-microsoft site. Do you know what steps one would take to get microsoft's official blessing for such a site?ps. got that disclaimer in arabic? :)pss. thanks for bloggingAnonymous
October 11, 2003
First, I would love to have an Arabic version of the disclaimer. I would also love to have any other languages that I do not routinely post. If you send me a draft of the disclaimer in Arabic or any other language, I'll clear it with my localization folks and put it to good use in short order.Hassan, I think you're right to assume that some within Microsoft might have reservations about a duplicate, or "bizarro", set of .NET Frameworks documentation floating around out there on the Web. For that reason, I suggest that a .NET Wiki should be hosted on a non-Microsoft site. (I mention .NET247 but there are others, like that might be interested as well.) However, such naysayers within Microsoft would and will be completely out-voted by those of us who only care about one thing, making it possible for developers like you to write great .NET applications efficiently and well. Fortunately, the people who drive the boat--people like Eric Rudder and above him, Steve Ballmer--agree with you and me. Everyone agrees that it is vital that there be a foundation of highly accurate .NET Frameworks documentation available on the Web and on developers' computers. This foundation has been and will be written and published by Microsoft employees working closely with the developers who design and write the .NET Frameworks classes. However, the .NET Frameworks is so big, extensible, and the needs of developers so varied that, when multiplied by the number of .NET languages (and human languages for that matter), it is absolutely impossible for us to write as many code samples as developers want and need. It is also imperative... That's why a Wiki is such a perfect medium for creating an alternative .NET frameworks documentation set. It might take a year or two to build up a good base of fairly accurate documentation, but it will be an awesome community resource. Imagine going to a site, drilling down to something obscure and advanced like the System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetUnmanagedThunkForManagedMethodPtr() method and finding 5 or 6 actual examples in the language of your choice including email addresses to the human beings who posted them. Wowzer! That'll be the day.Anonymous
October 13, 2003
The comment has been removedAnonymous
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